NBC Wonders If Romney Overseas Trip 'A Week Lost' In the Campaign

Talking to special correspondent Tom Brokaw about Mitt Romney's 10-day international tour on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie suggested the effort was a mistake: "Is it a smart idea, an opportunity to look presidential? Or is it a week lost when he could be driving that message on the economy?" Brokaw's first reaction was to gush over Barack Obama's 2008 trip abroad: "I…
Kyle Drennen
July 26th, 2012 5:23 PM

CNN Smacks Down CNN's Claim That Romney Is In Hot Water Overseas

CNN hyped Mitt Romney's "rocky start" to his London trip, casting his concern for the security at the London Olympics as a flap. However, British CNN host Piers Morgan shot down that sentiment completely by stating Romney is "absolutely right." "I mean, it's no secret over here that for the last three weeks, the security at the Olympics has been in shambles," sounded Morgan. "Mitt Romney was…
Matt Hadro
July 26th, 2012 5:04 PM

What? ABC Indignantly Chides Romney's U.K. Trip: Advisers Question Pre

ABC kicked off Mitt Romney's visit to London, Thursday, by hyping "controversial" comments from the candidate's advisers. A Good Morning America graphic adopted the worst possible interpretation for remarks by anonymous Romney aides that the President doesn't respect the "Anglo-Saxon heritage." The network graphic blasted, "Romney Takes London: Advisor Quote Questions Obama Heritage."…
Scott Whitlock
July 26th, 2012 4:56 PM

David Limbaugh Column: The Left's Habitual and Ironic Rush to Judgment

When a radio host asked me what I thought of the massacre in Aurora, Colo., I had to ask for clarification. I said: "What do you mean? Who could deny it's an unspeakable tragedy?" What he was really asking me was to address it in a political context. The problem is that I don't believe there was any political context to the shooting; not everything is political.
David Limbaugh
July 26th, 2012 4:15 PM

‘The View’ Shows Rare Common Sense on Chick-Fil-A

Are public figures allowed to have an opinion anymore? Are private companies allowed to donate to the charitable causes of their own choosing, no matter how unfashionable they might be? Shockingly, the ladies from “The View” say yes (with differing levels of enthusiasm) to both questions. On July 26, “The View” addressed the media-manufactured controversy arising from comments Chick-Fil-A…
Ryan Robertson
July 26th, 2012 3:58 PM

CBS Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' Remarks; Invokes 'It Takes

On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and John Dickerson shamelessly defended President Obama's "you didn't build that" comments on business. Rose asserted, "If you look at the full context of that He was talking about building roads to these businesses, and they didn't build the roads." Dickerson invoked a liberal slogan from the 1990s: "What the President was saying, is it takes a…
Matthew Balan
July 26th, 2012 3:53 PM

Brian Walked Into That One: Romney Zings NBC's Williams as 'Incredibly

Wrapping up an interview with Mitt Romney in London on Wednesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams asked about a potential vice presidential pick in the most obnoxious way possible: "So here's a Republican official familiar with your campaign selection process, told the folks at Politico you are looking for a, quote, 'incredibly boring white guy' for your vice presidential nominee. Can…
Kyle Drennen
July 26th, 2012 3:41 PM

Video: The Liberal Media's History of Falsely Blaming Conservatives fo

Our friends at MRCTV have a great new video that goes through a short history of the liberal media's penchant for hastily laying the blame for spree shootings and other violent attacks on conservatives. Yet time after time, when all the facts came out, we learned that it was anything but conservatives behind each and every incident. Of course, by the time all the facts came out, the media spin…
Ken Shepherd
July 26th, 2012 3:31 PM

Wolf Blitzer Hammers Obama Supporter Over Biden's Attack on Romney

CNN's Wolf Blizer took a key Obama supporter to task on Wednesday over Vice President Biden's use of an anonymous quote to slam Mitt Romney. The Romney campaign had denied saying the racially-charged remark. "[W]hy would a sitting vice president issue this condemnation of Mitt Romney and his campaign based on a British newspaper with some anonymous quote?" Blitzer asked on Wednesday's The…
Matt Hadro
July 26th, 2012 2:54 PM

CAIR Wants 'Muslims for Obama' Gear, But What About 'Journalists for

In an unprecedented move, the Media Research Center believes that the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) recent call to action is not extreme enough.   According to the Daily Caller, CAIR is upset with President Obama for refusing to produce campaign swag specifically designed for Muslims. He has catered to many niche groups by creating "Jewish Americans for Obama" bumper stickers…
Brent Bozell
July 26th, 2012 2:05 PM

ABC Praised Free Speech of 'Spirited' Dixie Chicks, Slams Chick-Fil-A

Even as Democratic officials like Rahm Emanuel promise to use their government power to punish Chick-fil-A, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Ron Claiborne on Thursday derided the fast food chain's president for speaking out against gay marriage, chiding the "firestorm" and food fight" the company has created. [See video below. MP3 here.] In contrast, the same program in 2006…
Scott Whitlock
July 26th, 2012 12:54 PM

Christian Science Monitor Bashes Romney for 'Racist' Ads Using... Raci

  Some liberals would have you believe that just because you can't see it on the surface, Mitt Romney's campaign ads are brimming with racism. What's funny about this analysis, if you could call it one, is that it seeks to combat racism by being racist.  It's like the Voter ID narrative the left is pushing in the media.  Liberals feel that blacks and minorities are incapable to obtaining a…
Matt Vespa
July 26th, 2012 12:46 PM

Sports Media Launches Olympic-Sized Blitz from Left

The Olympic Games, which begin this week, is an exhibition of the sportsmanship, teamwork, and the competitive spirit that make sports so enjoyable. But for many in the media, sports is just another excuse to engage in divisive political commentary. The sports media transform an apolitical past-time into a forum for their own politics. Progressives have actively attempted to remake the…
Paul Wilson
July 26th, 2012 11:57 AM

NBC's Williams Interrogates Romney: 'Are You A Hidden Man

In an interview with Mitt Romney in London on Wednesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams grilled the Republican candidate about releasing more tax returns: "People hear he's not going to release the rest of his returns and they wonder why. They wonder, is there a year there where he paid no taxes? They wonder about expensive horses and houses....what is it that is preventing you from…
Kyle Drennen
July 26th, 2012 11:21 AM