Cal Thomas Column: Dark Night

By now the script should be familiar. A bombing or a mass shooting occurs and the media immediately look for a simple cause. Invariably, they turn to talk radio or some other conservative pit of "intolerance." Within recent memory are tragedies like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the 1999 massacre at Columbine, the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings and the 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords…
Cal Thomas
July 25th, 2012 11:06 AM

Leno Cheap-Shots Palin With Juvenile Stripper Joke

NBC's Jay Leno seems to be taking a misogynist page out of rival David Letterman's joke book. On Tuesday, the Tonight Show host during his opening monologue cheap-shotted former Alaska governor Sarah Palin with a juvenile wisecrack involving a stripper look-alike in Tampa, Florida (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 25th, 2012 10:14 AM

Begging for ‘Context,’ Writer Actually Omits It Defending Obama

You can tell the President Obama’s speech wherein he claimed that successful business entrepreneurs “didn’t build that” has struck a nerve among the American public because liberal pundits are bending themselves out of shape trying to defend it. Inc. columnist Bill Murphy Jr. asserts critics of Obama take his sentence out of context but then procedes to do the exact same thing.
Matthew Sheffield
July 25th, 2012 8:01 AM

Open Thread Wednesday

For general discussion and comment on the news of the day or anything else.
NB Staff
July 25th, 2012 8:00 AM

WaPo Denigrates Romney's American-Greatness Speech to VFW As Outdated

In a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mitt Romney declared “I am an unapologetic believer in the greatness of this country...I am not ashamed of American power.” To Washington Post reporters Scott Wilson and Nia-Malika Henderson, this rhetoric sounded outdated and unrealistic:
Tim Graham
July 25th, 2012 7:37 AM

WashPost Carefully Edits the Anti-Catholic AIDS Protester 'Sister Vici

The Washington Post is watering down the incivility and radicalism of AIDS activists at the International AIDS Conference in Washington. A prominent picture on page A-4 carries the caption “Ken Bunch, known as Sister Vicious, left, and Tracy Skinner, aka Sister Loosey, at the conference." The Post did not explain these pseudo-nuns were members of the Catholic-mocking “Sisters of Perpetual…
Tim Graham
July 24th, 2012 11:08 PM

Michael Moore: 'Doesn't Trayvon Martin Have the Right to Kill Zimmerma

"Doesn't Trayvon Martin actually have the right to kill George Zimmerman if George Zimmerman is stalking him and the police have told him not to stalk him?" This question was actually asked Tuesday on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight by schlockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore during a discussion about gun laws in the wake of the shootings in Aurora, Colorado (video follows with transcript and…
Noel Sheppard
July 24th, 2012 10:56 PM

Bozell Column: Another Tea Party Terrorist Smear

The so-called prestige media have built this arrogant sense of professionalism around themselves.  They are not just fair and objective, they’re also accurate. The great amateurish unwashed shouldn’t sit at keyboards in their pajamas and attempt the marvelous feats that only they perform. But when these reporters see an opportunity to discredit conservatives, all that goes out the window.
Brent Bozell
July 24th, 2012 9:45 PM

Media Target Man in Romney Ad Who States Obama 'Didn't Build' His Fami

As both summer and election temperatures rise, some of the people who appear in Republican campaign advertisements are learning that the liberal media will turn up the heat by investigating their claims in an effort to help Barack Obama in November. One of the people featured in a web and television ad for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is Jack Gilchrist, a New Hampshire businessman…
Randy Hall
July 24th, 2012 8:18 PM

CBS's Rose Hits Geithner From the Left; Fails To Mention High Unemploy

Charlie Rose omitted mentioning the continuing high unemployment rate as he interviewed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Rose also forwarded a criticism Geithner from the left, that the Cabinet official was "too friendly to the banks, because he knew them from his years at the New York Fed." The anchor also didn't challenge the Obama administration official's…
Matthew Balan
July 24th, 2012 6:22 PM

Andrea Mitchell Dismisses Romney VFW Reception: It's a 'Very Conservat

Minutes after Mitt Romney addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars on Tuesday, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell appeared on MSNBC to downplay the GOP candidate's positive reception: "...this is a conservative group....This is a very conservative foreign policy group and there's no question that they would be predisposed, I think, more towards being in the Republican camp…
Kyle Drennen
July 24th, 2012 6:06 PM

CNN Uses Aurora Shooting to Force Anti-Gun Agenda on Viewers

CNN used Friday's tragic shooting to force the gun control debate back into headlines this past weekend, and multiple network anchors made a blatant liberal push for further gun regulation. The advocacy began just hours after the atrocity, despite both President Obama and Mitt Romney abstaining from politicking on the day of the massacre. "America has got to do something about its gun laws.…
Matt Hadro
July 24th, 2012 5:45 PM

LA Times Cartoonist Capitalizes on Aurora Tragedy By Portraying NRA As

  The Los Angeles Times has published an inane and irresponsible piece of political commentary about the recent mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. This time it's cartoonist and columnist David Horsey, blaming the NRA for the bloodbath, both in writing and in a cartoon depicting a callous Wayne LaPierre quipping "I hope the guns weren't harmed." Horsey writes: Let's also consider…
Matt Vespa
July 24th, 2012 5:28 PM

Russell Simmons on Sherman Hemsley's Death: 'Damn I Love That N*gga

As word of Sherman Hemsley's death makes its way around the internet, sympathies are beginning to pour in for the man that portrayed the ground-breaking fictional television character George Jefferson. Millionaire hip-hop producer Russell Simmons shared his sentiments moments ago on Twitter writing, "DAMN I love that n*gga":
Noel Sheppard
July 24th, 2012 5:28 PM