Piers Morgan

Morgan Slams Former Home CNN as 'Completely in the Tank Anti-Trump'
April 23rd, 2019 6:30 PM
In the past, former CNN host Piers Morgan has sympathized with the liberal point of view and especially when it comes to theSecond Amendment and traditional values. However, he has recently emerged as a defender of President Trump. During an appearance on Hannity Monday night, Morgan ripped the liberal media for its coverage of the Mueller report.

Michael Moore Wants Tom Hanks To Run For President
October 17th, 2018 12:38 PM
If reality TV star Donald Trump can become president, why not solid gold Hollywood royalty? That’s what left-wing director and big, gassy hypocrite Michael Moore thinks. Lee Moran of Huffington Post reported on Oct. 16 that the filmmaker, during an interview on Good Morning Britain, confessed to hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid that he may consider asking Tom Hanks to run for president -- ask…

Parkland Teenager Kyle Kashuv Corrects Piers Morgan’s Anti-Gun Claims
April 4th, 2018 7:08 AM
A 16-year-old survivor of the Valentine’s Day shooting in Parkland, Florida, that led to the deaths of 17 people clashed with Piers Morgan in a Twitter exchange on Monday, when the British anti-gun activist claimed that the Second Amendment “was about arming people as part of a well-regulated militia -- not as a bunch of unregulated Rambos.” Kyle Kashuv responded by tweeting: “That’s completely…

Lib Pundits: Broward Cowards Disprove 'Good Guy With a Gun' Argument
February 25th, 2018 7:16 AM
In an epic self-awareness fail, several liberal commentators claim that Broward County police officers who remained outside as Nikolas Cruz massacred students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were "good guys with a gun." This, they believe, shows that a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy with a gun. It apparently hasn't occurred to them that these officers who…

BBC Airs Gross 'Brown-Nosing' Cartoon of Piers Morgan with Trump
February 3rd, 2018 10:55 PM
Former CNN host Piers Morgan just gained an interview with President Trump for his current gig on ITV's Good Morning Britain. But someone thought Morgan was too soft on the president. Morgan launched a blistering on the BBC after it aired a 'homophobic' cartoon depicting the British journalist with his nose up President Trump's naked rump, with the presidential pants down to his knees.

Threats Force Loesch to Move Her Family; Piers Morgan Is OK With That
October 23rd, 2017 11:59 PM
When they're not ignoring these matters completely, the press only usually only reluctantly notices when conservative business owners and public figures are harassed, threatened, have their property destroyed, and are sometimes even physically harmed. Beyond that, some press members seem to and sometimes actually act as if the victims should know, understand and accept that this kind of treatment…

Ex-CNNer Piers Morgan Badgers Conservative Christian on Abortion
September 6th, 2017 10:40 PM
Former CNN personality Piers Morgan and co-host Susanna Reid hounded a Conservative member of the British Parliament on ITV's Good Morning Britain on Wednesday over his Catholic views on sexuality and abortion. The pair wouldn't accept Jacob Rees-Mogg's repeated affirmation that he "support(s) the teaching of the Catholic Church" on traditional marriage, and badgered him to explicitly say he…

Piers Morgan Slams Chris Matthews for Comparing Trumps to Romanovs
April 13th, 2017 6:15 PM
While a guest on the Fox News Channel’s weeknight Hannity program on Wednesday, April 12, Piers Morgan -- a former evening host for the Cable News Network and current U.S. editor-at-large on the Daily Mail website -- sharply criticized Chris Matthews, the host of MSNBC’s Hardball program, for insinuating that President Donald Trump and his family might meet a savage end.

Piers Morgan: Why Do the Media Ignore Christian Genocide by ISIS?
April 11th, 2017 10:49 AM
It’s not often you hear a left-leaning, former news network host sticking up for persecuted Christians, but that’s exactly what happened Monday night on Fox News Channel. Host Tucker Carlson brought on former CNN analyst and current editor of The Daily Mail Piers Morgan to get his take on why the media wasn’t giving the Palm Sunday attacks in Egypt on churches the attention they deserved.

Piers Morgan Mauls Media’s ‘Un-American’ Attempt to ‘Destroy’ Trump
February 16th, 2017 3:49 PM
The media’s attacks on Donald Trump have been so out of control that even former CNN host and Piers Morgan is calling them out on it. On Wednesday’s edition of FNC’s Hannity the current U.S. editor of The Daily Mail eviscerated the American press’s attempt to “attempt to delegitimize, sabotage and destroy the Trump presidency before it’s even

Maher Aims Incest Jokes at Trump, Tries to Deny Violent Crime Increase
February 11th, 2017 4:42 PM
On Friday's Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher made crude incest jokes about President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka, and, a bit later, got into a heated debate with former liberal CNN host Piers Morgan about whether there has been a substantial increase in violent crime over the past couple of years as the liberal comedian cited a chart that only included crime through 2015 and omitted the…

Piers Morgan: Biased Media Need to Show Trump ‘More Respect’
February 8th, 2017 4:42 PM
During an appearance on Fox News Monday night, former CNN host Piers Morgan offered a stunning rebuke to the media, calling out them out for being “in the tank of Hillary Clinton” during the 2016 campaign and openly hostile to President Trump after “their candidate didn’t win.” He then demanded that press show the commander-in-chief “more respect.”

Hating Hillary’s Enemies in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
July 4th, 2016 8:52 AM
Over the next two weeks, NewsBusters will be documenting the media’s role in fueling Hillary Clinton’s political career by showering her with adoring press coverage while smearing her critics as sinister and sexist. Today, examples of reporters cheerfully echoing Hillary’s attempt to blame all of her and her husband’s scandals on a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” as opposed to the Clintons’ own…

Piers Morgan Blasts Fields, ‘Utterly Pointless' Lewandowski Charges
April 5th, 2016 8:43 PM
After having repeatedly opined about this on Twitter, liberal British journalist and reality TV star Piers Morgan took to the airwaves of FNC’s On the Record Tuesday night to continue his verbal assault against Michelle Fields and Florida police for pressing charges against Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski in a scrum which Piers dubbed “pathetic” and “utterly pointless.”