CNN Lets Jon Huntsman's Daughter Rip GOP, Diss Sarah Palin

It's no secret that Jon Huntsman was the liberal media's Republican darling during primary season. Now he is skipping the GOP convention and has joined the liberal Brookings Institution, and CNN let his daughter Abby, a network regular, voice her father's disdain for today's Republican Party on Tuesday's Starting Point. Consider her acerbic take on Huntsman introducing Sarah Palin at the…
Matt Hadro
July 10th, 2012 1:25 PM

NBC Punts On FBI Reward For Brian Terry's Killers; ABC and CBS Omit Ho

NBC, which shamefully ignored the "Fast and Furious" controversy for months, failed to cover on their newscasts Monday evening and Tuesday morning the FBI offering a combined $1 million reward for the capture of four suspects in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. ABC devoted a full report to the FBI reward on Monday's World News, but omitted mentioning Attorney General Eric…
Matthew Balan
July 10th, 2012 1:03 PM

Bernie Goldberg: Media Will Ignore Obama's Five Major Broken Promises

The liberal media will make sure to go through the motions and occasionally hit President Obama with some critical points, but they will hold their fire when it comes to addressing five major unfulfilled campaign promises, former CBS reporter and media critic Bernie Goldberg told Fox News's Bill O'Reilly last night. Given that the latest jobs report shows the second quarter of 2012 was the…
Matt Vespa
July 10th, 2012 12:39 PM

It's Raining Dems: Clinton Pals Stephanopoulos and Carville Avoid Obam

It may have looked like a Bill Clinton reunion tour, but it sounded like a Jimmy Carter pity party. Former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos interviewed current Democratic operatives James Carville and Stan Greenberg on Tuesday's Good Morning America. All three did their very best to avoid gloomy predictions for Barack Obama or to blame the President for the reeling economy. In fact,…
Scott Whitlock
July 10th, 2012 12:33 PM

Huff-Post Reporter's 'Lab Date' Fizzles Over Birth Control

The Washington Post met the Huffington Post on Sunday -- in the "Date Lab" feature in The Washington Post Magazine. Huff-Po political reporter Laura Bassett went on a blind date with lawyer Eli Savit. In a post-article interview with the blog Fishbowl DC, Bassett suggested that her date’s unsuitably non-feminist view of ObamaCare’s birth control mandate fizzled any sexual attraction that may…
Tim Graham
July 10th, 2012 12:18 PM

Bias by Boring Headline? WashPost Gives Snoozer of a Headline to Story

She's a seven-term Democrat representing Las Vegas in the U.S. House of Representatives and she's running in a U.S. Senate race which "observers believe could be a pickup for Democrats." But yesterday, Rep. Shelley Berkley (Nev.) received "a blow to her candidacy" when "[t]he House Ethics Committee... voted unanimously to launch a formal investigation into allegations" that the congresswoman "…
Ken Shepherd
July 10th, 2012 11:51 AM

Sigourney Weaver Admits 'Political Animals' Character 'Inspired' By 'R

Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today to promote her new USA series Political Animals, actress Sigourney Weaver admitted that her character, a former first lady turned secretary of state, was based in part on Hillary Clinton: "Elaine Barrish Hammond is this very gifted politician with a very strong moral compass....we are inspired by Mrs. Clinton, who's such a remarkable woman and a great secretary…
Kyle Drennen
July 10th, 2012 11:49 AM

CNN Says Obama's Cut Taxes 'Like Crazy,' Suggests Wealthy Should Pay M

CNN brandished liberal talking points on taxes during its morning and evening programming on Monday, in light of President Obama wishing to extend the Bush tax cuts to only those making less than $250,000 a year. The President "has been cutting taxes like crazy," insisted anchor Christine Romans, and both she and host Piers Morgan questioned the economic benefits of the Bush tax cuts. Morgan…
Matt Hadro
July 10th, 2012 11:38 AM

David Letterman: Romney Promising Conservatives 'He'll Put Anderson Co

David Letterman said Monday that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is promising conservatives that if he's elected, "he will put Anderson Cooper back in the closet." Such was said during the obligatory Romney-bashing portion of Letterman's Late Show monologue on CBS (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary, file photo):
Noel Sheppard
July 10th, 2012 11:11 AM

Media Fail: Government Motors Inflates Sales by Selling to...the Gover

The Jurassic Press was in full-throated ObamaChorus mode in reporting on General Motors (GM)’s allegedly strong June sales. Very few failed to receive the sheet music.
Seton Motley
July 10th, 2012 10:44 AM

NYT: Free Publicity for Lefty Protest of GOP 'Ultrarich;' Obama's Bigg

On Monday, New York Times reporters Michael Barbaro and Sarah Wheaton made much of a left-wing protest of Mitt Romney fundraising in the well-heeled Hamptons, "Romney Mines the Hamptons for Campaign Cash." The text box: "Protesters gather outside events in sprawling homes." President Obama hauled in $15 million in Hollywood at a fundraiser on George Clooney's Hollywood estate on May10. Yet…
Clay Waters
July 10th, 2012 10:02 AM

New TNT Series ‘Perception’ Calls Bush a Liar in Very First Episod

If you were producing a pilot for a new series hoping your show would get picked up for an entire season and beyond, wouldn’t you try not offending half your potential viewers? On Monday, TNT premiered a new show called Perception that for some stupid reason - in the very first episode! - completely trashed former President George W. Bush as a liar (video follows with transcribed highlights…
Noel Sheppard
July 10th, 2012 10:02 AM

WashPost Poll Story Goes Looking for Pro-Obama Silver Linings

The Washington Post reports on the front page Tuesday that their poll has Obama and Romney dead even at 47 to 47. The chart inside shows that after opening a 51-44 lead in April by the Post's measurement, Obama’s lead has vanished. But the Post story by Dan Balz and Jon Cohen demonstrated that the Post went searching for happy news for Obama in swing-state subsets that suggest Obama’s anti-…
Tim Graham
July 10th, 2012 9:00 AM

CNN Unanimously Approves of Anderson Cooper's Sexuality, Boasts He's N

CNN is anything but the Centrist News Network on gay issues, and that’s certainly going to be true now that its twice-in-prime-time star Anderson Cooper is out of the closet. CNN’s Reliable Sources reviewed this issue on Sunday with three guests: two delighted gay journalists and TV critic Eric Deggans, who wrote on The Huffington Post that conservatives should be banned:  “When does a news…
Tim Graham
July 9th, 2012 11:16 PM