USA's New Miniseries Stars Former First Lady Character Turned Secretar

TV Guide is touting a "provocative new miniseries" on USA called Family Politics, starring Sigourney  Weaver as a former First Lady who becomes Secretary of State. "Although she has three names and a philandering ex-husband, Elaine is not based on you-know-who."
Tim Graham
June 27th, 2012 8:55 AM

Ouch, New York Times! Actual Ratings of Chris Hayes Show He's Crushed

On Sunday, we pointed out how the New York Times shamelessly plugged MSNBC "wonk prince" Chris Hayes as hot and trendy among young hipsters. The Times should wince now that  Jeff Poor at The Daily Caller dug up the actual ratings to embarrass Times writer Alex Williams for hailing the weekend ratings of Up! With Chris Hayes. It turns out the “Uppers” weren’t as numerous or trending as…
Tim Graham
June 27th, 2012 7:25 AM

Ed Schultz Falsely Claims Obama Didn't Help Kill Immigration Reform in

It really is pathetic that MSNBC is allowed to call itself a "news network." Adding to his long list of falsehoods spoken on the farce of a cable station that employs him, Ed Schultz on Tuesday dishonestly claimed Barack Obama didn't have a hand in killing immigration reform in 2007 (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 27th, 2012 12:48 AM

Pensacola Cartoonist Depicts Ala. Newspaper Job Cuts As Leading to Ret

Recent job cuts at Alabama newspapers have been steep. The Birmingham Business Journal, which (ahem) apparently is not among the participants, reports that "Three of Alabama’s largest daily newspapers, including the Birmingham News, will lay off about 400 employees as they cut back their printing schedules and increase their focus on digital." The other affected publications include the…
Tom Blumer
June 27th, 2012 12:27 AM

Bozell Column: Arizona, The Racist State

Though the Supreme Court overturned much of the Arizona law, but not the part the liberals and their media friends loathed the most, it wasn't hard to predict the networks would once again line up with the amnesty lobby. ABC's Diane Sawyer mourned "the most inflammatory part of the law" was upheld. Once again, those impartial network producers are making themselves the sob sisters of illegal…
Brent Bozell
June 26th, 2012 11:05 PM

AP Avoids Reporting Dems' Convention Money Problems, Fails to Mention

Despite several updates to the story first reported by Bloomberg last night that the Democratic National Convention's "move" of its "celebration" originally scheduled to take place at Charlotte Motor Speedway is really a cancellation likely driven by money problems, the Associated Press has not updated its virtual relay of the DNC's related press release published late last night.…
Tom Blumer
June 26th, 2012 10:50 PM

NBC’s Todd Avoids Obama’s ‘Incompetence,’ Falsely Touts Health

Some creative spin in favor of President Barack Obama from Chuck Todd on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News. Recounting the results of a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll which puts Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 47 to 44 percent, Todd declared Obama’s “strongest positive was a surprise, ‘health care,’” though it actually was the third-most common positive reply to the question: “What is the first…
Brent Baker
June 26th, 2012 9:12 PM

Sharpton Keen on Extending Social Security, Medicare and Food Stamps

You'd think he wouldn't have such persistent trouble with the "illegal" part of that. Bad enough, as far as "the Rev" Al Sharpton is concerned, that Republicans want to rein in entitlement spending before America morphs into Greece and brings down much the world with it. (video clip after page break)
Jack Coleman
June 26th, 2012 7:51 PM

Chris Matthews: 'I'm With' Obama 'Putting the Knife In' Romney On 'Out

Remember all those demands for civility in politics after the tragic shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in January, 2011? On Tuesday's Hardball, MSNBC's Chris Matthews said, "I’m with' [the Obama campaign] putting the knife in" Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for the supposed outsourcing that happened at companies Bain Capital invested in (video follows with…
Noel Sheppard
June 26th, 2012 7:19 PM

Obama Worship on NPR: President's Voice 'Clears Up The Weather; Create

NPR's Scott Horsley amped up a campaign rally for President Obama to biblical proportions on Tuesday's Morning Edition, as he singled out an Obama supporter who clearly was in awe of the incumbent Democrat, to the point of practically deifying him.         Horsley set the scene, pointing out how "the rain had stopped, and a little sunshine was peeking through the clouds," and how the…
Matthew Balan
June 26th, 2012 6:54 PM

David Limbaugh Column: Mr. President, Stop Exploiting Race for Politic

One advantage of defeating Barack Obama in November, apart from saving the country from financial ruin and the rest, is that conservatives will presumably be able to criticize liberal policies again without automatically being accused of racism. These charges aren't just emanating from the fringe groups; they're not just being uttered by radical leftist bloggers or Occupy Wall Street zealots…
David Limbaugh
June 26th, 2012 6:25 PM

Chris Matthews Foams: Voter ID Law Is a GOP Plot to 'Kill Off the Olde

Chris Matthews on Tuesday smeared Pennsylvania Republicans as attempting to "kill off the older voters" by enacting a new voter ID law in the state. The liberal Hardball host offered this baseless charge during a discussion of the true motive behind such GOP legislation across the country. Matthews referenced Pennsylvania Majority Leader Mike Turzai's gaffe that a voter ID law will help the…
Scott Whitlock
June 26th, 2012 6:12 PM

Chuck Norris Column: Is Obama Creating a Pro-Gay Boy Scouts of America

A Boy Scouts of America national board member, James Turley, who is also global chairman and CEO of the accounting firm Ernst & Young, recently said he "will work from within to seek a change" to overturn the BSA policy that bans gay Scouts and leaders. But is Turley working on his own initiative, or has the White House prodded him with perks and favors? Is it a coincidence that Turley…
Chuck Norris
June 26th, 2012 6:10 PM

WaPo Columnist: Exercise Your 'Civic Duty': Suggest Vacation Spot for

It's almost July and the president hasn't yet announced his family's vacation plans yet. So of course Washington Post columnist Al Kamen felt obliged to direct his readers to kindly offer suggestions for vacation spots for the laid-back commander-in-chief. “[I]t’s time to do your civic duty by suggesting where the first family should vacation this year. Deadline for submissions is Friday,…
Matt Vespa
June 26th, 2012 5:33 PM