Sara Murray

CNN: FBI Oversight Hearing Lacks ‘Substance,’ Just a ‘Food Fight’
On Wednesday’s CNN This Morning, anchors Phil Mattingly and Pamela Brown complained about FBI director Christopher Wray’s impending oversight hearing with the House Judiciary Committee panel. Along with several guests, including CNN political correspondent Sara Murray, CNN congressional correspondent Lauren Fox, and CNN legal analyst Elliot Williams, they whined about the Republicans…

CNN Political Correspondent Sara Murray Is a Dem Donor (Corrected)
Despite multiple requests for comment on whether political correspondent Sara Murray donated to Arizona Democratic Senator Mark Kelly, CNN informed NewsBusters on Tuesday afternoon that both CNN and Murray unequivocally deny that she's made any political donations and are looking into the donation’s origins and this discrepancy. Check out the full post to see the original story.

Since CNN Loves Trump Tell-All Books, There Should Be One on CNN
CNN is obsessed with yet ANOTHER "tell-all" book about Donald Trump. The network doesn't care if these products are true, just that they trash the President. On Wednesday morning’s New Day, CNN co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota brought on political correspondent Sara Murray and political commentator Errol Louis to hype Mary Trump’s book and to make outrageous claims about the…

CNN Panel Salivates Over Book Calling Trump 'Sociopath'
On Wednesday morning’s New Day, CNN co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota brought on political correspondent Sara Murray to salivate over the supposedly tell-all book authored by President Trump's niece, Mary Trump. Scrapping all pretense of being journalists, the Democratic hacks eagerly lapped up the book's “revelations” without even questioning the truth of the wild accusations…

Nets Skip Whistleblower’s Dem Affiliation, CNN Claims ‘Nothingburger'

CNN Deems It a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to Question Biden Ties to Ukraine

CNN Criticizes Trump's 'Fake' Pelosi Video, That Wasn't Actually Fake

Speculation Center: CNN Wonders Whether Mueller Found Collusion

CNN, MSNBC Fearmonger That Trump Denying Passports to Hispanics

Can’t Let It Go: CNN Hung Up on Collusion Despite Mueller Indictments

WH Press Corps, Sanders Clash Over John Kelly, Obsessive Coverage

CNN Journalist Panel Whines Slow Progress on Gun Control

Acosta, Tur Scold Trump for Repeating 'Fake News' That He Got From NYT