SUNDAY MORNING COMMIE PROP: CBS Pumps ‘Buena Vista Social Club’ Play
March 9th, 2025 7:27 PM
CBS Sunday Morning glowingly promoted a Broadway play about a controversial Cuban band, without once mentioning the word communism, and barely mentioning the Cuban Revolution. Its report promoting “Buena Vista Social Club” should be viewed as no less than softcore communist propaganda.
FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Slanted Farewell to Pope John Paul II
March 31st, 2024 10:06 AM
After Pope John Paul II died 19 years ago this week, liberal journalists praised his “charisma” and “magnetism” but rejected what they characterized as his “extremely conservative” policies, as if long-standing Catholic Church doctrines were merely one Pope’s personal opinions that could be discarded on a whim.
FLASHBACK: The Media Lovefest That Kicked Off Hillary’s 2016 Campaign
January 28th, 2023 9:20 AM
Ten years ago this week, CBS’s 60 Minutes eagerly assisted in producing what could be regarded as the first infomercial of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
CBS Fears ‘Trench Warfare,’ McConnell’s ‘Red Wall’ in Senate
November 9th, 2020 4:42 PM
On CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent and longtime Democratic Party shill Martha Teichner bitterly warned of “trench warfare” during a Joe Biden administration due to the closeness of the election results and the fact that his left-wing agenda “will hit a formidable red wall” in a likely Republican Senate still controlled by Mitch McConnell.
CBS: No Partisanship in Pelosi’s ‘Profile in Courage’ Win
April 9th, 2019 4:44 PM
Try not to laugh, but the Kennedy family giving a Profile in Courage award to Nancy Pelosi isn’t a partisan move. That’s the claim CBS Sunday Morning wants viewers to buy. Host Jane Pauley and reporter Martha Teichner previewed the 2019 award with Pauley haughtily insisting, “For 30 years, the Profile in Courage Award has been leading the way, honoring people for taking the high road.”
New Republic Editor: ‘Black Bodies Are Under Assault’ In America
June 21st, 2015 10:12 AM
In the wake of the horrific racially motivated shooting on a historic African American church in Charleston, South Carolina last week, CBS News Sunday Morning hosted liberal New Republic editor Jamil Smith who argued that “black bodies are under assault” all across the country.
CBS Promotes Anti-Catholic Broadway Play; Falsely Places John the Bapt
April 4th, 2013 5:34 PM
On Thursday, Mollie Hemingway of the GetReligion blog pointed out CBS's "major mistake" on the March 31, 2013 edition of Sunday Morning. On the Easter Sunday broadcast, Martha Teichner confused two biblical figures with the same name when she stated that "only one of the Gospels places Mary at the crucifixion, alongside the so-called 'beloved disciple' – possibly John the Baptist." Actually,…
Religious Expert: Mass Media Promotes New-Age Spirituality
January 25th, 2012 3:55 PM
A noted Christian religious expert is the latest to confirm something careful watchers of the media have known for years: The American media is peddling New Age spirituality to its viewers as a substitute for traditional religion.
On January 24, the Christian Post reported that Ravi Zacharias, the founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and a noted Christian apologist, warned that…
CBS: The Rich to Blame For Bad Economy, Need to Pay Higher Taxes
September 27th, 2010 5:18 PM
On CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Martha Teichner promoted left-wing class warfare talking points from former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich: "[He] in a new book points out another ominous parallel between the Great Depression and the 'Great Recession,' its cause." Reich proclaimed: "More and more of the income that was generated by the economy went to people at the top." [Audio…
CBS’s Teichner: Americans Abandoning Organized Religion for ‘Spiri
October 6th, 2009 2:36 PM
Reporting the lead story on CBS’s Sunday Morning, correspondent Martha Teichner touted a new on-line poll conducted by Parade magazine about religion in America: “nearly a quarter of the respondents call themselves spiritual, not religious. And how about this? Half the people polled say they seldom, if ever, attend religious services.”One supposed religious expert Teichner spoke with about the…
CBS Hails ObamaCare; Calls French Health Care ‘Best in the World
August 17th, 2009 4:30 PM
On CBS’s Sunday Morning correspondent Martha Teichner touted President Obama’s latest PR blitz to promote health care reform: "For the third time in five days, Barack Obama used the presidential bully pulpit on behalf of what he’s now calling health insurance reform. No more letting the angry opposition control the agenda."Teichner dismissed that "angry opposition" by declaring: "Here’s a…
CBS: Patriotism a ‘Loaded Concept,’ Some Think ‘Harmful to Democ
November 6th, 2008 6:22 PM
On CBS’s Sunday Morning, correspondent Martha Teichner decided to try to define patriotism: "In reality, there may be no more loaded concept in the American political lexicon...The election will be a referendum on patriotism. One of campaign '08's central and most contentious issues." Teichner talked to liberal Brookings Institution analyst William Galston about the history of that "loaded…
CBS Tribute to Norman Mailer, Who Said WTC ‘Had to Be Destroyed
November 14th, 2007 4:54 PM
On CBS’s "Sunday Morning" this past weekend, reporter Martha Teichner did a profile of recently deceased ultra left-wing author, Norman Mailer, who she described as "... a hell of a big man for a short guy, scrappy, brilliant, controversial. Slugging away at life and letters until the very end." Of course, this was the same Norman Mailer that said of the World Trade Center in October 2001: "…