Ajit Pai: New Rulemaking Will Rein in Excessive Social Media Immunity

On Thursday, a day after social media platforms Facebook and Twitter censored a New York Post article reporting allegations potentially harmful to former Democrat Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced that…

Craig Bannister
October 16th, 2020 8:24 AM

Column: Biden's Historic 'Luck' with a Pusillanimous Press

The political-insider website Axios published a story Wednesday headlined, “Joe Biden is the luckiest, least scrutinized frontrunner.” Mike Allen and Hans Nichols declared “Eight months ago, Joe Biden was in danger of losing the Democratic nomination. Now he's a prohibitive favorite for president — who got there with lots of luck and shockingly little scrutiny.”

Tim Graham
October 16th, 2020 6:27 AM

PATHETIC ABC Treats Biden to Relaxing Evening of Soft Questions

Thursday’s dueling town halls between Joe Biden and President Trump couldn’t have yielded a greater contrast with Biden receiving a rhetorical warm blanket for 90 minutes from ABC. Seeing as how they refused to bring up recent bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden, it was an abject failure. Making matters worse, ABC’s greased the skids with eight audience questions from the left, one neutral,…

Curtis Houck
October 16th, 2020 2:03 AM

We Called It! Guthrie Flipped Out on Trump, Railed from the Left

On Thursday morning, NewsBusters deputy research director Geoffrey Dickens predicted that NBC Today co-host Savannah Guthrie would “go nuts on [President] Trump” in the town hall later that evening. And he was spot on with his prediction as she directed 25 liberal questions, comments, and other such biased interactions at the President.

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 16th, 2020 1:18 AM

‘West Wing’ Reunion Hopes ‘When We All Vote,’ Liberals Win

HBO Max’s A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote, much like the original show, goes above and beyond to shill liberal politics under the veil of promoting non-partisan get out the vote efforts.

Lindsay Kornick
October 16th, 2020 12:22 AM

Censorship: ABC Holds Biden’s Hand, Refuses to Ask Him About Hunter

On Thursday night, ABC News cowardly refused to engage in even the most basic, adversarial journalism, refusing to ask former Vice President Joe Biden during their 90-minute town hall about his son Hunter Biden’s latest reported acts of corruption. This in-kind donation to the Biden campaign came a day after Facebook and Twitter committed widespread censorship of bombshell New York Post…

Curtis Houck
October 15th, 2020 11:18 PM

CBS Claims Russia Stole Hunter's Emails, Cheers Twitter Censorship

After kicking off Thursday by downplaying the bombshell New York Post report exposing alleged corruption by the Biden family as just President Trump trying to rehash “an old attack line,’ CBS Evening News knew it wasn’t sticking and shifted gears. No longer questioning the veracity of the emails and other disturbing discoveries, chief congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 15th, 2020 8:38 PM

CNN Pumps Up Biden Before Town Hall: Dismisses Trump

On Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, Briana Keilar was all too happy to warp the facts to fit the prevailing leftist narrative. To accomplish this, the host brought on former Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron to assist in attacking the President for supposed “conspiracy theories” and then praise Joe Biden for his supposed ability to handle tough questions.

Joseph Norris
October 15th, 2020 7:34 PM
Colin Kaepernick

Radical Kaepernick Movement Demands ‘Abolish Police, Prisons, Borders’

You thought Colin Kaepernick's cops are pigs socks were bad? Those are trifling matters compared to the torrent of cop- and America-hating vitriol oozing from his "Abolition for the People" partnership with Medium Publishing. At Kaepernick's bidding, a 30-story blitz is underway searing America as a racist nation while calling for the abolition of police and Immigration, Customs and…

Jay Maxson
October 15th, 2020 5:50 PM

Biden-Aid: WashPost Makes Its Hunter Story All About Rudy Giuliani

The Washington Post story on Hunter Biden on Thursday fulminated more about Rudy Giuliani for his role in the New York Post stories. There are 14 references to Giuliani, and only five uses of "Hunter Biden." They did everything they could to pour skepticism all over this story. 

Tim Graham
October 15th, 2020 4:51 PM

NY Times Admits There’s No Evidence Trump Owes Money to Russia

It’s not everyday The New York Times undercuts its own Trump-Russia saga by admitting that there’s no evidence President Donald Trump owes money to Russia. In a shocking story headlined “No, There Isn’t Evidence That Trump Owes Money to Russia,” Times Business Investigations Editor David Enrich wrote: “Lately, liberals and other social media accounts have been spreading…

Joseph Vazquez
October 15th, 2020 4:42 PM
Joe Biden and Savannah Guthrie

Remember When NBC Thought Hunter Biden Dealings Were ‘Sleazy’?

One only need go back eight months, in the midst of the Democratic presidential primary, to find a time when NBC News actually thought it was “sleazy” for Hunter Biden to have conducted shady business deals in Ukraine and China while Joe Biden was vice president. Apparently when the Democratic candidate was struggling in the polls, it was safe for the leftist media to ask tough questions.…

Kyle Drennen
October 15th, 2020 4:24 PM

CNN’s Bernstein Complains Trump 'Conned' NBC for Town Hall

Don Lemon’s outrage over NBC giving Trump a town hall the same night as Joe Biden’s ABC town hall tonight spilled over into CNN’s afternoon coverage, Thursday. CNN Newsroom host Brianna Keilar fretted over the news with political analyst and veteran journalist Carl Bernstein. 

Kristine Marsh
October 15th, 2020 3:44 PM

GOP Lawmakers LIVID Over Twitter, Facebook Censorship of NYPost Story

Leading Republicans were furious following the Twitter and Facebook dumpster fire of censorship yesterday. Both sites censored an article from the New York Post, which claimed to expose the alleged corrupt dealings of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in Ukraine. Twitter disabled the link and Facebook reduced the story’s circulation on their respective…

Kayla Sargent
October 15th, 2020 3:39 PM