Ted Robbins

NPR: Arizona 'Dropped a Bomb' in Illegal Immigration Debate With SB
April 21st, 2011 6:24 PM
On Thursday's All Things Considered, NPR's Robert Siegel used violent imagery to underline the supposed extreme nature of Arizona's SB 1070 law targeting illegal immigration: "It has been of one year since the state legislature dropped a bomb into the national debate over immigration."
Siegel led the introduction for correspondent Ted Robbins's report on the controversial law with his…
NPR Touts 'Reverse Neighborhood Watches' That Alert Illegals That the
May 6th, 2010 6:40 AM
NPR's All Things Considered devoted an entire one-sided story Tuesday night to the apparently heart-breaking news that illegal aliens are considering moving out of Arizona to more illegal-friendly states.Reporter Ted Robbins spent his whole story talking to illegal aliens and their defenders about how they're misunderstood, and even touted how community organizers are "flexing their political…
NPR Guesses There Were 'Half a Million' Protesting for Amnesty Across
May 3rd, 2010 8:36 AM
On Sunday morning's Weekend Edition, National Public Radio anchor Liane Hansen claimed a huge turnout for amnesty rallies nationwide: "An estimated half million immigrants and their supporters turned out yesterday to rally for immigration reform and against Arizona's tough new immigration law."NPR's Ted Robbins offered a story from Phoenix loaded with four opponents of Arizona's new immigration…