Laura Barrón-López

PBS: 'Queering Your Classroom' With the 'LGBTQ+ Identity Toolkit'
Whenever the first Trump administration made noises about defunding public media (in its 2017 and 2018 budget proposals, for instance), including National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the congressionally founded tax-funded entity ostensibly in charge, would respond by emphasizing how PBS benefits kids. But must PBS’s…

The Brian Stelter Award for Worst Quote of the Year
It was a challenging task, but an esteemed panel led by MRC President L. Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2024 and declared a winner.

PBS 'Expert' Rips Hegseth Cross Tattoo, Compares Him to Mass Shooters
Thursday’s PBS News Hour welcomed back Brad Onishi (host of the podcast "Straight White American Jesus") to warn once again about scary Christian conservatism, this time encapsulated in Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, interviewed by the show’s most biased reporter, Laura Barron-Lopez. Onishi compared Hegseth to mass shooters and to white nationalists…

PBS Warns of Rising Misogyny Under Trump Based on 24-Hour Lefty Study
After Trump’s convincing election victory last month, the PBS News Hour is finding its far-left feet again. On Tuesday night it treated a silly left-wing study from a discredited lefty scaremongering outfit as a disturbing revelation about Trump-fueled misogyny, based on some tasteless playground humor being spread around the internet for shock value.

CALL DOGE: Taxpayer-Funded PBS Thinks NBC Wasn't Hard Enough on Trump
Over at taxpayer-funded PBS, there was quite the bit of grousing over the level of intensity of the interview of President Elect Donald Trump that aired on NBC’s Meet the Press. As they complained about the lack of fact-checking, they demonstrated why both the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS should be among the first targets of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE…

PBS's Transgender Teen Blackmail: 'Many of Us Will Not Make It to 18'
Wednesday’s PBS News Hour featured a propagandistic, nine-and-a-half minute segment on the important case argued before the Supreme Court involving a Tennessee law banning transgender surgery for minors: “Supreme Court hears arguments in most significant trans rights case to reach bench.” The taxpayer-funded network actually opened its broadcast with emotional blackmail, in the guise…

PBS News Hour: 27 Times More Likely to Tag 'Far Right,' Not 'Far Left'
As a taxpayer-funded TV network, PBS should not be favoring one side over the other. But MRC analysts studying the use of labels over 18 months on the PBS News Hour found they were 27 times more likely to identify an "extreme" on the right than they would on the left. There were 162 extreme-right labels and only six extreme-left descriptions.

PBS: Trump Reelection Means USA Now Accepts 'Authoritarian Leadership'
The PBS News Hour is pumping up the fear of Trump II, throwing out scary words like “fascist” to describe the incoming Trump administration, the latest example brought to you Wednesday evening by PBS’s most biased reporter Laura Barron-Lopez, and Yale University leftist professor Jason Stanley, who has been calling Trump a fascist without results for six years.

PBS: What of #MeToo in Wake of Trump Cabinet's Misconduct Allegations?
Sunday’s PBS News Weekend program, guest hosted by White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez, resurfaced the feminist, sexual-abuse awareness #MeToo slogan to smear Donald Trump’s emerging picks to serve in his presidential Cabinet: "What signal does it send that these people may be filling some of the highest positions in government and leading the military or determining health…

As Trump Shakes Up Deep State, PBS's Barron-Lopez Pushes New Red Scare
As President-elect Donald Trump moves to shake up the federal bureaucracy, White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez pushed a new Red Scare on Tuesday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour. But first came a series of clips introduced by anchor Amna Nawaz of several disgruntled bureaucrats and union members working (for now) in the federal government. Surprise! They’re all opposed to Trump’…

Democrats Self-Examine, But Not the Media
It’s been a week since Donald Trump’s landslide re-election and some Democrats are using words like “realignment,” “self-reflection” and “regret.” It seems most on the losing side are rethinking their far-left policies on immigration and the entire social agenda. Let’s wait and see, because for the left these are matters held as near-religious doctrines.

OOOPS: PBS Pushed Late Momentum for Kamala in Iowa, Swing States
The PBS News Hour’s most partisan reporter, Laura Barron-Lopez, displayed her Democratic favoritism during her long Election Night coverage from Kamala Harris’s election night headquarters. But her pro-Harris hype started before Election Day, with happy talk about Harris’s prospects in most of the swing states, none of which panned out for her campaign. The day before on the PBS…

CNN Says Trump Won Because The Left Doesn't Have a 'Media Ecosystem'
The late night comedy shows may not have been very funny after Donald Trump’s election victory, but the Wednesday edition of CNN’s Inside Politics was as PBS News Hour White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez got the panel to agree that one reason Kamala Harris lost is that, unlike Trump, she did not have a “media ecosystem” to help her get across the finish line.

Glum and Glummer: PBS Reporter's Harris Optimism Dissolves in Red Wave
PBS brought its familiar News Hour crew to Election Night 2024, including anchors Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett. Laura Barron-Lopez reported from Howard University in D.C, Harris’ “victory party” locale, while William Brangham reported from Trump’s actual victory party in West Palm Beach. The anchors checked in with the on-scene reporters roughly every hour, and one could see the…