Open Thread: Democrats Ignore Obama's Agenda

As the unofficial head of the Democratic Party, presumably the wishes of President Obama ought to carry some weight among his fellow liberals in Congress. Sadly for him, it appears that congressional Democrats don't seem to have much regard for Obama's agenda. They don't seem to have any interest in getting it enacted as IBD notes:
Matthew Sheffield
June 1st, 2012 9:42 AM

New York Times Still Promoting Left-Wing, Soros-Funded J Street as a

The New York Times is transparently invested in promoting J Street, the left-wing lobbying group of Palestinian-supporting Jewish doves, as an influential counterweight to the more hawkish American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as proven by its latest public relations article on behalf of the group: "Lobbying Group Is Being Heard as Moderate Voice on Israel." According to the paper…
Clay Waters
June 1st, 2012 9:42 AM

Networks Skip Video Stings and House Bills on Sex-Selection Abortions

Those “war on women” promoters at the networks aren’t very good at follow-through. Not only are the Big Three networks skipping out on the latest sting video of Planned Parenthood on sex-selection abortions, they also ignored the House bill called the Prenatal Discrimination Act, which would ban sex-selection abortions. The House vote on Thursday was 246-168, but since it was passed under rules…
Tim Graham
June 1st, 2012 7:46 AM

African-American Former Congressman Artur Davis's Switch from Dems to

Artur who? The seems to be the question at the New York Times and the national site of the Associated Press. Searches on former Congressman Artur Davis (in quotes at the Times, not in quotes at AP) return nothing relevant and nothing, respectively, even though Davis appears to be the only African-American current or former congressman to leave the Democratic Part and become a Republican in…
Tom Blumer
May 31st, 2012 11:48 PM

Bozell Column: Ed Schultz's Wisconsin Campaign

Ed Schultz is the kind of shameless liberal hack who can go on air standing in front of screaming labor-union crowds in Madison calling for Gov. Scott Walker’s head on a platter, and then turn around and announce that “Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party.” Let’s put this canard to rest. In coverage of the leftist effort to drain the taxpayers of Wisconsin for an unnecessary and doomed…
Brent Bozell
May 31st, 2012 11:30 PM

Networks Bury Obama's 'Polish Death Camp' Gaffe, But ABC and NBC Find

President Obama infuriated the leaders of Poland on Tuesday while honoring Jan Karski with the Medal of Freedom. He said Karski smuggled into a “Polish death camp” to see the Holocaust. (Um, no, that’s a Nazi death camp located in Poland). Despite the international incident, ABC, CBS, and NBC aired nothing on the gaffe. But shamelessly, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today both found “…
Tim Graham
May 31st, 2012 11:17 PM

Obsession? CNN Devotes Over Half Hour of Coverage Thursday to Obama Ca

CNN devoted over four times the coverage to the Obama campaign's new attack strategy on Thursday than it initially gave to the largest religious lawsuit in U.S. history. Over 32 minutes of airtime on Thursday focused on President Obama's campaign attacks on Mitt Romney, including video clips of the campaign's new attack ad. In contrast, when a dozen lawsuits were filed on by 43 Catholic…
Matt Hadro
May 31st, 2012 7:22 PM

Politico Attacked by Liberals for Noting Pro-Obama Bias in WashPost, N

The gang at Politico is under fire from liberal friends for a piece by Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei alleging major newspapers have a pro-Obama, anti-Romney bias. For example, Devin Gordon, a former Newsweek writer who's now a "senior editor" at GQ, lamented "The house position of Politico, as evidenced by this piece, is that they are fair and their chief competition is not. It's a thinly…
Tim Graham
May 31st, 2012 5:49 PM

CBS's Morning and Evening Shows Hype Vatican's 'Inquisition' of Dissen

CBS made little effort to hide that it was siding with liberal dissenters inside the Catholic Church on Wednesday's CBS Evening News and Thursday's CBS This Morning. Scott Pelley hyped that there was a Vatican "crackdown on America's 57,000 nuns." Gayle King touted how "some Catholics compare it to the dark days of the Inquisition, a crackdown on a prominent organization of nuns accused of…
Matthew Balan
May 31st, 2012 5:23 PM

Lolo says No-No to Sex, ‘Infuriates’ Entertainment Media

Liberals highly critical of Olympic athlete Lori ‘Lolo’ Jones’ decision to remain chaste.
Taylor Hughes
May 31st, 2012 5:13 PM

NBC and MSNBC Created and Aired Anti-Romney Video in February With No

Fox News is taking a lot of heat for broadcasting a four-minute video attacking President Obama on Wednesday's Fox & Friends. Yet when NewsBusters broke the story that a film mocking Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was created by NBC and aired first on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show and then on MSNBC's Hardball in late February, there was no similar media outrage (video…
Noel Sheppard
May 31st, 2012 4:58 PM

MSNBC's Wagner Devotes Segment to Hawking New 'Cronkite' Book; Fails t

Liberal historian and biographer Douglas Brinkley is out with a new book about the late Walter Cronkite and in its pages lie plenty of revelations that damage the late anchor's objective journalist "halo," according to media critic Howard Kurtz, who reviewed the book for the Daily Beast. Among other things, Brinkley wrote about how the allegedly Cronkite bugged a committee room at the 1952…
Ken Shepherd
May 31st, 2012 4:47 PM

NBC Panel Agrees: 'God Bless' Mike Bloomberg for 'Revolutionary' Soda

Discussing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to ban large soft drinks with liberal panelists on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer skeptically wondered: "Do we want local government telling us what we can and can't consume?" Advertising executive Donny Deutsch replied: "God bless this guy....every time you make a revolutionary move, there's going to be some complaints of…
Kyle Drennen
May 31st, 2012 4:20 PM

CNN Hails Gay 'Pioneer' Barney Frank During Softball Interview on 'Sea

After the news broke of the First Circuit Court declaring the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, CNN hosted openly-gay Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and asked him softball questions like "are you heartened to see that?" The entire interview lasted over 12 minutes, a very long time on cable news, but only a part of it focused on DOMA. Anchor Suzanne Malveaux painted a positive…
Matt Hadro
May 31st, 2012 4:01 PM