Journalists Whine About Guns After Terrorist Uses Truck to Kill 8
November 1st, 2017 10:41 AM
The morning after a deadly terror attack in lower Manhattan, journalists in the left-wing media couldn’t get their heads around a deadly attack that didn’t involve guns. Eight people were killed and several others injured in New York City Tuesday afternoon, after an Islamic radical motivated by ISIS mowed down pedestrians in a bike path. Liberal journalists took to Twitter, and some even used…
Rubin Sees 'Disgraceful' Gillespie, Conservatives 'Spreading Nonsense'
October 29th, 2017 1:23 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy, Joy Reid hosted over a panel of five MSNBC Republicans to discuss the week's political news. True to form, allegedly right-leaning Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin was trashing conservatives as she derided Virginia GOP gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie's campaign as "disgraceful" and complained that the "conservative media" are "spreading nonsense to the American…
MSNBC Guest: 'Virtually All Racists Belong to the Republican Party'
October 28th, 2017 11:24 PM
Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC displayed the latest example of the liberal news network's eagerness to bring the kind of Republicans onto their shows who will trash other Republicans. While appearing as a guest to promote his book, The Truth Matters, former George H.W. Bush Treasury official Bruce Bartlett actually asserted that "virtually all racists belong to the Republican party today," and made a…
Cox Done 'Talking' in NYT: Leaves List of Liberal Dialogues, GOP Hate
October 23rd, 2017 8:22 PM
Sunday marked Ana Marie Cox’s last Talk interview on the back page of the New York Times Sunday Magazine. It was the usual loving treatment of a liberal. But Cox’s self-proclaimed “gentle magic” was woven solely to benefit liberal figures; Republicans were constantly bashed in her interviews with liberal figures, while House Speaker Paul Ryan was an undignified "stooge" and "media welfare queen."
MSNBC: 'RepubliKlan' Trump Putting 'Segregationists' on the Courts
October 22nd, 2017 4:41 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, one left-wing MSNBC guest portrayed Republicans as a "RepubliKlan party" promoting "white supremacy," and another guest tried to paint one of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees as a "segregationist" as he also smeared former Senator Jesse Helms as "one of the most notorious racists in American politics."
MSNBC Guest: Trump 'Defecating on Women,' 'Taking Away Rights'
October 21st, 2017 4:51 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy, frequent MSNBC guest Karine Jean-Pierre of hyperbolically claimed that President Donald Trump is "defecating on women" with executive orders that are "taking away rights from women." She also made her latest contribution to imagining nonexistent racial double standards when she claimed that black women are more likely to be targeted by President Trump in spite…
Libs Twist Clinton/Russia Scandal: ‘Hate Doesn’t Work Forever'
October 20th, 2017 4:47 PM
While the media covered up the breaking news put out by The Hill that the FBI discovered Russia’s alleged monetary involvement with the Clinton Foundation in an uranium deal with the Obama administration, libs and journalists on Twitter are trying to find a way to spin the story in their direction.
MSNBC's Reid Frets Over MRC 'Don't Believe the Liberal Media' Stickers
October 14th, 2017 1:59 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's appearance at the Values Voters Summit, host Joy Reid fretted over MRC bumper stickers criticizing the liberal media while also griping about flyers for a book exposing the dangers of homosexual behavior that were given out. Reid reacted: "I mean, the stuff that they're distributing there, it feels so counter to the…
WashPost's Rubin Joins MSNBC Panel to Bash NRA, Push More Gun Control
October 9th, 2017 5:19 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, Washington Post columnist and disaffected former Republican Jennifer Rubin joined in with MSNBC liberals Joy Reid and E.J. Dionne to trash the National Rifle Association and its executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, as the group pushed for more gun control. And for his part, Dionne ended up suggesting that congressional Republicans should remove metal detectors from the…
MSNBC Republican Bolsters 'AM Joy' Panel's Call for More Gun Control
October 7th, 2017 2:00 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Saturday's AM Joy, frequent MSNBC guest Kurt Bardella was again using his history of involvement in Republican politics to bolster the views of liberals on the show -- this time during a discussion of gun control. Bardella -- a former spokesperson for Breitbart News who has made a name for himself bashing his former business client -- talked up the possibility…
Celebs, Journalists, Hillary Couldn’t Wait to Politicize Vegas Tragedy
October 2nd, 2017 10:59 AM
The elite have their versions of ambulance chasers. In the wake of a national tragedy, the insensitive calls from wealthy celebrities and journalists to join the bandwagon of liberal political activism showcases their complete lack of empathy.
Reid Wrongly Claims More Anti-Obama Threats, Lauded as 'Intellectual'
September 30th, 2017 9:56 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's All In with Chris Hayes, far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid was spreading misinformation to viewers as she claimed that President Barack Obama "had more threats against him than any President" even though the claim was discredited years ago. And, on her own show on Saturday's AM Joy, liberal guest Frank Schaeffer laughably lauded her as a "great public intellectual."
Johnson Sees Toys R Us 'White Supremacy,' GOP 'Ku Klux Versus Klan'
September 23rd, 2017 2:28 PM
In recent days, race-obsessed MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson has again been going off the rails with hyperbolic accusations of racism. Not only did he oddly accuse Toys R Us of promoting "white supremacy," but he even made a crack about Republicans and the KKK as he described the Alabama GOP Senate primary contest as "the Ku Klux versus the Klan."
MSNBC Guests Slam 'Flat-Out Full Racist' Trump, 'Danger to Planet'
September 18th, 2017 10:25 PM
Over the weekend, the always ultra-liberal AM Joy show on MSNBC included a couple of especially noteworthy incidents of guests hyperbolically attacking President Donald Trump as frequent MSNBC guest (and former New York Times reporter) David Cay Johnston called him a "flat-out full racist," and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson claimed the President was a "danger to this planet" and "everybody in…