Lara Logan

CBS Corrections Come Much Faster To Dismiss Charges Against Liberals
November 11th, 2013 1:15 PM
Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal and the NSA snooping have all failed thus far to cause the liberal mainstream media to break away from their instinctive partisan-protect mode into a cover regardless of political implication mode.
The betting here is that team Obama is counting on the liberal media giving them the breathing room they need to get things straightened out [on…
CBS's Logan Lets Benghazi Witness, Stevens' Advisers Cut Through Obama
October 28th, 2013 4:24 PM
On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Lara Logan bluntly pointed out how the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya "have been overshadowed by misinformation, confusion, and intense partisanship". Logan turned to an actual eyewitness of the attack, along with two former advisers to deceased Ambassador Chris Stevens – Greg Hicks and a Green Beret officer – to…

Bozell Column: Al Gore, Super Rich Sellout
January 8th, 2013 10:27 PM
The liberal media have spent 12 years feeling sorry for Al Gore.The Man Who Should Have Won in 2000 has had megatons of positive publicity dumped on him, hailing him as the “Goracle.” They cheered as leftists honored him with the Nobel Peace Prize and gave an Oscar to his filmed eco-sermon “An Inconvenient Truth.”
So when Gore sold his left-wing cable channel Current TV to al-Jazeera for $…