CBS, NBC Outraged Trump Dared Visit Arlington, Unlike Biden-Harris

August 28th, 2024 11:07 PM

The Regime Media are now uniform in their conveyance of huffy disapproval over former President Donald Trump’s recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery, in commemoration of the ISIS attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed 13 U.S. service members on August 26th, 2021. 

Here’s how CBS Evening News kicked off their coverage:

NORAH O’DONNELL: Arlington National Cemetery is the most hallowed burial ground for our nation's fallen. A place where 400,000 veterans and their families are laid to rest. And politics is banned there. But now there is a political clash after a visit from former President Donald Trump with cameras, marking three years since a deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan.

“A deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan”, says O’Donnell. No mention of the underlying facts, such as the rushed pullout as the Taliban retook the country, which put the Biden-Harris Administration in the self-inflicted position of enlisting THE TALIBAN as guarantors of security around Kabul. No mention, either, of the fact that it was known that ISIS-K was going to attempt an attack at the airport. At the time, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Roger Pardo-Maurer told Univision that the DoD, in fact, had a Predator drone locked on the bomber- standing by for an order to fire that never came. 

But today those failures are secondary to presidential politics, and to the manufacture of outrage over the fact that the Bad Orange Man dared visit Arlington and Biden-Harris did not. 

This was the tone of Nancy Cordes’ reporting, which was solely focused on the political aspects of the visit and came off as an inconvenience- an impediment to more broadly echoing the Harris campaign’s new Project 2025 messaging. 

NANCY CORDES: Defense officials tell CBS News that Trump staffers got "aggressive both verbally and physically" on Monday in a confrontation with an Arlington National Cemetery official. It happened after former President Trump and his aides arrived at the nation's largest military cemetery with a campaign photographer, even though the law prohibits any filming there for partisan, political, or fundraising purposes. 

You’ll never guess who else staged a photograph at Arlington but didn’t draw high-dudgeon coverage:

NBC Nightly News, while echoing CBS’s fake scandal thematics, was much more forthcoming about what happened at Arlington: 

GARRETT HAAKE: The visit first drawing scrutiny after a reported altercation between campaign and cemetery staff over photography. The Trump campaign saying a staffer, quote: “decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony.”

Actually, the Daily Caller reports that the Gold Star families had a hard time getting Trump into Arlington, and had to call House Speaker Mike Johnson in order to get things squared away. What CBS also failed to disclose but NBC did is that Trump was at Arlington by invitation of Gold Star families:

HAAKE: Kelly Barnett invited the former president to Arlington. Her son, Marine Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, died at Abbey Gate. 

What would you say to people who may be pro-Trump, anti-Trump, whatever their politics might be, who just feel like that's not a place for politicians or for politics?

KELLY BARNETT: I would have to say: Are you in my shoes? I invited him. My son was- was murdered under the Biden/Harris administration.

The Regime Media had, to this point, avoided airing any mention of responsibility for what happened at Abbey Gate. Or, more broadly, mentioning Abbey Gate. 

The Regime Media would like you to believe that Trump’s visit to Arlington at the invitation of those who have loved ones buried there, and not Biden and Harris’s negligence of the Abbey Gate Gold Star families since the bombing, is the real scandal of August 26th.

Click “expand” to view the full transcripts of the aforementioned reports as aired on their respective networks on Wednesday, August 28th, 2024:




6:33 PM

NORAH O’DONNELL: Arlington National Cemetery is the most hallowed burial ground for our nation's fallen. A place where 400,000 veterans and their families are laid to rest. And politics is banned there. But now there is a political clash after a visit from former President Donald Trump with cameras, marking three years since a deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan. Here is CBS's Nancy Cordes.

NANCY CORDES: Defense officials tell CBS News that Trump staffers got "aggressive both verbally and physically" on Monday in a confrontation with an Arlington National Cemetery official. It happened after former President Trump and his aides arrived at the nation's largest military cemetery with a campaign photographer, even though the law prohibits any filming there for partisan, political, or fundraising purposes. By Tuesday, Trump had posted a video of his visit, set to music, on TikTok, as campaign officials blamed the confrontation on a cemetery staffer, who they said was "clearly suffering from a mental health episode." Defense officials insist it was the campaign aides who were unprofessional and a report has been filed. Trump's running mate, senator JD Vance, downplayed the incident.

JD VANCE: The altercation at Arlington Cemetery is the media creating a story where I really don't think that there is one.

CORDES: And he tried to make it about Vice President Harris.

VANCE: She wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up. She can -- she can go to hell.

CORDES: Harris hasn't said anything about the controversy. She and her running mate Governor Tim Walz are on a 2-day bus tour of Georgia where polls show the race is suddenly neck and neck.

KAMALA HARRIS: Sometimes you are going to win the game. Sometimes you may not. But you know you've never let any circumstance knock you down or slow you down.

NARRATOR: And he has a plan...

CORDES: The Harris campaign released a new ad today tying Trump to Project 2025, a detailed conservative blueprint for the next Republican president.

NARRATOR: Requiring the government to monitor women's pregnancies…

CORDES: Trump has denied knowing anything about it.

DONALD TRUMP: I don't even know what the hell it is.

CORDES: But a review by CBS News identified at least 270 proposals in the project 2025 playbook that matched Trump's first-term policies or his current campaign promises. And at least 28 of the 38 named authors worked in the Trump administration. Here in Georgia, Vice President Harris will sit down for her first interview as the nominee tomorrow and Republicans are criticizing her for doing it jointly with Governor Walz. Her campaign insists it's part of a long tradition of running mates sitting down to do an interview together once the ticket is set, Norah.

O’DONNELL: Nancy Cordes on the campaign trail tonight. Thank you, Nancy.




6:41 PM

TOM LLAMAS: We’re learning new details about a tense incident involving Donald Trump's campaign staff when the former president visited Arlington National…Ceremony(sic) this weekend. Garrett Haake more with the altercation.


GARRETT HAAKE: Tonight the Trump campaign is defending the candidate's Monday visit to Arlington National Cemetery, now being criticized for politicizing America's war dead on hallowed ground.

DONALD TRUMP: What a horrible day it was.

HAAKE: The campaign on Tuesday posting this Tik Tok highlight video of Trump's trip showing him laying a wreath in honor of the service members killed at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. And posing with family members among the gravestones.Several campaign staff posting their own content too.

PAUL RIECKHOFF: It's disrespectful. It's not Disney World. It's Arlington National Cemetery and it should be respected as such.

HAAKE: The visit first drawing scrutiny after a reported altercation between campaign and cemetery staff over photography. The Trump campaign saying a staffer, quote: “decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony.” A cemetery spokesperson writing, “federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries. Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.” The Harris campaign calling it all “a sad episode”, saying Trump has a, quote: “history of demeaning and degrading military service members.” The vice president herself has not commented on the incident. Trump running mate JD Vance responding late today.

JD VANCE: She wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up. She can -- she can go to hell.

HAAKE: Kelly Barnett invited the former president to Arlington. Her son, Marine Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, died at Abbey Gate. 

What would you say to people who may be pro-Trump, anti-Trump, whatever their politics might be, who just feel like that's not a place for politicians or for politics?

KELLY BARNETT: I would have to say: Are you in my shoes? I invited him. My son was- was murdered under the Biden/Harris administration.

HAAKE: Utah Governor Spencer Cox, attending with Trump, posting these photos. He later apologized for using them in a fundraising email. Gaarett Haake. NBC News, Washington.