Peter Jennings

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Slanted Farewell to Pope John Paul II
After Pope John Paul II died 19 years ago this week, liberal journalists praised his “charisma” and “magnetism” but rejected what they characterized as his “extremely conservative” policies, as if long-standing Catholic Church doctrines were merely one Pope’s personal opinions that could be discarded on a whim.

FLASHBACK: Media Slammed Clinton’s ’99 Trial as a ‘Stalinist’ ‘Coup’
25 years ago, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Bill Clinton at his impeachment trial. At the time, journalists sneered that the trial of was a pointless waste of the Senate’s valuable time, while viewers heard it was an attempted “coup,” something “Stalinist” that evoked memories of Nazi Germany. Republicans were like KKK “night riders,” motivated by racism in their vendetta against a…

20 Years Later: The Truth About the Media and the Iraq War
For 20 years, lefties have blasted the press as weak or corrupt because the media did not prevent the Bush administration from launching the war in Iraq. It’s become an enduring myth amongst liberals — and one that an honest review of news coverage would quickly debunk.

The Liberal Media’s Gorbasms Over the Last Soviet Dictator
The late talk radio star Rush Limbaugh coined the phrase “Gorbasm” for the ecstasy that many reporters felt when covering Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, who died at age 91 on Tuesday. It’s true that Gorbachev was obviously less brutal than previous communist rulers. But his Soviet Union was hardly an enlightened, peace-loving democracy. While Gorbachev relaxed the repression of previous…

ABC Loved Commie Cuba: ‘Delivering Most to Those Who Had the Least'
Much of the network newscasts are admirably exposing the horrors and war crimes perpetrated by ex-KGB agent Vladimir Putin. But we should never forget their long history of fawning over communist thug dictators. It was 33 years ago this week that World News Tonight gushed over the brutal Fidel Castro for “delivering the most to those who had the least.” Then-anchor Peter Jennings portrayed the…

Famous Journalist Mocked GOP Landslide as Toddler's 'Temper Tantrum'
A lot will happen between now and November 8, 2022. But currently, things are looking grim for the Democrats. One poll this week show a GOP congressional ballot advantage of 10 and another puts it at 13. How should we expect network journalists to react? Well, the past is always a good guide. In 1994, Republicans gained eight seats in the Senate and a whopping 54 in the House. Then-ABC …
Recalling the Last Recall and the Lib Media’s Last Minute Dirty Tricks
Right now, the leader of the pack to replace California Governor Gavin Newsom is conservative talk show host Larry Elder, so he’s currently the main target of the liberal media’s venom. On the eve of the 2003 recall vote, the media aimed their last-minute artillery at Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, then leading in the race to replace Governor Gray Davis.

FLASHBACK: When the Media Championed Election Objectors
Democrats in Congress have protested every Republican presidential election for the past 20 years, without the media accusing them of attacking democracy itself. Yet in 2004, when California Senator Barbara Boxer joined with Ohio Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones to object to the certification of Ohio’s electors — as some Republicans pledge to do on Wednesday — the media treated the…

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton Groped Flight Attendant, ABC Shrugged It Off

CNN’s Jake Tapper: Media Much More Supportive of Obama Than Trump

FLASHBACK: Lib Journalists Used L.A. Riots to Bash Conservatives

The Media: Lemmings on Parade

Excerpt from 'Useful Idiots': Liberal Fawning Over a Communist Tyrant