
NBC Touts Abortionist's 'Study' to Smear Texas Pro-Life Law

August 8th, 2022 11:57 PM

On Monday night, NBC Nightly News ran a ludicrous segment meant to smear Texas’ fetal heartbeat law which prohibits abortions once a baby’s heartbeat is detected. To accomplish their goal, correspondent Kristen Dahlgren touted a “study” by a Texas abortionist which falsely claims women need to be on the verge of death to receive an abortion. In reality, there is no law in the country…


No Taco Tuesday: ABC’s GMA Skips Jill Biden Referring Latinos to Tacos

July 12th, 2022 10:40 AM

After the Monday evening broadcast network newscasts ignored First Lady Jill Biden’s offensive language comparing Latinos to tacos in a video first flagged by our very own Jorge Bonilla, CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today came out of the wildness Tuesday with a combined two minutes and six seconds on Biden “taking some heat” for a line “many [found] incredibly offensive.”


Nets Loved Dem Porn Lawyer, Bury His New Jail Term

June 3rd, 2022 12:30 PM

The man who some journalists once considered a Democratic presidential contender just got slapped with more prison time as creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti was sentenced Thursday to four years in jail for stealing from adult film star Stormy Daniels. Yet ABC, CBS and CNN -- outlets that repeatedly hyped the concept of President Avenatti -- buried the news. 


Network Special Reports Trumpet Beto Making a Scene at Uvalde Presser

May 25th, 2022 7:39 PM

Wednesday afternoon’s press conference on the Uvalde, Texas school shooting descended into shenanigans during what should have been a solemn occasion to update the public on the investigation when Democratic gubernatorial candidate Robert O’Rourke heckled Governor Greg Abbott (R) and other elected officials, blaming them for the murder of 19 children and two teachers. Naturally, the broadcast…


NBC’s ‘Today’ Peddles Gun Control...But Admits Schools Need Security

May 25th, 2022 3:50 PM

NBC’s Today wasn’t as devoid of sobriety Wednesday as competitors ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings, but they tripped their hand in support of gun control by tying Republicans to the inability to thwart mass killings. But again, they were more constructive in sticking to the facts and the Uvalde, Texas families who’ve lost loved ones and had an important…


On Veterans Day, MSNBC Suggests The Military is Racist

November 11th, 2021 2:16 PM

MSNBC anchor Jose Diaz-Balart and NBC News Now host Tom Llamas probably thought they were simply highlighting the plight of Latino servicemembers on Veterans Day, but what they ended up doing was accusing the military of racism with little to no supporting evidence.


CBS Moves on from Afghan Debacle, ABC Forgets Americans Left Behind

September 1st, 2021 8:43 PM

Unbelievably, the CBS Evening News thought the day after President Biden’s arbitrary deadline to get Americans out of Afghanistan was the perfect time to drop the subject completely. There was absolutely no mention of Afghanistan on their Wednesday newscast but they found the time to dedicate over two minutes (2:05) to bashing and decrying Texas’s new pro-life law. And while they…


Mixed: ABC, NBC Journos Slam Biden While Others on CBS, NBC Go Soft

August 31st, 2021 10:20 PM

On Tuesday afternoon following President Biden’s address about the end of the war in Afghanistan, some broadcast network journalists slammed President Biden’s speech as an angry, defiant, and misleading while others fawned over his claims about the withdrawal as “largely a success” and said his firm deadline will be “reward[ed]” by voters.


ABC, CBS Censor Soaring Border Arrests, NBC Downplays Percent Increase

June 10th, 2021 8:43 PM

After the big three broadcast networks had ended their evening newscasts Wednesday, the federal government released their May border apprehension figures showing that illegal border crossings were still reaching crisis levels and increasing. In defiance of the facts, the Thursday newscasts of ABC and CBS completely censored the truth. Meanwhile, NBC addressed it vaguely in the morning before…


ABC Scolds Americans Seeing Family This Thanksgiving

November 23rd, 2020 10:41 AM

As each day gets closer to the day when millions of Americans will get together with their families they probably haven’t seen in months, the networks get more obnoxious in insisting Thanksgiving meals are COVID death traps, despite the virus’s high survival rate.

Donald Trump

VILE: ABC Declares Trump Paying Price of ‘Dangerous Gamble’

October 2nd, 2020 2:23 PM

On Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America could not resist gloating over President Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19, claiming the bill had come due for his “dangerous gamble” on the virus. In addition, correspondents crassly plotted political strategy and gleefully declared that his “diagnosis is a crushing blow to his effort to convince Americans that the worst of the pandemic is…

The Handmaid's Tale

ABC Pushes Fake Claim Barrett Christian Group Inspired Handmaid's Tale

September 24th, 2020 12:38 PM

On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America tried to preemptively slander potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett by pushing the false claim that a Christian group she belonged to was the inspiration for the authoritarian theocracy depicted in the far-left fantasy, The Handmaid’s Tale. The vile segment also touted the pro-abortion lobby attacking the “devout Catholic”…


Big Three Morning Shows IGNORE Huge Unemployment Rate Drop to 8.4%

September 4th, 2020 5:10 PM

The ABC, CBS, and NBC morning news shows didn’t give any coverage to the unemployment rate dropping well below expectations into the single digits during their Friday edition programming.


Go Figure: Nets Treat ‘Explosive,’ ‘Staggering’ Atlantic Story as Fact

September 4th, 2020 2:58 PM

On Friday morning, the “big three” broadcast network newscasts treated the anonymously sourced Atlantic piece claiming President Trump called fallen U.S. soldiers “losers” and “suckers” as fact, huffing about how “explosive,” “staggering,” and “stinging” the allegations were that have put the President on “…