Tom Jackman

WashPost Blog: Cops Less Likely to Shoot Unarmed Black Suspects
April 29th, 2016 2:58 PM
The Black Lives Matters folks and their enablers in the press won't like this one bit.
On Wednesday, Washington Post writer Tom Jackman, at the paper's True Crime blog, reported on a rigorous study of police behavior which found that, in his words, "even with white officers who do have racial biases, officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects…

WashPost Readers Outraged That the Post Had 'Not One Line in the Paper
December 14th, 2013 3:34 PM
On the “Free For All” page in Saturday’s Washington Post devoted to letters to the editor, three locals smacked the Post for failing to note the 72nd anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks on December 7.
None of the letters as printed made the point that the Post has “flooded the zone” with lots of coverage and special sections this year for the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s…

Vomiting Patients at Northern Va. Abortion Clinic a Near 'Daily Occurr
July 15th, 2013 6:53 PM
"Abortion center closes after run of difficulties" lamented a Washington Post headline on the front page of the July 15 edition's Metro section. "New regulations hamper relocation effort," a subheadline for staff writer Tom Jackman's story noted.
But deep in his 20-paragraph story, Jackman noted that the Fairfax City, Va., clinic, Nova Women's Healthcare, was sued in late 2011 and that court…
Page B6 WaPo Story: Islamic School Chief Guilty for Not Reporting Chil
July 31st, 2008 10:48 AM
Imagine if the principal of a Catholic school in the metro D.C. region was found guilty of failing to report an allegation of child sexual abuse. It'd be considered worthy of front page news for the Washington Post, at the very least a front pager for the paper's Metro section.Yet reporting the conviction of Abdalla I. Al-Shabnan on July 31, the Post buried the story on the 6th page of the Metro…