NYT: Rogan Podcast Is New ‘Mainstream Media’ for Average Joe

May 27th, 2020 10:10 AM

In a time where traditional media are biased and unhinged and men’s magazines embrace feminism, The New York Times discovered that men are seeking their news elsewhere. And millions have found it in former “The Fear Factor” host, Mixed Martial Arts commentator, comedian, and now podcaster whose popular interviews have replaced the role of television news for many Americans.

NYT's Lerer Admits ‘Red-Pill’ Ignorance, Lets Lorenz Rant About Nazis

May 21st, 2020 8:45 AM

It’s embarrassing enough for the New York Times’ Lisa Lerer, who covers "campaigns, elections and political power,” to publicly admit she has no idea what “red-pill” signifies. A reference was recently tweeted by technology entrepreneur Elon Musk, who is fighting California’s coronavirus restrictions on business, and Lerer was on it. She turned over the descriptive responsibilities to…


CNN Hysteria: Memes Drive ‘Voter Suppression,’ Are All Russian Ops

February 23rd, 2020 1:58 PM

Though the segment blew up on Twitter because The Atlantic’s David Frum described President Trump as so “physically capable” that he couldn’t “pick up a ball,” the arguably more ridiculous part of that Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” segment was when fill-in host John Avlon led the panel in a mini-freak-out about memes. Together, they claimed memes were responsible for voter suppression…

First World Feminists: Air-Conditioning Is ‘Sexist’

July 8th, 2019 2:34 PM

In an Afghan village, terrorists throw acid on little girls’ faces, poison their water, and hurl grenades into their classrooms to stop them from going to school. In an American office, some women are a little chilly. For first world radical feminists, the latter issue takes precedence, especially in the scorching summer heat.