Joe Scarborough talks about Christians' sense of victimhood.

Hateful Scarborough Tells Christians: Stop Being a Snowflake!

Like millions of his fellow Americans, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough woke up Thursday morning to learn virtually nothing new about the ongoing election. Understandably frustrated on Morning Joe, he ranted his way into a pit of confusion as he tried in vain to understand both conservative Christians and his own friends and relatives who support President Trump.

John Shannon
November 6th, 2020 9:00 AM

Column: The Absolute Failure of Pollsters

Pre-election polls, when compared to the actual vote count, were Fake News. They are absolutely worthless as measurements of the electorate. They are damaging the legitimacy of our democracy, not helping it. When they’re this off base, they lead to both sides of the divide feeling the system is rigged. What's obviously rigged are these polls, easily categorized as an alternative reality. It’s…

Tim Graham
November 6th, 2020 6:21 AM

NBC Demands Trump Be 'Conciliatory' and Concede Like Al Gore

As the ballot counting dragged on Thursday in key states around the country and President Trump continued to fight for a second term, the partisan “journalists” at NBC News had grown obviously irritated that they couldn’t declare their candidate the winner. At no time was this more blatant than their primetime coverage when they demanded Trump be “conciliatory” and handle his concession like…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 6th, 2020 12:40 AM

CNN Already Whining About GOP Causing 'Gridlock' If Biden Wins

For months leftist CNN has been rooting for Joe Biden to win the 2020 presidential election. During Thursday’s ongoing special coverage of the election, they assumed Biden would win before all the votes had been counted and were already whining about how Republicans will likely remain in control of the Senate, taking away any mandate the Democratic nominee might have. Host Alisyn Camerota…

Joseph Norris
November 6th, 2020 12:17 AM

NYTimes Can’t Wait to Crown Biden, Still Puzzled By Pro-Trump Pollster

The New York Times tried to hurry the vote-counting process along and declare Joe Biden the winner on Thursday’s front page: "If President Trump loses his bid for re-election, as looked increasingly likely on Wednesday, it would be the first defeat of an incumbent president in 28 years." The Times also saw Trump celebrating a “mirage of victory” (even though ballots were…

Clay Waters
November 5th, 2020 11:22 PM

Nicolle Wallace Admits: We Were Seriously Out of Touch With Voters!

There was a brief moment on MSNBC's Deadline White House on Thursday where they acknowledged Joe Biden just couldn't win some Trump voters on the coronavirus, and they were out of touch with lower- and middle-class voters. Nicolle Wallace said to New York Times reporter Nicholas Confessore "It would seem, Nick, that the disinformation and this effort to make it a false choice…

Tim Graham
November 5th, 2020 11:12 PM

CNN RAGES Over ‘Flailing,’ ‘Obese Turtle’ Trump ‘Inciting Violence’

Following President Trump’s Thursday night statement claiming widespread voter fraud, CNN chose not to simply dissect and/or dismantle Trump’s claims with any sobriety. Instead, the apocalyptic network threw one tantrum after the next over how the “flailing” and “obese a hot sun” decided to “attack democracy” and supposedly “incit[e] violence” on what was “sad night for the United…

Curtis Houck
November 5th, 2020 10:56 PM

Trump Forces CBS to Cover GOP Wins in the House, They Fact-Checked Him

In a press conference on Thursday, President Trump covered a vast range of topics dealing with the 2020 election, including the “great achievement” in the House of Representatives were Republican women won the day in large numbers. Of course, those victories had been largely ignored but Trump’s mention of them forced the CBS Evening News to finally acknowledge those victories. But…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 5th, 2020 9:24 PM

Speak No Truth to Power: CBS Goes Cupcake With PA AG on Vote Count

Voter fraud? Yawn. CBS This Morning showed yet again that journalists want to challenge those in power only when Republicans are involved. When given a chance to demand answers about vote counting in the ongoing presidential recount, co-host Anthony Mason instead offered a cupcake interview with Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

Scott Whitlock
November 5th, 2020 5:43 PM

Twitter Censors Tweet About Trump Legal Win in Pennsylvania

Twitter promised on Nov. 2 that it would label tweets that declared a premature victory, but it appears that the platform has escalated to labeling “legal” victories as well. The company placed an interstitial, or filter, over Senior Advisor to the Trump campaign Jason Miller’s tweet regarding the campaign’s victory today in a Pennsylvania appellate court. Users wanting to see the tweets then…

Kayla Sargent
November 5th, 2020 4:28 PM
George Karl

Ex-Coach Credits Milwaukee Bucks For Biden's Wisconsin Win

Since Election Day Tuesday, Newsweek sports reporter Dan Cancian cranked out five stories on athletes and coaches taking different sides of the political spectrum. The most notable story centers on former Milwaukee Bucks Coach George Karl saying his team of social justice warriors pushed Joe Biden to victory in Wisconsin.

Jay Maxson
November 5th, 2020 4:20 PM

Kook Alert: Media Elite's Trump Coverage Too Passive, Too Polite!?

Former Washington Post and Huffington Post writer Daniel Froomkin has a new post-election article at Press Watch underlining the Stelteresque argument that it's the media's job to defeat "Trumpism," that journalism equals uber-liberalism. It's downright comical to insist that the Trump-trashing media just wasn't "courageous" enough, because if they were, Trump wouldn't have this much…

Tim Graham
November 5th, 2020 4:19 PM

Shhh: Twitter Donations to Dems Now Exceed 99 Percent

The harbingers about Twitter’s Orwellian censorship of President Donald Trump and conservatives during the election have already come true. Donation records may help explain the reason.

Joseph Vazquez
November 5th, 2020 4:12 PM

Tom Arnold & Zach Braff Incensed Over Kayleigh McEnany’s Prayer Group

Hollywood celebrities hate not only President Donald Trump, but everybody who works for him, too. This somehow gives them the right to spout off whatever enters their turbulent minds.

Sergie Daez
November 5th, 2020 3:57 PM