Former Twitter Exec Calls on Platforms to ‘Mute Trump' in WashPost

It will be hard for liberals to gaslight about Big Tech bias after this! A former Big Tech insider has called to silence a sitting president for using social media as a “dangerous bullhorn for causing chaos.”

Alexander Hall
October 20th, 2020 12:01 PM
Michael Steele MSNBC Morning Joe 10-20-20

MSNBC Hypes Ex-RNC Boss Comparing Biden to Lincoln, Trump to Assassin

Is there anything less shocking than MSNBC analyst Michael Steele endorsing Biden for president? In August, the former Republican Party chairman joined the so-called Lincoln Project, On Tuesday's Morning Joe, they came out of a commercial break and aired a Lincoln Project commercial (gratis?) that explicitly compared Biden to Abraham Lincoln, and compared Trump's supposed…

Mark Finkelstein
October 20th, 2020 11:19 AM

NBC News Admits Wildfires Due to ‘Decades of Mismanagement’

Remember when media outlets like BBC were casting shade on President Donald Trump for placing the blame for the out-of-control West Coast wildfires on forest mismanagement?

Joseph Vazquez
October 20th, 2020 10:22 AM
Ken Dilanian

MSNBC Applauds Media Censoring ‘Dangerous’ Hunter Biden Story

Appearing on MSNBC Monday afternoon, NBC News national security and justice correspondent Ken Dilanian actually cheered on the leftist media for trying to squash the Hunter Biden scandal, baselessly claiming the story was “Russian disinformation” and even suggesting it was “dangerous” to talk about the topic. Earlier in the afternoon, anchor Andrea Mitchell openly lied about the story,…

Kyle Drennen
October 20th, 2020 10:11 AM

CNN to World: Just Stop Talking About Hunter Biden Story!

Since the New York Post broke the story on Hunter Biden last week, there has been  a journalistic effort to dismiss it as "disinformation." This is the leftist aligned media doing everything they can not to cover the story, but to discredit it. This was after their attempts at completely ignoring the story failed. On CNN’s Newsroom, Brianna Keilar followed the game plan,…

Joseph Norris
October 20th, 2020 8:08 AM

VIDEO: The Hateful Media's Four-Year War Against Trump

While every President has their critics in the press, the Trump presidency has been unique in that a massive percentage of the media — hosts, columnists, commentators, contributors, anchors and working reporters — openly mock and disparage the President of the United States, often to the cheers of their brethren. By any historical measure, the coverage has been beyond all bounds of…

Bill D'Agostino and Rich Noyes
October 20th, 2020 7:28 AM

CNN: Re-elect Trump and Domestic Terrorism Increases

CNN Newsroom's Jim Sciutto was in a somber mood on Monday where he former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security turned member of Republican Voters Against Trump, Elizabeth Neumann bluntly told viewers that a vote for President Trump is a vote for increased domestic terrorism.

Alex Christy
October 20th, 2020 7:06 AM

Netflix High School Drama Calls for Teens to 'Free the Nipple'

On Friday, October 16, Netflix premiered the high school drama Grand Army, about a selective public high school in New York City. Like most current Hollywood dramas, it has graphic nudity and violence and checks off all the usual left-wing boxes.

Elise Ehrhard
October 20th, 2020 7:00 AM

AMC’s ‘Soulmates’ Thinks It’s ‘Kind of Crazy’ to Be Monogamous

AMC’s newest science-fiction series Soulmates is an anthology following a world in which a test has been developed to find one's “soulmate.” Considering this is the network that brought us Preacher, the series also aims to bring out the worst parts of these “soulmate” relationships. Case in point, the third episode introduces the idea that it’s “kind of crazy” to stay with…

Lindsay Kornick
October 20th, 2020 12:21 AM

After Upending Debate Topic, Commission to Mute Microphones

Traditionally, the final presidential debate questions focused on foreign policy. But on Friday, the Commission on Presidential Debates and moderator Kristen Welker of NBC spit in the eye of that precedent and decreed the final debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden be on a variety of topics (including climate change). And then on Monday, the commission upended…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 19th, 2020 11:44 PM

Cowardly NY Times: ‘Anti-Islamist’ for France to Condemn Decapitation

The New York Times continues its cowardly tradition of refusing to accurately label incidents of Islamic terrorism. The lead International section story by Adam Nossiter, on an Islamic terrorist decapitating a school teacher for showing an image of the Prophet Muhammad to his class, featured this anodyne headline: “Man Kills Teacher In Paris Suburb, Decapitating Him.” The subhead was…

Clay Waters
October 19th, 2020 10:46 PM

'One Day at a Time' Reboot: Throw Out 'That Bobo in the White House'

In “One Halloween at a Time”, teenager Elena (Isabella Gomez) and her girlfriend Syd (Sheridan Pierce) dress up as Swedish teen Greta Thunberg, an international climate change activist, and a melting iceberg. Explaining the reason for their costumes, Elena tells her grandmother, Lydia (Rita Moreno), that they really aren’t trick or treating. The two politically active high school girls are “…

Karen Townsend
October 19th, 2020 10:00 PM

DNI Shoots Down CBS ‘Speculation’ Russia Behind Hunter Biden Scandal

Late last week, CBS tried to get out in front of the Hunter Biden e-mail and laptop scandal by claiming, without evidence, that the bombshell information being reported by the New York Post was the result of Russian hackers. Admitting it was baseless “speculation” on their part, Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan doubled down on their claim over the weekend. But to…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 19th, 2020 8:39 PM

'Banish' Him: Diddy Starts Anti-Trump African American Political Party

Sean “P. Diddy” Combs is so mad at America’s two party system (and much more so at Trump) that he’s now embarking on establishing his own political party based on skin color. 


Gabriel Hays
October 19th, 2020 8:30 PM