Tom Costello

Morning Nets Find ‘Silver Lining’ in Devastating 9.1% Inflation Report
A few morning show hosts supposedly found the “silver lining” in a devastating report showing that inflation skyrocketed in June for the fastest increase since 1981.

Morning Nets Cover for ‘Frustrated’ Biden Blaming GOP for Poor Economy
On Wednesday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC chose to do something it’s only occasionally done in mentioning President Biden during their coverage of the porous economy. But, as one would expect, they absolved him of blame and instead commiserated with the “frustrated” President as he’s “[felt] the heat” from voters while “pointing fingers at” Republicans and “tout[ing] his economic agenda.”

NBC Throws Cold Water on Biden's Red Hot Inflation Lies
On Tuesday, President Joe Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO and addressed the nation’s crumbling economy and skyrocketing inflation that Americans are suffering under during his reign. During that speech, he blamed everyone and everything but himself and his policies for the economic struggles.

Morning Nets Ignore GDP Dropping for ‘Worst Quarter’ Since Q2 2020
The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows completely ignored a devastating report showing the economy shrank more than expected in the first quarter.

ABC & CBS Spend 40 Seconds Combined on GDP Numbers, NBC Makes Excuses
On Thursday the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported that the United States’ Gross Domestic Product contracted 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2022, a full 2.4 percent off from economists' expectations.

Networks Lobby Viewers to Keep Masking, Imply Pandemic Is Surging Back
Building off its fear-mongering from Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday’s broadcast network morning newscasts encouraged viewers to continue masking up on planes, public transit, and when in airports due to “surging” cases of COVID-19 and a need to support the immunocompromised. This was despite Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s Monday ruling that struck down the nationwide mask mandate on travel…

CBS, NBC Peddle Fear Porn About Masks, Demand They Stay Indefinitely
CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today kept up the mental psychosis on Wednesday when it came to ensuring viewers stay crippled in fear of COVID-19 and view required masking as the lone backstop against illness and death. Specifically, they argued flying’s “less safe” and “cases will continue to go up” because Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ended the CDC mask mandate on flying and…

NBC's Holt Whines: A 'Trump Judge' Struck Down Mask Mandates!
On Tuesday night’s NBC Nightly News, the always pretentious and smug Lester Holt appeared to sneer at Americans who are tired of wearing masks and whined that Florida District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle struck down the federal mask mandate.

EPIC FAIL? Morning Nets Largely Ignore Inflation Announcement – Again
The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows largely ignored a new inflation report that showed inflation raging at 8.5 percent. That was the highest increase since 1981 — the same year Raiders of the Lost Ark hit the box office.

As Inflation SKYROCKETS, Nets Finally Question ‘Putin Price Hike'
The three networks do everything they can to protect the crumbling Joe Biden administration from the wrath of an unhappy public. But even ABC, CBS and NBC seem to be slightly acknowledging the disastrous economic reality engulfing the United States. As inflation hit its highest levels in 40 years, the networks sounded a skeptical tone to the idea this is all be cause of “Putin’s price hike…

Nets Panic Over Climate Change: 'World Needs to Act Fast'!
On Monday night, all three evening newscasts hyperventilated over a report from the United Nations that allegedly claims the world will suffer grave environmental consequences if nothing is done about "climate change".

ABC, CBS Ignore Pelosi Dragged into Supporting Stock Trading Ban
On Wednesday both ABC World News Tonight and CBS Evening News ignored a report that Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has finally been dragged kicking and screaming to support a ban on stock trading by members of Congress. After ignoring the story for four weeks, NBC Nightly News was the only one of the three broadcast networks to cover this story.

ABC Praises Biden Tapping Oil Reserves, CBS/NBC: 'Drop in the Bucket'
During ABC’s World News Tonight on Tuesday, anchor David Muir and congressional correspondent Rachel Scott were President Biden’s personal cheer team as they praised him for releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserves; after he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do it. Meanwhile, on the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News, they warned it…