Tim Arango
Finally: NY Times Notices Soft-on-Crime Hurting Dems in Big Cities
The front page of Monday’s New York Times acknowledged the obvious: The crime issue is hurting Democrats badly on the ground: “Debate on Crime Splits San Francisco Democrats.” The report from Tim Arango and Thomas Fuller spotlighted San Francisco’s controversial District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who may prove too far left for…San Francisco? "...his message of leniency for perpetrators…

Slime of the NY Times: Four Years of Blaming Trump for Hate Crimes
Unbelievable as it sounds, the media may actually miss Donald Trump if he departs the White House in January – who else will they blame hate crimes on if he’s no longer in office? New York Times reporter Tim Arango jumped on what may be the paper’s last chance to blame physical assaults against minorities on the president, in Tuesday’s: “Hate Crimes At Highest Since 2008, F.B.I.…

NYT Devotes Full Page of Fawning to AOC, Who Alone Understands Crisis

Megyn Kelly Rips Psaki Over Panetta's Early Iraq Withdrawal Claims

Will Press Notice Panetta's Contention That U.S. Left Iraq Too Early?

Gingrich — and Reality — Also Humiliated Jay Carney on CNN
As the midnight oil-burning Curtis Houck at NewsBusters noted last night, John McCain ripped into Jay Carney's attempts to rewrite history Wednesday evening on CNN. Among other things, he reminded the former White House Press Secretary that "We had it (the Iraq War) won, thanks to the surge." In other words, our military and Iraqi government had achieved victory. Barack Obama and his…