Michelle Kosinski

CNN Whines: Language on 'Reproductive Health' Axed From UN Resolution
April 24th, 2019 3:21 PM
CNN host Brooke Baldwin closed the 3:00 PM ET hour of CNN Newsroom by mentioning that “the UN Security Council passed a resolution to protect wartime rape victims” before complaining that “it was missing some key language that mentioned sexual and reproductive health.” Baldwin brought in CNN Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Michelle Kosinski to discuss the matter further. Kosinski attributed the…

Hypocrites CNN, MSNBC Complain About No Briefings....Then Skip It
January 28th, 2019 5:31 PM
On Monday, the White House held its first press briefing in 41 days, a stat passed around the press about how it was the longest span between briefings since cameras were brought in during the Clinton administration. Despite this kvetching, CNN and MSNBC chose not to air a single second of the briefing live, which included an announcement of new Venezuela sanctions plus questions for White House…

Lunchtime CNN: Trump’s ‘Shocking Barrage’ Could Warrant Impeachment
July 16th, 2018 4:17 PM
If you had felt that CNN would slowly run out of steam going into the afternoon hours overreacting to Monday’s bizarre and troubling Trump-Putin press conference, consider yourself sadly mistaken. Throughout the 1:00 p.m. hour, CNNers remarked that this “truly extraordinary moment in American history” was a “shocking barrage” that could warrant Trump’s impeachment.

'Canoe Fake' Kosinski Lectures State Dept. on 'Fake News' Accusations?
May 4th, 2018 9:51 AM
I noted on Tuesday that The Weekly Standard reported that CNN's Michelle Kosinski strongly questioned State Department's Michael Kozak on Trump bashing the press when the department's human-rights report came out. Jack Heretik at the Washington Free Beacon pointed out that Kosinski did it again on Thursday, or World Press Freedom Day, suggesting that any charge of "fake news" is somehow "…

Weekly Standard Thumps 'Our Self-Obsessed Parochial Press Corps'
May 2nd, 2018 5:14 PM
Kelly Jane Torrance of The Weekly Standard wrote a startling article on "Our self-obsessed parochial press corps" in the magazine's May 7 edition. The setting was an April 20 State Department briefing on its report on human-rights abuses in other countries...but the reporters wanted to focus on the horrors of America.

Embarrassing: Check Out CNN's Latest Narcissistic Apple/Banana Ad
April 23rd, 2018 10:52 AM
Upon perusing CNN late Friday morning, the chest-thumping, sanctimonious news channel aired a new ad in its parody-laden yet irksome “Facts First” campaign featuring a mound of bananas while claiming there was a single, out-of-view apple. The ad served as CNN’s latest (and failed) attempt to convince viewers that it’s pro-truth when it’s actually anti-Trump and pro-Resistance.

CNN Panel Hails Booker for ‘Masterfully’ Attacking Pompeo on Gay Sex
April 12th, 2018 4:49 PM
On Thursday afternoon, it was no accident that CNN almost universally focused on New Jersey Democratic Senator Cory Booker’s questions for CIA Director Mike Pompeo at his confirmation hearing to oversee the State Department. It was even less of a surprise that the CNN panel gushed over Booker “masterfully” attacking Pompeo in a “tough exchange” about his views on gay sex.

'Facts First' Network Falls for Fake News From Parody Twitter Account
February 8th, 2018 2:38 PM
The network that famously touts itself as the arbiter over “fake news” stepped in it yet again, Wednesday. CNN’s Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Michelle Kosinski retweeted a North Korean parody account, touting the fake government account “trolling” Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

ABC’s Jack the Ripper Hypes Accessibility of Guns; ‘I'm an Amateur!'
March 6th, 2017 1:05 PM
On Sunday’s series premiere of ABC’s Time After Time, Dr. John Stevenson aka Jack the Ripper (Josh Bowman) was finally caught in 2017 by friend H.G. Wells (Freddie Stroma) after stealing Wells’s time machine from 1893. When they met at a New York City bar, however, Stevenson boasted about the accessibility of guns in 2017 and how he’s “an amateur” compared to the 21st century’s violent criminals…

CNN Gushes Over Obama 'Cheerleading' With 'Energy' for Hillary
July 6th, 2016 1:24 PM
CNN's Michele Kosinski hit the Obama administration from the left on Wednesday's New Day over not publicly reacting to the FBI's decision to not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her e-mail scandal. Kosinski touted "the pictures Hillary Clinton's campaign has been waiting for — the arrival with the President on Air Force One" but bemoaned how "this came after a surreal day in…

CNN: Darn It, Terrorism Has 'Overshadowed' Obama's Agenda Again
July 1st, 2016 11:33 PM
On Thursday, CNN's Michelle Kosinski delivered the latest pity-party installment of "Darn Those Terrorists Getting in Obama's Way."
Moaning about "distractions" and the like has been a staple of media reporting since Barack Obama first took office in 2009. In recent years, as the number and severity of terrorist attacks has grown, largely as a result of feckless U.S. foreign policy, the press…

CNN Touts Obama's Court Pick as 'Moderate,' Not 'Nakedly Political'
March 16th, 2016 5:11 PM
On Wednesday, CNN quickly ran to label President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, as a "moderate" and a "consensus candidate." Jake Tapper contended that "this seems like a fairly-establishment, moderate pick." Pamela Brown first responded by underlining that there's "no doubt about it;" but moments later, she revealed that Judge Garland "may carry on Obama's legacy when it comes…

CNN's Costello: 'Ridiculous' That CDC Afraid to Do Obama Gun Study
July 24th, 2015 11:50 AM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom, anchor Carol Costello declared that it is "ridiculous" that the CDC has opposed President Obama's idea to do a study on gun violence because, as relayed by correspondent Michelle Kosinski, the government agency was afraid of being targeted for budget cuts if it did so.
After Kosinki filed a report recalling President Obama's "frustration" at not getting more gun laws…
Kosinski: 'It Was Benjamin Netanyahu's Turn to Get Schooled by the WH'
March 20th, 2015 4:24 PM
Leading off CNN’s coverage on New Day of the latest news concerning the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, White House correspondent Michelle Kosinski ruled that “it was Benjamin Netanyahu’s turn to get schooled by the White House” after the Obama administration responded to the Israeli Prime Minister’s reelection and feelings about a two-state solution.