A Tad Premature, Don’t You Think? Hollywood Declares Biden the Winner

Well that’s convenient. Biden appears to have the presidency, though the counting is not finished in battleground states (several recounts are due) and there are major lawsuits from the Trump administration pending. But screw it, the leftist media’s job is to say it’s a done deal and demonize pro-Trumpers as sore losers at best and enemies of the state at worst.

Gabriel Hays
November 6th, 2020 3:57 PM

OF COURSE: Mitchell Already Whining About GOP Obstructionism

While nothing was official during the airing of Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, the show's namesake host and Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey were confident that Joe Biden will eventually win the election. For Mitchell, that means that checks and balances are suddenly bad again.

Alex Christy
November 6th, 2020 3:30 PM

Sens. Cruz, Johnson, Lee Demand Google CEO Respond to Study

Three Republican senators have written to Google CEO Sundar Pichai calling on him to reconcile Pichai’s claim that "Google does not modify any products, including Search, to promote a particular political viewpoint” with a new study finding that reminders to vote were sent only to liberals prior to the election.

The letter by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chair Ron…

Craig Bannister
November 6th, 2020 3:28 PM

Fact-Check This: Candace Owens Says She's Suing Facebook Fact-Checkers

New member of the Daily Wire, Candace Owens, announced that she has filed a lawsuit against Facebook fact-checkers Lead Stories and USA Today for censoring American’s free speech. Owens has hinted at the possibility of a lawsuit ever since her opinions began getting fact-checked, which led to her Facebook page being demonetized in August.

Alec Schemmel
November 6th, 2020 3:18 PM

John Cusack Supports Suppression of Free Speech

Actor John Cusack won’t stand for any backtalk. In fact, he won’t stand for any talk at all, if he disagrees with it. Many people have been feeling stressed about the presidential race, mostly because they believe deep, moral issues are at stake. Everybody feels strongly about those issues, and the unusually long wait for the election results has exacerbated the tension.

Sergie Daez
November 6th, 2020 2:53 PM

ABC’s Vega: Trump Presidency's 'Biggest Moments' Showed His Racism

During their live election coverage Friday afternoon, ABC’s White House correspondent Cecilia Vega claimed the Trump presidency boiled down to the president’s own racism. 

Kristine Marsh
November 6th, 2020 2:48 PM

Facebook Removes ‘Stop the Steal’ Group, Won’t Restrict Antifa Pages

Facebook has shut down an activist group with pro-Trump ties concerned about voter fraud while still allowing reportedly violent Antifa groups to remain. Facebook “took down a fast-growing group called ‘Stop the Steal’ that was organizing protests of vote counts around the country,” The Wall Street Journal reported Nov. 5. “Stop the Steal,” a group which had grown “to more than 361,…

Alexander Hall
November 6th, 2020 2:16 PM

Colbert DEMANDS Republicans Speak Up Against Donald Trump's 'Fascism'

In the last moments of Thursday, CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert emerged for another tremendously unfunny 15-minute lecture. He announced he was dressed in black and refused to sit down. He began in anger: “We're taping this just a little while after Donald Trump walked into the White House Briefing Room, actually, and tried to poison American democracy.

Tim Graham
November 6th, 2020 2:14 PM
Kasie Hunt

NBC Dem Cheerleaders: GOP ‘Relief’ if Biden Defeats ‘Chaotic’ Trump

During NBC’s ongoing special coverage of the election results Friday morning, correspondent Kasie Hunt felt it was her job to try to sell a Biden presidency, even to the point of claiming that “a lot” of Republicans “will breath a private sigh of relief if this election is called for Joe Biden.” She further cheered that Biden knows “how you solve big problems,” unlike the “chaotic” President…

Kyle Drennen
November 6th, 2020 1:06 PM

CBS Obsesses Over Dems Falling ‘Way Short,' No Blue Wave

For the second time since election day, CBS obsessed over the abject failure of the Democratic Party in the House and the Senate. Democratic donor/This Morning host Gayle King looked for answers and turned to turned to another Democrat: “…

Scott Whitlock
November 6th, 2020 12:53 PM

Facebook Adding MORE Restrictions to Election Posts

Big Tech companies are outdoing one another censoring what they deem to be election misinformation.

Twitter censored multiple posts from President Donald Trump between Nov. 4 and Nov. 5, and Facebook has decided to follow its lead. Facebook stepped up its censorship by restricting more posts as well, including some live videos.

Kayla Sargent
November 6th, 2020 12:31 PM
Joe Scarborough Kasie Hunt Morning Joe 11-6-20

Scarborough: Election 'Absolute Repudiation of Democratic Party Brand'

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that the election was, for the most part, "an absolute repudiation of the Democratic party brand." He warns Democrats that if they don't change course away from their left-wing positions, Republicans will have a "huge" year in 2022. He quotes a Dem congresswoman who says that if Dems don't stop talking about "socialism" and "defund the police," they will…

Mark Finkelstein
November 6th, 2020 11:14 AM

ABC Urges Biden to Declare Victory, Demands Trump Accept Defeat Now

ABC News journalists on Friday’s Good Morning America were fed up with the ballot counting in this tight presidential race and just wanted to declare Joe Biden the winner. 

Kristine Marsh
November 6th, 2020 10:32 AM

MSNBC's Glaude: 'Whiteness Animates the Core of this Country'

When MSNBC Live host Craig Melvin went on air Wednesday morning it was still unclear who the winner of the presidential election would be, but one thing was certain: it was not the massive repudiation of President Trump and the Republican Party that the left was hoping for. For Melvin's guest, Princeton Prof. Eddie Glaude Jr., this was very disheartening as he blamed sexism for Joe…

Alex Christy
November 6th, 2020 10:05 AM