Sarah Lyall

NY Times Rips ‘Racist, Sexist, Classist, Out of Touch' Royal Family
New York Times writer-at-large Sarah Lyall came at the English royal family from the Left from London as King Charles III formally became King of England in Westminster Abbey on Saturday. While most in the United Kingdom, and the United States, greeted the traditionwith respect or at least acceptance, Lyall couldn’t resist injecting some adolescent non-conformism into the mix with “As…

NYT Profiles Sore-Loser Abrams: ‘A Star Multitasker’s Latest Chapter'
New York Times reporter-at-large Sarah Lyall was granted the full back page of Sunday’s Arts & Leisure section to suck up to liberal voting activist and sore-loser Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

Giddy NYTimes Prematurely Blessed Biden Blowout: 400 Electoral Votes!
The New York Times got ahead of itself in more ways than one over Election 2020. On the afternoon of Election Day, the paper was obliged to delete a tweet that arrogantly stated “the role of declaring a winner of the presidential election falls to the news media….” Um, no. The Times joined the “Biden blowout” brigade around a month ago with increasingly confident predictions…

NY Times Shares Liberal Horror: Could 'Serial Killer' Trump Win Again?
New York Times reporter at large Sarah Lyall has pivoted from mocking the Brexit movement and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to commiserating with U.S. Democrats in mortifying fashion as they fear another Election Night nightmare: “For Democrats, Horror Never Ends – Replaying 2016 in an endless loop, with healthy doses of fear, stress and loathing.” If Lyall has any clue how bad a…
NY Times Unleashes Shrinks and PHONY FACT CHECKS for Debate
Before the chaotic presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden began, Tuesday’s New York Times’ “political memo” by Sarah Lyall seeded the ground with “Debating How to Debate Trump, the Unpredictable Aggressor,” bringing in psychiatrists and others to advise Biden on how to deal with Trump during the debate (and how Hillary Clinton should have dealt with him in 2016).…

NYT’s Sexist Takeaway From RNC: Attacks Tiffany, Ivanka, and Guilfoyle
New York Times “writer at large” Sarah Lyall issued a snotty, sexist story for Saturday’s edition, “The Trump Show’s Supporting Female Cast,” arbitrarily bashing the female members of Trump’s family and any other women who have the bad taste to be in the Trump Administration’s orbit. Remember this is a “political memo” in the paper’s news section: "[Kimberly] Guilfoyle -- older, brasher,…

NY Times Puffs Thriller Writer: Trump Reality Scarier Than Any Fiction

How Do You Spell Hysteria? NYT Sees ‘Permanent Effect’ of Trump Typos
New York Times reporter Sarah Lyall made the front page on Sunday with the vital news that Trump’s tweets have contain misspellings: "...Leaving aside its splenetic tone and in-your-face ad hominem attacks, knee-jerk defensiveness and ugly, dog-whistle language, why is so much of the direct communication from the president to the world heaving with bad grammar, bad spelling, bizarre…

Apocalyptic NY Times Bashes Boris Johnson: ‘End of Britain?’

NYT Bashes Boris, 'Virtually Cultlike Certitude' of Brexit Embrace

NYT Delirious Over Democratic Field: Stacey Abrams the Trekkie!

NYT's Lyall Keeps Tabs on 'Stealthy and Dangerous' Pro-Brexit Boris

NY Times Again Whitewashes Joseph Stalin's Reign of Terror