AP Rips GOP on Kamala: 'Tinged with Racist and Misogynist Undertones'

Now that it's increasingly possible that Democrats will push Joe Biden off the ticket and turn to Kamala Harris, the supportive scribes at the Associated Press sounded like the Associated Partisans on her behalf. Republicans insisting she would take over if Biden's reelected was described by Jill Colving as "an attack line sometimes tinged with racist and misogynist undertones and often…

Tim Graham
July 8th, 2024 10:37 AM

NYT Hails Kamala as Biden Replacement, Throws In Anti-Israel Nuttiness

The New York Times issued a 2,200-word Sunday front-page encomium by White House correspondent Erica Green, in support of struggling President Biden’s suddenly significant second-in-command: “Kamala Harris Has Stepped Up. If Biden Falters, Can She Lead?”  Green tried to make the case that Harris, a gaffe-machine and figure of mockery on the right, is ready to take over the leadership…

Clay Waters
July 7th, 2024 9:49 PM

ABC’s Donna Brazile Invents A Kamala Harris Rally That Never Happened

The ongoing discourse surrounding the very public decline of President Biden’s mental faculties has broken some brains among the Regime Media commentariat as they stake their positions in the grand succession game. Among those, former DNC Chair Donna Brazile.

Jorge Bonilla
July 7th, 2024 7:36 PM

NBC Host Tries To Lecture JD Vance On Elections, Gets WRECKED

To close out her interview of Senator JD Vance (R-OH), NBC’s Kristen Welker trotted out the tired election acceptance question asked of every Republican appearing on an Acela Media Sunday talk show, and especially of Trump vice presidential shortlisters. 

Jorge Bonilla
July 7th, 2024 5:14 PM
Dana Bash Marco Rubio CNN State of the Union 7-7-24

Rubio Battles Dana 'No Evidence' Bash On CNN -- And Wins!

On CNN's State of the Union, Sen. Marco Rubio, tipped as one of Donald Trump's possible VP choices, battles host Dana Bash, and comes out on top on everything from abortion, to the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity, Trump's "revenge" being making America great again, Project 2025, Biden's disastrous record, and speculation about Trump's VP pick. Rubio agilely bats away Bash's challenges,…

Mark Finkelstein
July 7th, 2024 4:15 PM

Scott Jennings SCHOOLS CNN Panel on Biden ‘Decency’, Decline

Watching CNN commentator Scott Jennings these days is like watching a live performance of the cat salad meme, wherein he’ll just blow up whatever talking point salad his Democrat co-panelists are trying to cook up, with the aid and abetting of his hosts.

Jorge Bonilla
July 7th, 2024 12:50 PM

FLASHBACK: 36 Years of Media Derision & Scorn for GOP Veeps

Expect the media elite to greet Donald Trump’s new running mate with derision and scorn, because that’s what has faced (nearly) all Republican VP candidates since the Media Research Center began tracking political coverage in the 1980s.

Rich Noyes
July 7th, 2024 10:10 AM

Radio Host Admits She Asked Biden Questions Sent by the White House

On his CNN show on Saturday morning, host Victor Blackwell spoke to two black radio hosts who were granted interviews with President Biden -- Andrea Lawful-Summers of WURD in Philadelphia and Earl Ingram of WMCS in Milwaukee. He asked if the questions they asked were given to them by the White House, and Lawful-Summers said yes. 

Tim Graham
July 7th, 2024 6:12 AM

CBS Reporter Pushes Back on ‘Extreme Language’ of Sotomayor Dissent

On the latest episode of the PBS political roundtable Washington Week with The Atlantic, host (and Atlantic editor in chief) Jeffrey Goldberg set up New York Times legal reporter Charlie Savage about the “future of presidential power” after the 6-3 ruling expanded presidential immunity and had the knock-on effect of postponing Trump’s classified documents trial and his…

Clay Waters
July 6th, 2024 10:26 PM
Michael Steele MSNBC The Weekend 7-6-24

MSNBC Tears Into Democrats and Journalists Calling On Biden to Quit

On MSNBC's The Weekend, hosts and guests alike tear into the Democrats and members of the liberal media who are calling on Biden to quit the race.  An angry Michael Steele asks, "what the hell do they think they're doing?"

Mark Finkelstein
July 6th, 2024 7:37 PM

Freak Out! SCOTUS Will Let Trump Be ‘King,’ Gave Him ‘License to Thug’

Lefty journalists and celebrities all freaked out after the Supreme Court’s Donald Trump immunity ruling. MSNBC’s Joy Reid warned that if Trump won, the Supreme Court would let him rule as “King.” CNN’s Van Jones feared that the Court issued Trump a “license to thug.” The following are just a few of the most outrageous outbursts from enraged journalists and celebrities over the last month…

Geoffrey Dickens
July 6th, 2024 4:30 PM

The Media's Red Faces and Lost Credibility in the Biden Collapse

There’s an awful lot of red media faces out there this week. And the reason why is obvious. Biden's mental decline is apparent to the public...but the media looked the other way. Trump is a "threat to democracy," so they couldn't tell the obvious truth.

Jeffrey Lord
July 6th, 2024 4:00 PM

Joyce Carol Oates Imagines Tarantino-Style Attack on Supreme Court

The Left isn’t processing the latest headlines well.

Christian Toto
July 6th, 2024 1:30 PM

Tax-Funded MSNBC? PBS Anchor Amna Nawaz Rips Trump as Lying Tyrant

The PBS News Hour crew is clearly heartsick that the Democrats are in a crisis over Joe Biden's mental decline, and they know their liberal audience wants to change the subject back to Horrible Trump. Sounding like a taxpayer-funded MSNBC host, PBS anchor Amna Nawaz described the former president as a budding authoritarian full of lies in the Friday pundit roundtable with David Brooks…

Tim Graham
July 6th, 2024 6:42 AM