MS Sufferer Neil Cavuto Slams 'Horses' Asses' at MSNBC for Mocking Ann

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday shamefully mocked Ann Romney for riding horses to combat her multiple sclerosis. On Wednesday, Fox News's Neil Cavuto, an MS sufferer himself, took on all the insensitive anchors and commentators at MSNBC that have participated in this attack on Mrs. Romney rightly calling them "horses' asses" (videos follow with…
Noel Sheppard
June 20th, 2012 11:05 PM

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Charges 9/11 Gave Americans 'Post-Traumat

The host of MSNBC's weekend program The Melissa Harris-Perry Show used a racially charged speech on Monday to claim that the events of 9/11 sent America into a “nationalist fervor” that resembled post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While addressing the liberal Take Back the American Dream Conference in Washington, D.C., Harris-Perry asserted that “for about a year, there were African-…
Randy Hall
June 20th, 2012 10:04 PM

Rachel Maddow Reprises Role of Anguished Diva Scorned by Scott Brown

Has Rachel Maddow ever considered trying her hand at fiction? What am I saying? She already does, just about every night on MSNBC. (video after page break)
Jack Coleman
June 20th, 2012 9:10 PM

CNN's Hoover to First Black President of Southern Baptist Convention

Yesterday the Southern Baptist Convention elected their first black president, an historic moment for an organization that got its start defending slavery in pre-Civil War America. CNN Starting Point host Soledad O'Brien interviewed Fred Luter Jr., who will be installed as president Wednesday evening. The interview on the main was fine, but towards the end, contributor Margaret Hoover pressed…
Ken Shepherd
June 20th, 2012 6:18 PM

Mark Levin: Executive Privilege and How the House Should Move Forward

Conservative author and constitutional attorney Mark Levin, in response to President Obama's controversial decision to invoke executive privilege regarding Fast and Furious information being withheld from Congress by Attorney General Eric Holder, posted a legal opinion concerning this matter at his Facebook page Wednesday. It follows in its entirety with the author's permission.
Noel Sheppard
June 20th, 2012 6:07 PM

ABC Reporter's Book Review: Obama's 'Unreliable' Retelling of His Own

According to ABC's Jon Karl, Barack Obama's retelling of his own life in Dreams Of My Father has been exposed as "unreliable." On June 16 in the pages of the Wall Street Journal, the correspondent reviewed David Maraniss' new book, a 641 page tome that "raises questions about the carefully crafted story that Mr. Obama has told about himself." However, Karl and ABC have yet to interview or…
Scott Whitlock
June 20th, 2012 4:50 PM

NBC's 'Today' Continues Blackout on Fast and Furious Controversy

NBC's Today kept up its complete omission of the Fast and Furious gun-running controversy on Wednesday, even as a House committee prepared to vote later in the day on whether to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. CBS This Morning stood among the Big Three morning newscasts in devoting a full report to the issue. ABC's Good Morning America gave only a 20-second news brief…
Matthew Balan
June 20th, 2012 4:36 PM

Dan Savage Calls Gay Conservative Group 'House Faggots' and 'Pathetic

The blogosphere is abuzz today after anti-conservative bully and gay activist Dan Savage tweeted, “The GOP’s house faggots grab their ankles right on cue...Pathetic” in response to GOProud’s endorsement of Mitt Romney in the 2012 election.  GOProud, which describes itself on its website as, “the voice of gay conservatives and their straight allies,” voted last night to endorse the presumptive…
Kelly McGarey
June 20th, 2012 4:17 PM

Ex-Democrat Artur Davis Defends GOP on Fast & Furious Probe, Voter ID

Yesterday former Rep. Artur Davis -- who served in Congress as a Democrat but recently became a Republican out of frustration with the Obama administration -- was a featured guest of the Heritage Foundation's weekly blogger briefing. Davis briefly discussed the similarities between the upcoming election and the election of 1980. He claimed that Ronald Reagan had to make the American people…
John Bates
June 20th, 2012 4:07 PM

Wash Post: Is It Even 'Possible' for Obama or any President 'to Succee

If you’re the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza, the answer to this ridiculous question is yes. In a June 17 article, Cillizza groaned, "Is it possible for a president — any president — to succeed in the modern world of politics?" Rather than admit to the possibility that President Obama has been a lackluster president, Cillizza maintained, “...Pessimism about our nation’s future,…
Jeffrey Meyer
June 20th, 2012 3:57 PM

Howler of the Day: AP Writes That First Quarter Economy Had 'Fast Star

The Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber was in mischaracterization mode again today in his coverage of the Business Roundtable's quarterly economic outlook release. After duly noting that the percentage of big company CEOs planning to add workers and purchase additional capital equipment over the next six months had declined (from 42% to 36% and from 48% to 43%, respectively), Rugaber…
Tom Blumer
June 20th, 2012 3:41 PM

NPR Promotes Liberal Conference, Asks Keith Ellison: Why Isn't Obama F

NPR's afternoon talk show Tell Me More promoted the left-wing Take Back the American Dream conference on Tuesday by granting an almost ten-minute interview to ultraliberal Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Conference, who blurted out "Koch brothers" every two minutes. "This week, progressive activists are meeting in Washington, D.C. with the…
Tim Graham
June 20th, 2012 3:08 PM

How Would a Consistent News Media Cover a Supreme Court Ruling Against

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule any day now on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, the centerpiece of Barack Obama’s presidency thus far. How the media cover such a decision remains to be seen, but between 2004 and 2008 the Court issued multiple rulings tossing out key elements of George W. Bush’s war on terrorism, the policy centerpiece of that administration. The MRC studied how the…
Rich Noyes
June 20th, 2012 2:35 PM

'You Go, Girls' -- CNN's Carol Costello Cheers On Liberal 'Nuns on the

On CNN Newsroom this morning, anchor Carol Costello reported on "Nuns on the Bus:" "Normally, you see nuns working in their closely knit communities and religious orders. But a group of nuns in the United States, they are hitting the road," she reported. "They are taking a bus on nine-state tour.  They are protesting the Ryan budget cuts they say will hurt the poor the most. The nuns are in…
Mike Bates
June 20th, 2012 2:14 PM