COLLUSION: CBS's King, Who Vacationed With Obamas to Interview Obama

Don’t expect a grilling. Gayle King, who vacationed with the Obamas and is a Democratic donor, will score the first interview with Barack Obama as he promotes his new book. According to, “The former president will…

Scott Whitlock
November 12th, 2020 1:02 PM

Hysterical CNN Fears 'Dictator' Trump Installing 'Loyalists'

CNN took a break from its constant calling for Trump to concede to election to wildly speculate about Trump consolidating power in the Department of Defense. On Wednesday morning’s New Day, the leftist-aligned network seemed determine to promote the idea that Trump is up to something nefarious, but could offer no evidence to back up its claims.

Joseph Norris
November 12th, 2020 12:47 PM

Jesuit Magazine Hails Abortion-Abetting Biden As a Faithful Catholic

Jesuits used to be known as the shock troops of the Counter Reformation. Nowadays in America, these Catholic priests and brothers of the Society of Jesus are little more than sycophants to liberal Catholic politicians.

Sergie Daez
November 12th, 2020 12:06 PM

Obama Sycophants at CNN Plug Divisive Memoir Trashing Republicans

This morning CNN journalists let former President Obama take a turn at spewing hate towards President Trump and the millions of Americans who voted for him. 

Kristine Marsh
November 12th, 2020 12:05 PM

Biden Staffer Accuses Facebook of Shredding Fabric of Our Democracy

A Biden campaign staffer is furious that conservatives are still allowed to question the integrity of the 2020 election online. “Bill Russo, a deputy communications director for the president-elect’s campaign ripped the social network in a series of Twitter posts over its failure to clamp down on users disputing the 2020 election results,” the New York Post reported on Wednesday.

Alexander Hall
November 12th, 2020 12:03 PM

REALLY? Instagram Labels Trump Posts Honoring Military

Big Tech has been growing more and more desperate to remind Americans that the media has called the presidential race for former Vice President Joe Biden. Instagram has labeled posts from both President Donald Trump and Joe Biden, including posts from before the election. Now the platform has taken to even labeling three posts from Trump on Nov. 10th and 11th that honor the military.

Kayla Sargent
November 12th, 2020 11:57 AM
U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler

Deadspin Obsession: Republican Sen. Loeffler Still Terrible

U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler (Rep-Georgia) last summer exposed Black Lives Matter Marxism and became public enemy No. 1 to the WNBA and the foul blog Deadspin, aka Democratspin. The conservative Sen. Loeffler is facing a Jan. 5 run-off election, and Deadspin writer Chris Baud sarcastically says you'll be shocked to learn she remains terrible.

Jay Maxson
November 12th, 2020 11:55 AM
Mika Brzezinski Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 11-12-20

Deranged Mika on MSNBC: 'Law Enforcement' Should 'Come After' Trump

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski suggests that "law enforcement" should "come after" President Trump to stop him, after he leaves office, from selling national security information to foreign actors. 

Mark Finkelstein
November 12th, 2020 10:27 AM

Sad NY Times: GOP Can’t Question Election Results, That’s Our Job!

New York Times tech reporter Kevin Roose did not appreciate conservatives questioning Joe Biden’s apparent victory in the presidential election (even though nothing is official yet). All over the Times, questioning the preliminary election results was seen as dangerous “disinformation.” Wednesday’s sole editorial was headlined, “The G.O.P Is Attacking Democracy." Speaking of…

Clay Waters
November 12th, 2020 10:12 AM

Sports Writer Slams Group-Think: ‘Is [LeBron] More Than Black?'

In a column published Wednesday, Outkick’s Jason Whitlock addressed a critique about comedian Dave Chappelle’s Saturday Night Live monologue. According to Whitlock, Chappelle succumbed to the “black group-think” that the stand-up artist has spent a large portion of his career avoiding, and athletes, like LeBron James, have spent a large portion of their careers embracing.

Jonas Wells
November 12th, 2020 9:00 AM

ELECTION UGLINESS: Journalists Celebrate Toppling ‘Dictator’ Trump

The following are just some of the most obnoxious examples (since election night) of liberal journalists jubilantly declaring victory over their most hated foe Donald Trump.

Geoffrey Dickens
November 12th, 2020 9:00 AM

Now! Now! Now! CNN Insists Trump Recount Could Lead to Another 9/11?

CNN Newsroom's Jim Sciutto went to eleven on the outrage scale on Wednesday with Harvard professor and former Bush Assistant Attorney General Jack Goldsmith when they proclaimed that by not conceding, President Trump and Republicans are risking another 9/11.

Alex Christy
November 12th, 2020 8:30 AM

Anti-Copaganda: ‘Chicago PD’ Portrays Police as Racist, Corrupt

The eighth season of NBC’s Chicago P.D. began airing on November 11. From the beginning of the first episode, titled “Fighting Ghosts", it is obvious that the groundwork is being laid for an ongoing conflict between police reformists and those who want to protect racist, corrupt cops.

Karen Townsend
November 12th, 2020 12:33 AM

CBS's ‘S.W.A.T.’ Goes BLM: 'It's the Cops, Y'all the Ones Killing Us'

This fall's network television line-up of cop shows has begun and that means endless lecturing of the Black Lives Matter narrative. Audiences are being hectored that police officers are inherently racist towards black men and nothing has changed in the U.S. since Jim Crow.

Elise Ehrhard
November 11th, 2020 11:46 PM