Michel Martin

PBS, Lincoln Project Label DeSantis, Press Secretary 'Alt-Right'
The Friday edition of PBS and CNN International’s Amanpour and Company could have selected anyone to profile Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as his name is increasingly floated as a possible 2024 presidential candidate. But, instead of picking DeSantis himself or someone close to him, NPR’s Michel Martin chose Lincoln Project bomb thrower Rick Wilson, who labeled both DeSantis and press…

ABC Panelist Compares Biden to Reagan in Deranged Rant
You know the left is flailing in their attempts to defend President Biden when they start comparing him to beloved former President Ronald Reagan on national television. That is exactly what NPR's Michele Martin did on Sunday's episode of This Week.

NPR Helps Schiff Sell New Book on His Tear-Filled Trump Impeachment
On Monday's Morning Edition, National Public Radio spent seven minutes promoting Rep. Adam Schiff and his new book on the first Trump impeachment, the one on Hunter Biden and Ukraine. The segment was so soft that it began with 87 seconds of a Schiff answer with no audible question from interviewer Michel Martin. But, inevitably, Schiff became choked up. (As Tucker Carlson has noticed…

ABC Slams Biden on Afghanistan—'Adrift From The Facts'
The roundtable on ABC's "This Week" was rather rough on President Biden regarding his Afghanistan fiasco. It was encapsulated by senior national correspondent Terry Moran describing Biden as "adrift from the facts." Even NPR's Michel Martin called the withdrawal a "botched operation."

NPR Host Asks RIDICULOUS Question on Awful Jobs Report
A National Public Radio host tried to spin the atrocious April jobs report numbers by accusing GOP governors of pushing people to go back to work when jobs aren’t available. Fact-check: Millions of jobs were available.

NPR Promotes New York Times Food Writer's 'War on Meat'
Liberals are having it both ways right now. It's nuts to suggest Joe Biden has a plan to take away your meat. But the eco-lefties really want to limit everyone's meat intake, especially beef. On Saturday night's All Things Considered, NPR host Michel Martin brought on New York Times columnist and food writer Mark Bittman for an interview headlined "Food World Ramps Up The War On Meat…

NPR Gives 8 Minutes to WashPost to Defend Lame Tim Scott 'Fact Check'
Washington Post "fact checker" Glenn Kessler drew a lot of fire for digging deeply into the family history of Sen. Tim Scott to suggest his life story was exaggerated. On Sunday night's All Things Considered, NPR weekend host Michel Martin devoted more than eight minutes of air time to letting Kessler defend himself, as liberal journalists stick up for liberal journalists and…

On PBS, Hack Schmidt Brags: I Restrained McCain in Campaign With Obama
On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, MSNBC contributor and disaffected ex-Republican Steve Schmidt bragged about restraining 2008 GOP presidential nominee John McCain's losing campaign from exposing Democrat Barack Obama's ties to the radical pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, after NPR's Michel Martin cued him up to fault Republicans over race issues.

NPR's Michel Martin Cues Journalist to Hint Trump Voters Are Racist

PBS Highlights Missteps by NY Democrats in Pandemic Response

Bill Frist Calls Out NPR's Michel Martin for Loaded Abortion Questions

NPR Host Dwells on Race as the 'Original Sin' of the Modern GOP

PBS Insists Sanders Is 'Mainstream,' Accepts Trump as 'Authoritarian'