CBS's Nancy Giles: Whites Oppose Abortion 'To Build Up the Race'

November 12th, 2012 2:18 PM


On MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Show Saturday, CBS's Nancy Giles said the reason white people are "trying to eliminate all these abortions" is "to build up the race" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary, file photo):

Host Harris-Perry was discussing with her guests the results of Tuesday's election by demographic group.

When she got her chance to comment, Giles said, "It's been weird to watch white people report on this."

"You know when you just showed that graph of the decline in the numbers," she continued, "I thought, 'Maybe that's why they're trying to eliminate all these abortions and stuff. They're trying to build up the race."

Once again - WOW!