MSNBC's Luke Russert Hypes Russ Feingold as a 'Fiscal Conservative,' H

September 28th, 2010 5:12 PM
MSNBC reporter Luke Russert on Tuesday lauded Democratic Senator Russ Feingold as a "fiscal conservative." During the same segment, he knocked Republican Sharron Angle for making "outlandish, absurd comments."Russert asserted that Feingold is known for "independence during his Senate career, having a lot of moral victories" and for "being fiscally conservative." [MP3 audio here.] The National…

Amidst Media Battering of Boehner, MSNBC Actually Portrays His Upbring

September 13th, 2010 3:46 PM
Amidst a war of words with the White House, character attacks from the Left, and a New York Times hit piece on his connections with lobbyists, House Minority Leader John Boehner has received positive media coverage – from MSNBC of all places. The network ran a portrait of Boehner's childhood on its 11 a.m. news hour, and again on "Andrea Mitchell Reports" at 1 p.m."The public hears a lot of the…

Newsweek's Clift Laments Rangel's Fall From Grace, Presents Harlem De

July 30th, 2010 4:00 PM
Imagine that it's 2006, and an elderly, long-serving conservative U.S. congressman from a deep-red congressional district is facing congressional hearings regarding charges of corruption and tax evasion. Also imagine that this congressman was caught on camera being exceedingly condescending and dismissive when asked about these charges by a young reporter. The media drumbeat of indignation would…

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Simply Echoes Democrat Talking Points on Tax C

July 26th, 2010 6:35 PM
Newsbusters reported earlier on the double standard of MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer on reporters appearing at fundraisers. During the same news hour, Brewer simply couldn't understand the Republican position on extending the Bush tax cuts for all taxpayers, and jokingly wondered if the Republicans are even human."What I don't get is a lot of the people who are shouting about letting these tax…

Luke Russert Touts Financial Bill as 'Huge Victory' for Dems, Fulfills

July 15th, 2010 6:23 PM
Reporting Thursday from Capitol Hill, MSNBC congressional correspondent Luke Russert touted a likely win for Senate Democrats on the Financial Reform Bill, saying it would be a "huge victory.""Obviously, [President Obama] ran on the slogan 'Change you can believe in,' with health care reform and financial regulatory reform," Russert commented, thus tying the passage of the financial reform bill…

MSNBC Declares Barton's Comments a Big Victory for Dems; Bring on Van

June 17th, 2010 6:37 PM
If you take MSNBC's Luke Russert's words at face value, you would think the Democrats are going to win big this November–all thanks to Rep. Joe Barton's (R-Texas) comments on the Obama administration's treatment of BP, and their "shakedown" of the company via the escrow fund. "A lot of Democrats see this as the ammunition they need to directly tie the Republican Party with that of big oil,"…

MSNBC on Etheridge Assault: An 'Ambush Interview,' GOP 'Set Up

June 14th, 2010 4:52 PM
In the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall did a news brief on Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge assaulting two students attempting to ask him a question last week, proclaiming: "...there are some Democrats that are blasting the people allegedly behind this video....some would catagorize that as an ambush interview..." [Audio available here]Hall played a clip of the video showing the…

MSNBC's Luke Russert Derides Republicans for Not Engaging in 'Elevated

May 26th, 2010 5:44 PM
MSNBC’s Luke Russert on Wednesday chided Senate Republicans for meeting with Barack Obama and using language that wasn't "exactly the things that we’d necessarily see as elevated Presidential dialogue." The network reporter highlighted the "tense" discussion between the President and the GOP members. "It was quite interesting to see some of these adjectives thrown about President Obama," Russert…

Russert Amazed Black Republicans Seek Tea Party Support, A Group Many

May 5th, 2010 12:00 PM
Listen to the surprise in Luke Russert's voice as he reports that many African-American Republican candidates for congress are seeking support from the Tea Party.  After all, says Luke, the Tea Party is a group that "a lot of folks have claimed to be racist against African-Americans."Russert expressed his amazement on MSNBC this morning, discussing a New York Times article that reports that at…

Luke Russert: Massa Will Support ObamaCare 'If He Sincerely Cares Abou

March 4th, 2010 7:52 PM
I've been leery of Luke Russert ever since the NBC reporter said, during the presidential campaign, that students at the U. of Virginia are "leaning a little bit towards Obama" because "the smartest kids in the state go there." On this evening's Ed Show, the son of the late MTP moderator gave additional reason to think that he leans "a little bit towards Obama" himself.  Speaking of the Dem…

MSNBC Highlights 'Right-wing Fringe' Tea Partiers and Their 'Threat' t

March 2nd, 2010 12:36 PM
MSNBC host David Shuster on Tuesday touted the threat that "right-wing fringe candidates" could pose to "more mainstream Republican" politicians. The segment, which aired on News Live, identified tea party candidates as "fringe" three times. While Shuster was introducing reporter Luke Russert, an MSNBC graphic hyperbolically derided, "Conservatives Target Their Own Fringe." After Russert…

Luke to GOP: Go Left

November 12th, 2008 8:03 PM
Perhaps Luke Russert should drop his NBC gig as youth-vote specialist and become a full-time Republican consultant.  The son of the late Meet The Press host didn't hesitate this evening to share his advice to the GOP, which can be summarized in two words: go left.The 23-year old Russert dropped his pearls of electoral wisdom while chatting with the hard-working Mika Brzezinski, guest-hosting for…

Luke Russert: 'Smartest Kids' Naturally Favor Obama

September 24th, 2008 8:38 AM
Out of the mouths of young, untrained reporters come the unspoken beliefs of the liberal media. Speaking to Matt Lauer as they tour Virginia for this morning's Today, NBC newbie Luke Russert reported from the University of Virginia. Just before the 8:30 break, Lauer asked him if that campus was representative of students statewide, and young Russert asserted: "You have to remember, the smartest…

Matthews Furious—Did Olbermann Lift His Lines

August 27th, 2008 8:49 PM
Another chapter in the ongoing Matthews-Olbermann feud?  Yesterday, a catfight broke out between the two when Olbermann suggested Matthews had stolen an idea from two female pundits, and later made a hand gesture mocking Matthews gabbing [YouTube here, h/t Undercover Black Man].  Were the warring duo at it again this evening?You be the judge.  Click on the image to the right to view the video..…