Shooting at Family Research Council: First AP Report Brings Up Chick-f

(UPDATED:  The Washington Post reports "A law enforcement official said at one point in the scuffle, the shooter expressed views that differed from those of the Family Research Council. The official also said the shooter was carrying a bag that had a Chick-Fil-A bag inside." NBC Washington identified the suspect as Floyd Corkins, 28.) There was a shooting Wednesday morning at the Family…
Tim Graham
August 15th, 2012 1:42 PM

Democrats Want Simpson-Bowles Question Barred From Presidential Debate

If you thought the Democrats would be satisfied with the fact that a solid phalanx of liberals have been chosen to moderate the presidential (and vice-presidential) debates, you would be wrong. Now they want to dictate what questions will be forbidden from being asked at the debates. I kid you not. The Politico reports on the question that the Democrats want to make taboo: Some Democratic…
P.J. Gladnick
August 15th, 2012 1:01 PM

Was Soledad O'Brien Reading From Liberal Blog Again

Was Soledad O'Brien borrowing from liberal Talking Points Memo again? She was caught red-handed doing so Monday night, and her challenge to Romney's budget on Wednesday's Starting Point seemed awfully similar to TPM's take on the matter. O'Brien not only echoed TPM's liberal criticisms of Romney's budget, but featured a Fox News clip that TPM quoted from the heart of its piece titled "Paul…
Matt Hadro
August 15th, 2012 12:53 PM

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Rushes To Clean Up Biden’s Racially Charged Com

Some Biden gaffes easily get papered over by the media. Others, like yesterday's racially insensitive remarks, are too big to ignore. And that's precisely when the dutiful Obama/Biden acolytes at MSNBC go into full spin mode, defending the indefensible. Take Ed Schultz. Following Biden’s controversial crack before a largely African-American gathering that Mitt Romney will unchain Wall Street…
Jeffrey Meyer
August 15th, 2012 12:37 PM

NBC's Guthrie on Ryan Budget: 'Huge Spending Cuts' and 'Massive Tax Cu

In an interview with Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie slammed Paul Ryan's proposed budget: "And the Ryan budget makes some very hard decisions and has some huge spending cuts....But how can you justify in the Ryan budget defense spending that stays flat and then giving a massive tax cut, which predominantly benefits the…
Kyle Drennen
August 15th, 2012 12:35 PM

Poll: Just 18 Percent of Americans Think Media Favor Romney Over Obama

The bias of the nation's top political reporters in favor of President Barack Obama is so obvious that just 18 percent of the American public believe that journalists are favoring his challenger, Republican Mitt Romney. In a poll conducted by Rasmussen Research, a significant majority (59 percent) of those surveyed said the media have treated Obama better than Romney. The rest were not sure.
Matthew Sheffield
August 15th, 2012 12:24 PM

Time Contributor Christakis: WWJD? Tax the Rich Anywhere from 50 to

Jesus Christ would favor a tax rate as little as 50 percent and as high as 100 percent. So really, President Obama's preferred tax rates are a bargain. That's one of the big "idea" of Erika Christakis's August 14 Time magazine Ideas blog post, "Is Paul Ryan's Budget 'Un-Christian'?" Christakis has a master's in education but apparently hasn't a clue about exegeting Scripture, nor does she…
Ken Shepherd
August 15th, 2012 11:59 AM

Once Again, Only CBS Spotlights Racial Overtones in Biden 'Chains' Att

Of the three morning shows on Wednesday, only CBS acknowledged the racial tinge of Vice President Joe Biden telling a mostly black crowd that Republicans will "put y'all back in chains." ABC's Good Morning America, instead, tried to explain away and provide context for the Democrat. NBC's Today vaguely alluded to GOP concerns about the remark, but didn't mention race. (On Tuesday, the CBS…
Scott Whitlock
August 15th, 2012 11:57 AM

NBC's Lauer to DNC Chair: Is Ryan VP Pick 'Best Thing That Could Happe

Teeing up Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to bash Paul Ryan on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer lobbed this softball: "Do you think that Paul Ryan's addition to this ticket is the best thing that could happen to President Obama's chances for re-election?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Lauer used an article from The Washington…
Kyle Drennen
August 15th, 2012 11:39 AM

Kelsey Grammer: Emmys Snubbed Me Because 'I Am a Declared Out-of-the-C

Award-winning actor Kelsey Grammer made quite a statement on NBC's Tonight Show Tuesday. When host Jay Leno asked how he won a Golden Globe for his performance in the new hit series Boss but didn't even get nominated for an Emmy, Grammer said, "I am a declared out-of-the-closet Republican in Hollywood" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2012 11:19 AM

Chuck Norris Column: Top 10 Reasons Not to Re-elect Obama (Part 1 of

On Feb. 2, 2009, President Barack Obama explained his chance to fix the economy to host Matt Lauer on NBC's "Today": "I will be held accountable. I've got four years. ... If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition." Here are the top 10 reasons I believe President Obama shouldn't sit a single day beyond his one term in the Oval Office:
Chuck Norris
August 15th, 2012 10:39 AM

Leno: Romney's Gotten Thousands of Emails Demanding Palin Speak at Con

Jay Leno took some cheap shots at America's leading Republicans Tuesday. During his Tonight Show monologue filled with jokes about the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, Leno said, "Ever since it was announced that Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the Republican convention the Romney campaign has been flooded with thousands of texts and emails demanding she be allowed to speak - all…
Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2012 10:18 AM

Maher: Ryan 'Smartest Guy in GOP,' Palin 'Stupidest Woman on Earth, Bu

Bill Maher made it clear Tuesday that when Real Time returns from vacation on HBO this Friday, Paul Ryan will be a prime target of his attacks. Speaking with the Huffington Post, the typically stoned comedian said, "This is the intellectual?...Somehow he's the smartest guy in the Party and [Sarah Palin's] the stupidest woman on earth, but they agree on everything" (video follows with…
Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2012 8:57 AM

CNN's Moderator Candy Crowley: A Political News Pro, But Still Liberal

Affirmative-action lovers were thrilled that CNN's Candy Crowley would be the first female to moderate a presidential debate since Carole Simpson's sneering turn in 1992. Crowley deserves the opportunity after being in the field of political news for decades, and is the closest thing the current crop of moderators has to a Tim Russert type in being able to question firmly both sides of the…
Tim Graham
August 15th, 2012 8:50 AM