William F. Buckley Jr.

MSNBC: Segregationist Trump Has Ushered In A New Era Of Jim Crow
On Sunday's edition of MSNBC's The Weekend, co-host Michael Steele approvingly cites a statement claiming: "Jim Crow has left the south and now roams the country as his grandson, James E. Crow, Esquire. The segregationists played the long game while we were asleep at the wheel. Derrick Johnson, President of the NAACP, suggests that as a result of the closing of the Department of…

PBS Misremembers William F. Buckley Jr.
Imagine making a documentary about one of the 20th century’s leading opponents of the Ku Klux Klan — without ever talking about the evil of the KKK itself. If that sounds like malpractice, consider PBS’s new documentary on the life of William F. Buckley Jr. “The Incomparable Mr. Buckley,” the latest installment in the “American Masters” series, has much to say about anti-Communism but never…

Scarborough & Co. Slam GOP as 'Party of No,' 'Darkness and Doom'
On Morning Joe, ex-conservative Joe Scarborough laments that the GOP has become "the party of 'No." But as the late, great, William F. Buckley Jr. once said, "a conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop!" Scarborough also criticizes Joe Manchin for wanting to work with Republicans, and not wanting to pass Biden's bills via reconciliation, or by "reforming" the filibuster…

Scarborough: Buckley's 'Rolling Over In His Grave' at Attacks on Press

Blogger: Olbermann Sees That ‘Conservatism…Is a Metastasizing Cancer’

NYT's Sam Tanenhaus Uses Book Review to Slime Racist GOP

New York Magazine Pundit: ‘Crude Tribalism’ Animates Typical GOP Voter
Formerly Conservative Writer Foresees Decline of Conservatism

Heilemann, Wallace Rip NR's 'Against Trump': Helps Trump, Stupid

New Film Explores Fiery Bill Buckley-Gore Vidal ABC Debates in 1968

NBC: Gore Vidal 'Unquestionably Brilliant'; William F. Buckley 'Paid D
Some Good GOP Flip-flops