After Mocking Ryan 'Slinging Cheap Margaritas,' Politico Reporter Marv

It might seem like a bad time for a reporter to marvel over Joe Biden’s political gifts, after the load of gaffes this week, but not for Politico reporter Jonathan Martin. He wrote a story headlined “Mission Impossible: Managing Joe Biden.” But he meant that to be positive. Just days after slamming Paul Ryan’s background driving the Wienermobile and “slinging cheap margaritas,” Martin began…
Tim Graham
August 17th, 2012 6:47 AM

ABC Informs Viewers of FRC Shooter's Anti-Conservative Views

On the day after gunman Floyd Corkins attacked the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., ABC's World News on Thursday was the only broadcast network evening newscast to run a followup report which elaborated on Corkins's political opposition to the group's conservative views.
Brad Wilmouth
August 17th, 2012 5:26 AM

The Media's Strangely Subdued Reporting on Family Research Council Sho

I was camping yesterday morning when a friend alerted me via Twitter on my iPhone there had been a shooting at Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C. Frightened for my friends, I began scanning Google for news reports. Ten minutes later the first story popped up, stating an FRC security guard had been shot in the arm, and the shooter had been arrested.
Jill Stanek
August 16th, 2012 10:56 PM

Gaffe Alert Level Three: Joe Biden Press Shop Literally Trying to Edit

The controversy surrounding Vice President Joe Biden’s offensive claim that Republicans want to enslave black Americans has become such a concern to the Obama White House that the veep’s staff have resorted to trying to directly censor the news coverage about him. In what is widely believed to be an unprecedented move, the Biden press shop has severely restricted access to vice president and…
Matthew Sheffield
August 16th, 2012 9:03 PM

CNN's O'Brien Continues Challenging Attempt to Spin Away 'Chains' Cont

Cable News Network host Soledad O'Brien has clashed often with conservative guests on her program, but on Thursday, she pressed the liberal chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus when he tried to dismiss Vice President Joe Biden's comment that Republicans wanted to "put y’all back in chains." During that morning's edition of the Starting Point program, O'Brien showed a clip of Biden's…
Randy Hall
August 16th, 2012 8:16 PM

Sharpton Says Biden's 'Chains' Remark Possibly 'Over the Top' - Then

For a hot minute, it looked like Joe Biden might have lost Al Sharpton. And just as quickly, Sharpton returned to the fold. Biden has another possible entry to Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, along with his open-mic boast to President Obama in 2010 that passage of Obamacare was "a big f***ing deal." (audio clip after page break)
Jack Coleman
August 16th, 2012 7:45 PM

Rolling Stone Editor Defends Biden: Everyone Knows He's an Idiot

On Wednesday, August 15, MSNBC’s noon show, “NOW With Alex Wagner,” featured a brief but revealing segment on Vice President Joseph Biden’s recent gaffe. This was the one where Biden addressed a crowd, mostly of African-Americans, and, using what sounded like a Southern accent, said of the Romney/Ryan team: “They’re going to put ya’ll back in chains,” supposedly with deregulation of Wall Street…
Libby Sternberg
August 16th, 2012 7:39 PM

Chris Matthews: Romney 'Created a Real Frankenstein’s Monster Puttin

For well over a week now, the folks on MSNBC have been throwing conniption fits over the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate. On Thursday, Hardball host Chris Matthews actually said, "They’ve created a real Frankenstein’s monster in putting this guy on the ticket" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2012 6:40 PM

CNN's Baldwin Misses FRC Shooter's Political Motive -- Despite CNN Rep

CNN's Brooke Baldwin couldn't find a motive behind the Family Research Council shooting, on Thursday afternoon – despite CNN having earlier reported that "politics" was involved in the shooting at the conservative organization. "You know, who knows what really was the motive behind this particular individual Floyd Lee Corkins?" Baldwin wondered at 3:10 p.m. EDT, even though anchor Suzanne…
Matt Hadro
August 16th, 2012 6:22 PM

WaPo's Blake Notes Obama Would Win Slacker Vote; Bummed Because It's T

President Obama has the slacker vote totally in the bag. Now if only there was a way to get all those Jeff Spicoli types to, you know,  get off their duffs and vote. That's the long and short of Aaron Blake's August 15 "The Fix" item in the Washington Post. "If everyone in America voted, President Obama wold be on his way to a second term," Blake noted.
Matt Vespa
August 16th, 2012 6:02 PM

MSNBC's Touré Neblett: Romney Using 'Niggerization' Against Obama

MSNBC's Touré Neblett just can't resist tossing out the race card whenever possible. On Thursday's The Cycle, Touré accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of using what he called "niggerization" against Barack Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2012 5:32 PM

Time Goes Soft on Xerox Zakaria: Plagiarism Suspension Becomes One Wee

Time magazine just e-mailed Newsbusters with an announcement: Fareed Zakaria's column will return early, in the September 7 issue. His offending plagiarism-soiled column appeared in the August 20 edition, so the one-month suspension became a one-week slap on the wrist. (Update: CNN also announced today that their suspension of Zakaria would end on Sunday, August 26.) "We have completed a…
Tim Graham
August 16th, 2012 5:15 PM

Coulter Column: Why Liberals Behave the Way They Do

My smash best-seller "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America" has just come out in paperback -- and not a moment too soon! Democrats always become especially mob-like during presidential election campaigns. The "root cause" of the Democrats' wild allegations against Republicans, their fear of change, their slogans and insane metaphors, are all explained by mass psychology,…
Ann Coulter
August 16th, 2012 5:14 PM

NBC's Morales Demands Ann Romney be 'Transparent' And Release More Tax

In what was billed as a profile of Ann Romney set to air on Thursday's NBC Rock Center, a portion of the interview played on Thursday's Today featured news anchor Natalie Morales grilling the Republican candidate's spouse on taxes: "...she fiercely defended the Romneys' decision not to release tax returns from before 2010. A lot of people still are asking why not be transparent and release more…
Kyle Drennen
August 16th, 2012 4:54 PM