Ryan Grim

HuffPo's Grim Grim Burned by Parra's Parry on Harry Reid Bain Capital
August 10th, 2012 12:11 PM
Note: See Update below the fold.
It's time now to play a new political game: Who's the Liar?
In one corner we have the Huffington Post Washington bureau chief, Ryan Grim, who must be feeling very grim today because his "scoop" about the Bain Capital source of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's claim about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for 10 years has blown up on him. Grim Grim quoted Reid'…

The Huff-Po View: If High Court Overrules ObamaCare, Justices Are Stup
June 15th, 2012 11:25 PM
On Wednesday's edition of the Bill Press radio show, Huffington Post reporter Ryan Grim put on his best conceited act and expressed that the Supreme Court just doesn't have great brains on it, and they're not qualified to overturn Obamacare. In fact, if they overturn Obamacare, Grim warned, "people's lives are at risk and people will probably die as a result." Conservatism kills.
It's amazing…
Huffington Post So Eager to Support Pelosi They'll Even Defend Boehner
November 14th, 2011 11:46 AM
To give you an idea of the lengths the Huffington Post will go to defend liberal politicians those involved in the website revere, a front page piece on Monday took the side of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh.) in order to give cover to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
Inside the front page headline story "60 Misses: CBS Gets It Wrong On Boehner, Pelosi Stock Trading," HuffPo…

On MSNBC, Sharpton and Huffpo Bureau Chief Agree Boehner Is 'Probably
September 3rd, 2011 3:24 PM
On MSNBC's Political Nation Friday evening, host Al Sharpton interviewed Ryan Grim, Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post. They spoke about House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH):
GRIM: So, you`re right, the record that he is amassing is probably one of the most extreme records that a House Speaker has put up in decades.
SHARPTON: Well, based on your last statement, he being probably…
MSNBC Fill-In Host Absurdly Claims Again: Obama a 'Republican Presiden
July 8th, 2010 5:03 PM
For the second day in a row, liberal talk show host and MSNBC guest anchor Cenk Uygur pushed the outlandish notion that President Obama is a conservative. Filling in on July 7 for Dylan Ratigan on his 4 p.m. show, Uygur exclaimed, "I didn't realize we voted for a Republican president!"Uygur preceded this statement with a rant on how ridiculous it is for Obama to express concern about the ever-…
MSNBC's Tamron Hall: Carly Fiorina 'Like Lindsay Lohan Movie, Mean Gir
June 10th, 2010 4:17 PM
During the 11AM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer discussed open mic comments made by senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina with Huffington Post writer Ryan Grim and remarked that the California Republican has "the 'Mean Girls' mentality" and "comes off like that Lindsay Lohan movie 'Mean Girls.'"Hall was referring to Fiorina making fun of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer's hairstyle on air…
HuffPo's Grim: Real 'Crime' of White House Was 'Holding Back A Progres
June 3rd, 2010 12:17 PM
On Thursday's 11AM EST hour on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall asked Ryan Grim of the left-wing Huffington Post about recent scandals involving the Obama White House tampering with Democratic primaries: "Darrell Issa of California...he wants the FBI involved in this....Any legs here, or is this, again, a situation that may be politicized by the other side?" [Audio available here] Grim dismissed the…
HuffPo's Ryan Grim: RNC Fundraising 'Obnoxious;' Relies on 'Extreme Pa
April 7th, 2010 1:25 PM
In the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC on Tuesday, left-wing Huffington Post writer Ryan Grim commented on the Republican National Committee spending scandal: "You know, what Republican donors do, generally, is pretty obnoxious to the American people. What did they have to cancel? They had to cancel a polo match, some yachting, you know, trips to bondage clubs." Grim went on to claim: "if you want to get…
HuffPo's Ryan Grim: ObamaCare 2.0 Really A 'Conservative' Plan
February 24th, 2010 5:09 PM
Appearing in the 3PM ET hour on MSNBC on Wednesday, Huffington Post writer Ryan Grim claimed that President Obama's latest version of health care reform was actually a conservative approach: "We actually already have a Republican bill, and it's the one that Obama has proposed....It's all about choice. Everything in it is a Republican kind of free market-based idea."Speaking to anchor David…
HuffPo Reporter Backs Biden Claim Iraq Will Be Obama’s ‘Great Achi
February 12th, 2010 3:58 PM
Conservative talk radio and political blogs all jumped on Vice President Joe Biden’s claim on CNN’s Larry King Live Wednesday night that the successful resolution of the Iraq war “could be one of the great achievements of this administration.” Biden and President Obama, then both Senators, strongly opposed President Bush’s 2007 troop surge that marked the turning point in the war.On his Thursday…