Miss USA Wins...After Endorsing Transgender Beauty Queens

On NBC Sunday night, the new Miss USA, Olivia Culpo from Rhode Island, carefully toed the “LGBT” line endorsing the idea of transgender beauty queens to win the crown. She learned from Carrie Prejean, who lost the Miss USA crown in 2009 after refusing to endorse judge Perez Hilton's demand for an endorsement of gay marriage. Hilton, and then the rest of the media, denounced Prejean for weeks…
Tim Graham
June 4th, 2012 8:37 AM

E-Book: Fox's Bret Baier Warned Juan Williams Newt Would Take Advantag

Matt Lewis at The Daily Caller reports a new E-book by RealClearPolitics’ Washington editor Carl Cannon and executive editor Tom Bevan contains a juicy media tidbit. During preparation for the January 16 Myrtle Beach GOP debate, Fox News anchor Bret Baier and his producers voiced concern that if Juan Williams asked Newt Gingrich a question about black Americans demanding “jobs, not food stamps…
Tim Graham
June 4th, 2012 6:46 AM

No Good Deed: NY Times Slaps Cardinal Dolan For Actually Getting Rid o

One frequent demand from Catholic Church abuse victims is that abusive clerics be laicized or removed from the priesthood as expeditiously and quickly as possible. So if the Archdiocese of Milwaukee discovered a fast and economical way to make that happen, wouldn't that be a good thing for both victims and the Church? Not according to the New York Times' Laurie Goodstein.
Dave Pierre
June 3rd, 2012 11:20 PM

Randi Rhodes: George W. Bush, 'The Man Who Destroyed the World

George W. Bush re-entered the White House the other day to welcome in a new painting that will hang in the executive mansion. The mere thought of this visit sent liberal radio hack Randi Rhodes into a frenzy on Thursday against Bush: "Here's the man who destroyed the world! Truly, financially destroyed the world. He was - you talk about terrorism - economic terrorism - the entire globe is still…
Tim Graham
June 3rd, 2012 11:08 PM

AP's Beaumont Gives Away His Viewpoint in Writing About Feingold's

The headline at Thomas Beaumont's Sunday item about the possible significance of the Scott Walker recall election in Wisconsin is "Few November clues to be found in Wisconsin recall." Maybe, but I have a definite clue as to Beaumont's political proclivities, something which I shouldn't be able to glean from a wire service report, thanks to the paragraph which follows the jump. Let's see if…
Tom Blumer
June 3rd, 2012 11:05 PM

George Will Schools Krugman on Gov. Walker: $3 Billion Deficit 'He Inh

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman got another much-needed education from syndicated columnist George Will on ABC's This Week Sunday. After Krugman impugned Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisc.) for his so-called "fiscal irresponsibility," Will simply and quite accurately responded, "A more than $3 billion budget that he inherited, a deficit, has now become a surplus" (video follows with transcript…
Noel Sheppard
June 3rd, 2012 4:16 PM

On Bended Knee: The Press and Tom Barrett

When the Reagan administration barred critical news media from White House press conferences, liberals quite rightly protested. So where is liberal outrage now that gubernatorial candidate Tom  Barrett has blocked a reporter from his public events? Four male Barrett campaign staffers escorted Wisconsin Reporter’s Dustin Hurst from a Chippewa Falls rally for Barrett, the Democrat hoping to…
Will Swaim
June 3rd, 2012 4:15 PM

David Brooks Feels for Obama on PBS: 'You Have to Feel Sorry for Him

On Friday's PBS NewsHour, both "conservative" David Brooks and liberal Mark Shields thought this was a tough, tight election for Barack Obama. Shields said "it becomes a race about disqualifying, a campaign about disqualifying your opponent. And that's not attractive or appealing. It's not hope and change. It's blood and guts." But Brooks really felt Obama's pain: "So the president is…
Tim Graham
June 3rd, 2012 3:51 PM

Paul Krugman: 'It's Terribly Unfair Obama's Being Judged on the Failur

Readers are strongly advised to remove food, fluids, and flammables from proximity to their computers prior to reading any further. You've been warned! New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said on ABC's This Week Sunday, "It's terribly unfair that [President Obama is] being judged on the failure of the economy to respond to policies that had been largely dictated by a hostile Congress" (…
Noel Sheppard
June 3rd, 2012 3:22 PM

Chris Matthews: 'Can the President Make Mitt Romney Scary

Chris Matthews must be really getting concerned that the man that gives him a thrill up his leg is in serious jeopardy of losing in November. On this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the host asked his panel of perilously liberal journalists, "Can the president make Mitt Romney scary?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 3rd, 2012 1:49 PM

John Heilemann: 'Mitt Romney Is Never Going to be Likable

It sure seems New York magazine's national affairs editor John Heilemann is shamelessly becoming a part of President Obama's reelection team. After penning a much-discussed cover story Monday outlining the current White House's plans to attack its Republican opponent as the devil incarnate, Heilemann on this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show said, "Mitt Romney is never going to be…
Noel Sheppard
June 3rd, 2012 12:41 PM

CNN's Crowley Asks Gov. McDonnell 'Don’t You Credit Obama' for 'Good

As we approach Election Day, it's becoming more and more important for the Obama-loving media to give credit to the President for the economies of swing states governed by Republicans that are doing better economically than the rest of the country. Candy Crowley did her part on CNN's State of the Union Sunday by asking Governor Bob McDonnell (R-Va.), "Don’t you credit President Obama at all…
Noel Sheppard
June 3rd, 2012 10:51 AM

AP Coverage of Walker, Barrett Wis. Recall Campaign Visits Lacks Sense

As one who has made the occasional dumb mistake (which readers tend to be quite adept at catching), I figured I'd give the Associated Press's Todd Richmond and his editors a while to correct a pretty obvious miscue relating to a Wisconsin gubernatorial recall campaign visit by challenger Tom Barrett. In a report whose first version appeared yesterday morning and currently has a 2:42 p.m.…
Tom Blumer
June 3rd, 2012 9:58 AM

Liberty Lessons in 'For Greater Glory

Most movie goers likely haven’t heard of the Cristero War, the Mexican uprising against draconian government measures designed to stamp out Catholicism during the 1920s. Pablo Jose Barroso, producer of “For Greater Glory,” can relate. The Mexico native knew very little about this horrific chapter in his country's history before embarking on the film’s production.
Christian Toto
June 3rd, 2012 7:19 AM