Seth Borenstein

AP: 'Conservatives Say They're Happy, But Liberals Show It'
March 12th, 2015 3:49 PM
In a writeup which shows that the wire service obviously hasn't studied the hateful examples of liberal-left hate collected by the Twitter curators at, a Thursday afternoon Associated Press writeup claims that conservative "say" they're happy (with an implication that they don't really mean it), while liberals "show it" (supposedly meaning that they're genuine).
The reporter assigned…

Sea Ice Hits Record, Warming 'Pause' Continues; Alarmists Hardest Hit
December 30th, 2014 5:36 PM
The Associated Press is obsessed with global warming. It currently has seven items at its national site containing that term.
Two of them relate to how the U.S. is allegedly exporting more pollution, and therefore more global warming, to other countries even as it supposedly is cleaning up its act. These are the kinds of stories which the rest of the press would eagerly jump on if a Republican…
AP: 'Temperatures Go Off the Charts Around
October 9th, 2013 5:34 PM
With egg all over the faces of global warming alarmists given the halt in temperature increases the past fifteen years, you would think media outlets would be a little gun-shy concerning "studies" predicting environmental doom with the help of climate models.
Not the Associated Press's Seth Borenstein who actually published a piece Wednesday about a study having the gall to predict the exact…

As AP Hypes Models Claiming Global Warming Involvement in Fiercer Stor
September 8th, 2013 6:19 PM
As is all too often the case, in certain matters affecting things here in the United States, if we didn't have news from Britain, we wouldn't have any real news at all.
Take "climate change" aka "global warming." At the Associated Press, Seth Borenstein on Thursday hyped the idea that man-made global warming increased the likelihood of about half," or six of 12, of "2012's wildest weather…

AP Coverage of Exxon Annual Meeting Contains Predictable Misleading 'C
May 29th, 2013 10:59 PM
David Koenig's Wednesday coverage at the Associated Press of Exxon Mobil's annual meeting contained a predictable headline and related content telling us that the company wouldn't "explicitly ban discrimination against gays because the company already banned discrimination of any type and didn't need to add language regarding gays." Koenig's report apparently couldn't be considered complete…

Actual AP Headline: 'Experts: Global Warming Means More Antarctic Ice
October 10th, 2012 5:11 PM
For many years, climate realists have pointed to expanding ice in Antarctica as a counter to the claim that decreasing ice in the Arctic is necessarily proof of anthropogenic global warming.
The folks at the Associated Press on Wednesday came up with an unbelievable answer to that in an article unbelievably titled "Experts: Global Warming Means More Antarctic ice":

AP's Boring Borenstein: Gleick's Heartland Doc Theft 'Mirrors' Climate
February 24th, 2012 3:52 PM
On Thursday, over 40 hours after the Pacific Institute's Peter Gleick (pictured here) revealed that he stole documents from the Heartland Institute by posing as one of that organization's board members, Seth Borenstein at the Associated Press finally broke the ice and filed a related three-paragraph "this is boring, you don't need to read it" dispatch. Two hours later, the AP science writer…

How Will AP's Borenstein Respond to Peter Gleick's Admission That He S
February 21st, 2012 12:11 PM
The Associated Press's Seth Borenstein, his wire service, and most of the globaloney-advocating establishment press have a problem relating to development NB's Iris Somberg noted a short time ago.
Peter Gleick, described in a related UK Guardian story as "a water scientist and president of the Pacific Institute," said last week that he "obtained" documents from the Heartland Institute about…

AP's Borenstein Insists on Citing Guide to Year's Coldest Days as Proo
January 31st, 2012 10:59 PM
Even when someone who helped prepare a new guide for gardeners on the coldest temperatures seen annually in different parts of the country says that their output doesn't fit the global warming template, an AP reporter decides that it really does.
In preparing his write-up last week on the release of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's revised the official guide for gardeners, the Associated…
AP: October Snowstorms Could Be Caused by Warming...Or Actually, No
November 4th, 2011 8:30 AM
Via James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal, we've learned how shameless AP reporter Seth Borenstein can be about climate change hyperbole. His latest story began: "Freakish weather disasters — from the sudden October snowstorm in the Northeast U.S. to the record floods in Thailand — are striking more often. And global warming is likely to spawn more similar weather extremes at a huge cost,…

ClimateGate II: How Will Al Gore and His Global Warming-Loving Media R
October 30th, 2011 8:49 PM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, a new ClimateGate scandal has erupted involving a University of California at Berkeley professor accused of trying to mislead the public by hiding that his research determined global warming has stopped.
Some on the Left heralded the now questionable study including Nobel laureate Al Gore whose excitement was published at the…

AP Whitewashes EPA's Lawless Failure to Follow Review Protocol in GHG
September 30th, 2011 2:31 PM
On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General issued a report on the agency's "compliance with established policy and procedures" in connection with its "Greenhouse Gases Endangerment Finding." This was the finding that "greenhouse gas," or "GHG" emissions, including carbon dioxide, are in essence forms of air pollution, endanger public health, and must therefore be…
In the Best of Hands (Not): Even AP's Borenstein Sees Problems With Ob
June 20th, 2010 10:36 AM
The presidential commission tasked with investigating the BP oil spill is so short on technical expertise and packed with left-leaning politicians and knee-jerk environmentalists that even the Associated Press's resident ClimateGate apologist Seth Borenstein is concerned. On December 12, 2009, over two weeks after the ClimateGate e-mails first appeared, Borenstein wrote that "the exchanges don't…
AP ClimateGate Apologist/Participant Borenstein Can't Keep Global Warm
February 12th, 2010 11:54 PM
Poor Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press. Since the AP science reporter wrote his December 12, 2009 defense of the alleged scientists who have promoted the alleged perils of human-caused global warming, the scandal known as ClimateGate has inexorably widened. It has deeply tarnished never-deserved reputations; revealed the entire premise to be based on fraudulent, corrupted, manipulated and…