CNN Anchor Ashleigh Banfield Quickly Pressed Into Apology for Saying G

CNN doesn’t understand why the Catholic Church would pick on nuns that take vows to serve it would be expected to toe the church line on certain beliefs. They insist that nuns should be more liberated women than that. Such women's lib does not apply to CNN anchors, who are subjected to mental “crackdowns” of their own from the gay speech police. On her CNN program Early Start on Thursday,…
Tim Graham
June 1st, 2012 2:46 PM

Addicted to Tobacco Stories: A One-Sided Portrayal of a Risky Product

Addicted to Tobacco Stories: A One-Sided Portrayal of a Risky Product
Timothy Lamer
June 1st, 2012 1:34 PM

Businessmen Behaving Badly: Prime Time's World of Commerce

Businessmen Behaving Badly: Prime Time's World of Commerce
Timothy Lamer and Alice Lynn O'Steen
June 1st, 2012 1:19 PM

CBS, NBC Ignore House Vote on Banning Sex-Selection Abortions; ABC Bur

Yesterday at 2:14 p.m. EDT, the U.S. House of Representatives voted on the Prenatal Non-discrimination Act (PRENDA) of 2012, which would impose "criminal penalties on anyone who knowingly or knowingly attempts to... perform an abortion knowing that the abortion is sought based on the sex, gender, color or race of the child, or the race of a parent," according to congressional watchdog site…
Ken Shepherd
June 1st, 2012 1:10 PM

ABC Botches Jobs Report: Touts Incorrect, Obama-Favorable Unemployment

Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Friday reported incorrect jobs numbers, touting stats more favorable to Barack Obama and less reflective of the dismal facts. In the 8am hour, news reader Elliott insisted that "new figures show" an unemployment rate "sitting" at 8.1 percent for May with 158,000 new jobs created. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] In fact, unemployment rose to 8.2 percent…
Scott Whitlock
June 1st, 2012 12:50 PM

The Forgotten Five

Important Economic Facts Missing in the News
Timothy Lamer
June 1st, 2012 12:49 PM

Bias in Even the Smallest Things

Sometimes it's the little things that reveal the persistent liberal Democratic bias in the elite media. Writing in the American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord notes that the recent media kerfuffle over the fact that Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, enjoys riding horses is actually demonstrative of how journalists seemingly cannot help themselves. You see, the media were not always so averse to presidential…
Matthew Sheffield
June 1st, 2012 12:41 PM

Facts Frozen Out: Network News and Global Warming

Network News and Global Warming
Timothy Lamer
June 1st, 2012 12:37 PM

Soledad O'Brien Defends Obama's Jobs Record: 'Jobs Have Been Moving Ov

With the release of another horrid jobs report Friday, the Obama-loving media are already out in force trying to spin the numbers so they don't hurt the reelection prospects of the current White House resident. On CNN's Starting Point Friday, known Obama lover Soledad O'Brien defended the President's jobs record by telling Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-Tx.), "This is not in the last three…
Noel Sheppard
June 1st, 2012 12:36 PM

Bill O’Reilly Cites MRC Research Into Networks’ Lack of Coverage o

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly cited the Culture and Media Institute’s research into the network coverage of the Live Action sex-selection videos on his May 31 show. O’Reilly noted: “The Media Research Center looked at the news this week on the nightly newscasts and CNN. Zero reporting. Nothing. Silence. Blackout.” (O’Reilly was mistaken in that CMI’s analysis didn’t cover CNN – just ABC, CBS and…
Paul Wilson
June 1st, 2012 11:59 AM

Lolo Says No-No to Sex; ‘Infuriates’ Liberal Entertainment Media

Once upon a time waiting to have sex until marriage was seen as a beautiful thing, well that time has come and gone according to the liberal media. Lolo Jones is a 29-year old Olympic track star who recently came under the left’s scrutiny after openly speaking about her virginity on HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.” She said her reason for sharing something so personal was, “because…
Taylor Hughes
June 1st, 2012 11:48 AM

Bozell: Liberal Media Screeching in 'Desperation' As They Fear Obama L

As the campaign season moves forward, the American people will see more "desperation" by the liberal media and President Obama as the case for his reelection grows harder to justify. "They're not seeing gravitas and they're not seeing presidential statesmanship," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity during last night's "Media Mash" segment. Bozell was…
NB Staff
June 1st, 2012 11:00 AM

Bernie Goldberg: Dan Rather 'Delusional' Claiming Liberal Bias 'Is a S

As NewsBusters reported, disgraced former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather said Wednesday that most journalists aren't liberal and the concept of media bias "is a sham." Former CBS reporter Bernie Goldberg appearing on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor Thursday called Rather's assertion "delusional" (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 1st, 2012 10:28 AM

Open Thread: Democrats Ignore Obama's Agenda

As the unofficial head of the Democratic Party, presumably the wishes of President Obama ought to carry some weight among his fellow liberals in Congress. Sadly for him, it appears that congressional Democrats don't seem to have much regard for Obama's agenda. They don't seem to have any interest in getting it enacted as IBD notes:
Matthew Sheffield
June 1st, 2012 9:42 AM