Joy Reid

Rubin Paints Tea Party As 'Angry About Race,' GOP Is 'Wackadoodle'
July 28th, 2018 3:48 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during a discussion of the Tea Party movement's origin and evolution, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin charged that the movement is "angry about race" because President Donald Trump gave them permission to be, and ended up calling the GOP a "wackadoodle party." Host Joy Reid oddly continued to identify Rubin as "conservative" in spite…

MSNBC Conspiracy Theorist Maddow Fears Trump's Really a Foreign Agent
July 23rd, 2018 12:59 PM
Apparently sharing your wacky conspiracy theories is what counts for as news these days on MSNBC. Host Rachel Maddow sat down with Joy Reid on her AM Joy show July 21 to freak out about President Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin last week, gushing that his behavior clearly meant that he was secretly colluding with the Russians.

MSNBC Panel Attacks 'Pro-Fetus,' Not Pro-Life, Republicans
July 9th, 2018 2:08 PM
On Sunday’s edition of AM Joy, a discussion on President Trump’s potential Supreme Court justice pick turned into a full frontal attack on Republicans and the party’s pro-life positions. Three separate guests lambasted the GOP as hypocrites not fit to accurately call themselves pro-life.

Joy Reid: Media Were 'Enchanted' with Palin, Bush; Obama 'Too Erudite'
July 8th, 2018 4:36 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC host Joy Reid showed signs of being so far inside the liberal bubble that it's like she spent the last 20 years in an an alternative universe as she actually suggested that the dominant media were "enchanted" with George W. Bush and Sarah Palin because they spoke in a way that was not "erudite," but that Barack Obama was "disparaged" as "almost too erudite and too…

MSNBC's Joy Reid Wrongly Urges Twitter Mob to Attack Innocent Grandma
July 4th, 2018 11:29 AM
Soopermexican at The Right Scoop reports MSNBC weekend host Joy Reid wrongly brought down Twitter rage on a woman who never yelled awful things at a Latino boy at a heated California meeting on immigration as accused, and Reid had to apologize. Either Reid is not a discerning judge of tweets, or her Twitter assistant should be dismissed. Her retweet came from an account called "CuddleSweet," with…

MSNBC Guests Offer Glowing Defense of Incivility, Maxine Waters
July 3rd, 2018 11:01 AM
On the Sunday edition of MSNBC’s AM Joy, apologists for California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters and incivility were out in full force. The Root’s Jason Johnson and The Beat DC’s Tiffany Cross both lent support to calls to harass Trump officials.

Rubin: Sanders Should Be Harassed Publicly as a 'Life Sentence'
July 1st, 2018 3:49 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC contributor and Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin declared that Sarah Huckabee Sanders deserves a "life sentence" of being harassed publicly as she asserted that the White House press secretary "has no right to live a life of no fuss, no muss" because of her negative interactions with the press. The phony conservative columnist also freaked out over the…

Nets Misleadingly Claim Illegals Commit Less Crime Than U.S. Citizens
June 25th, 2018 6:21 PM
Over the past week, as the dominant media have been fixated on President Donald Trump's push to more aggressively prosecute those who cross the border illegally, there have again been questionable claims that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the native-born population. But the studies cited either do not make a distinction between legal and illegal immigrants, or do not look…

Rob Reiner & Wife Liken Trump to Hitler, Supporters 'Hardcore Racists'
June 24th, 2018 4:27 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC host Joy Reid served up a double helping of "Meathead" as liberal film maker Rob Reiner and his wife, Michele Reiner, spent a segment ranting against President Donald Trump and his "hardcore racist" supporters. Michele Reiner invoked Nazi death camps as she called Trump "evil" and likened him to Adolf Hitler. Rob Reiner repeatedly accused Trump supporters of being "…

MSNBC Wrongly Hints Ohio Purges Voters After 2 Years Nonvoting
June 17th, 2018 8:18 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC was again spreading misinformation on the Ohio voter purge law which requires registered voters to either vote at least once every six years, or at least respond to an address verification inquiry through the mail, in order to remain registered to vote. But -- as MSNBC has previously done -- a panel discussion heavily suggested that voters would lose their right to vote…

Johnson: Trump Admin 'Terrorists,' Comey 'Pissed' at His 'Black' Boss
June 17th, 2018 5:51 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's AM Joy, race-obsessed MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson accused former FBI director James Comey of resenting Attorney General Loretta Lynch for being a "black woman boss," and then went on to accuse Trump administration members of being "terrorists" who "terrorize people into leaving the country" to promote "white nationalism."

Schaeffer Slams 'Jesus-Hating' Pro-Trump Christians As 'Pimps of Evil'
June 16th, 2018 5:38 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy show, MSNBC viewers were treated to the latest in a recent string of Bible-thumping on the liberal news network to promote left-wing policy as anti-evangelical Christian activist Frank Schaeffer excoriated pro-Donald Trump white Christians as "pimps of evil" who are "Jesus-hating," and need to "repent" by voting against President Trump in the future.

Fluff and Falsehoods in MSNBC Gun Control Segment
June 11th, 2018 4:16 PM
Rather than hard-hitting journalism, weekend MSNBC anchor Joy Reid routinely allows soft answers and vague replies from her liberal guests. An interview on Sunday was no exception, when the AM Joy host asked Democrat Lucy McBath, congressional candidate for Georgia’s 6th district, questions about her stance on gun control.

MSNBC Panelists Become Unhinged Over Trump's Saturday Press Conference
June 10th, 2018 10:23 AM
A highly-informed friend called me early Saturday afternoon and told me how impressed he was with Donald Trump's knowledge, temperament, and poise at the Saturday morning's press conference held just before the President was to leave for Singapore. Over at MSNBC, the guests on Saturday's AM Joy show certainly didn't view Trump's performance similarly. They relentlessly attacked Trump's mental…