No. Jorge Ramos NO representa a todos los hispanos

August 29th, 2015 1:54 PM
Cuando Jorge Ramos irrumpió en la conferencia de prensa de Donald Trump en Iowa, lo hizo con el claro intento de incitar a una confrontación. Su misma colega María Elena Salinas admitió que la misión de Ramos era de “cuestionar, denunciar, y exponer.”

Univision pierde la oportunidad de cuestionar a Hillary Clinton

August 19th, 2015 5:00 PM
Durante una entrevista con Hillary Clinton en New Hampshire, la semana pasada, la conductora de Univisión, María Elena Salinas, perdió una importante oportunidad para hacer realidad su afirmación de que su cadena de noticias es “imparcial y equilibrada”. Desafortunadamente, la sazonada conductora, de la mayor cadena hispanoparlante, permitió que la precandidata presidencial demócrata y…

Univision Misses Opportunity to Hold Hillary’s Feet to the Fire

August 19th, 2015 2:25 PM
During an interview with Hillary Clinton last week in New Hampshire, Univision anchor María Elena Salinas missed a critical opportunity to live up to her claim that her network’s news coverage is “fair and balanced.” That’s because unfortunately, the veteran anchor at the nation’s largest Spanish-language network allowed the Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State of the…

Parcializado retrato de la crisis de deuda puertorriqueña en Univisión

August 9th, 2015 11:59 AM
Mientras Puerto Rico, bajo el liderazgo del socio del Presidente Obama, el gobernador Alejandro García-Padilla (D) ponía en mora los pagos a los acreedores, Univisión transmitió un informe completamente parcializado sobre manifestaciones contra la "austeridad" en frente de una firma de inversiones con sede en Nueva York.

One-sided Portrait of Puerto Rico Debt Crisis, on Univision

August 9th, 2015 11:16 AM
As Puerto Rico, under the leadership of President Obama’s pal, Governor Alejandro García- Padilla (D) defaults on its debt payments to bondholders, Univision aired an entirely one-sided report about an “anti-austerity” demonstration in front of a New York-based investment firm.

Silent No More: Univision Carries Planned Parenthood’s Water

August 6th, 2015 5:18 PM
And behold, the Center for Medical Progress opened the fifth seal, and thus came forth the most horrific revelations to date in the ongoing Planned Parenthood scandal, with talk of “intact fetal cadavers”, “just another line item” and the most damning admissions of apparent illegality to date. And lo, Univision News has at long last seen fit to come off the sidelines, albeit with entirely…

ABC, NBC Move on from News on Hillary's Server to Cover Cecil the Lion

August 6th, 2015 1:54 AM
After all three major broadcast networks covered on Wednesday morning news that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, ABC and NBC moved on from it by the time their evening newscasts rolled around to instead award nearly two minutes to the Cecil the lion story. Joining ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News in the blackout of this development was Spanish-…

¿Es Univisión tan 'imparcial y equilibrada' como sostiene conductora?

August 2nd, 2015 11:50 AM
Durante una reciente entrevista en CNN, María Elena Salinas, conductora de Univisión, hizo una audaz reivindicación, declarando que la cobertura noticiosa de su cadena es "imparcial y equilibrada". La credibilidad de la reivindicación de Salinas, no obstante, es seriamente socavada por el reciente historial de la cadena cubriendo noticias del acontecer político estadounidense.

Pinocchio Test: Is Univision as 'Fair and Balanced' as Anchor Says?

August 2nd, 2015 11:17 AM
During a recent interview on CNN, Univision anchor María Elena Salinas made the bold claim that her network’s news coverage is "fair and balanced." The credibility of Salinas’ claim, however, is seriously undermined by the network’s recent track record covering U.S. political news.

Escándalo de correos electrónicos de Clinton es reportado

July 28th, 2015 8:08 AM
Los resultados de las investigaciones de control interno que encontraron evidencias de mal manejo, que potencialmente pudo poner en riesgo información de seguridad nacional, debido a las malas prácticas en el uso de los correos electrónicos por parte de Hillary Clinton, cuando se desempeñó como secretaria de estado, fueron examinadas por las principales cadenas hispanoparlantes. Hasta ahora,…

Clinton Email Scandal Covered on Univision, Telemundo, MundoFox

July 27th, 2015 7:00 PM
U.S. Inspector General findings that Hillary Clinton evidently mishandled - and potentially compromised - national security information through her rogue email practices as secretary of state of the United States were the subject of scrutiny on the nation’s top Spanish-language networks. So far, Telemundo has dedicated the most time to the developing story, while Univision and MundoFox coverage…

Conductora de Univision en Reliable Sources: un teatro orwelliano

July 14th, 2015 2:41 PM
La conductora de Univisión, María Elena Salinas, compareció recientemente en el programa de CNN, Reliable Sources, para conversar sobre Donald Trump, inmigración y acusaciones de parcialidad contra los conservadores. El resultado final es una pieza de teatro orwelliano político en tiempos recientes.

Univision Anchor on Reliable Sources: Orwellian Performance Theater

July 14th, 2015 10:35 AM
Univision anchor María Elena Salinas recently appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources in order to discuss Donald Trump, immigration, and accusations of bias against conservatives. The end result is one of the more brilliant pieces of Orwellian political performance art in recent memory.

Univision Delivers One-Sided Slam Against Border Patrol

June 17th, 2015 3:53 PM
In keeping with its long record of anti-law enforcement news coverage, the nation’s largest Spanish-language network, Univision, failed to include the United States Border Patrol’s perspective about the findings of a new internal agency investigation that exonerated 64 of 67 Border Patrol agents involved in shooting incidents while in the line of duty between 2010 and 2012. Instead, the report on…