John Blackstone
CBS Evening News Blames Thursday’s Severe Weather on Global Warming
November 5th, 2015 9:23 PM
Thursday’s CBS Evening News led with the severe weather threatening those in the Midwest, but in addition to looking at the storm track and damage thus far, the storms were hyped as a consequence of global warming. Anchor Scott Pelley ruled in an opening tease that “[t]ornadoes in Texas” struck “on the same day that a new study blames climate change for a surge in severe storms and wildfires.”

Nets Hype 'Potential Nightmare' from 'Well-Armed' Anti-Obama Protest
October 9th, 2015 10:31 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's Friday evening newscasts all spotlighted how "gun rights supporters, many of them openly armed" protested President Obama as he visited Roseburg, Oregon to comfort family members of the victims of the recent mass shooting there. CBS's John Blackstone played up how "the protesters gathered at the Roseburg airport carried both signs and guns – a potential nightmare for the…

CBS Boggled By Nuns' Refusal to Sell to 'Nice Girl' Katy Perry
July 21st, 2015 5:03 PM
Gayle King expressed her astonishment on Tuesday's CBS This Morning that two Catholic sisters were unmoved by Katy Perry, after the hyper-sexualized pop singer sang to them in an attempt to get them to sell their property in Los Angeles to her: "I was surprised to hear they met her, and still weren't impressed, because – you know, she's a doll! She's a really, really nice, nice girl."
CBS Uses Sanctuary Cities to Push Immigration as ‘Tough Issue' for GOP
July 10th, 2015 11:29 AM
On the heels of the decision by Monday’s NBC Nightly News to heavily inject politics into the murder of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle allegedly by an illegal immigrant, Friday’s CBS This Morning used the issue of sanctuary cities to somehow spin it as part of the immigration debate that’s “a tough issue for Republicans.” Correspondent Jan Crawford explained that sanctuary cities “have long been…
Shameless NBC Uses Murder by Illegal Immigrant to Bash GOP, Trump
July 6th, 2015 9:48 PM
Monday’s network evening newscasts offered continuing coverage on the July 1 murder of a San Francisco woman allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant, but it was NBC Nightly News that shamelessly used the occasion to blast "the new Todd Akin" in Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for having “seized upon” the story to promote his stance on illegal immigration as the GOP is “…
CBS Discovers That Mandatory Wage Hikes Can Kill Jobs
April 21st, 2015 4:56 PM
Introducing a report on Tuesday's CBS This Morning that examined the negative impact of forcing a wage hike on small businesses, co-host Norah O'Donnell declared: "A theater drama is playing out this morning in Los Angeles. The country's largest stage actors union votes on a plan forcing tiny theaters to pay everyone the minimum wage....many performers say getting a raise will do them more harm…

CBS Highlights California Legislator Under Attack for Vaccine Bill
April 17th, 2015 4:02 PM
It wasn’t just children who were running fevers after the recent measles outbreak at Disneyland. California parents' and lawmakers’ temperatures were also rising over the subject of vaccination legislation.
On April 16, CBS This Morning reported that vaccination opponents lashed out at California State Senator Richard Pan, a Democrat, for sponsoring SB–277; a bill which would eliminate…
VA Sec. Admits to Lying About His Military Record; Will Nets Report?
February 24th, 2015 1:06 AM
In an interview with The Huffington Post published on Monday night, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald admitted to falsely claiming in a segment on January 30's CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley on January 30 that he had served in U.S. Army Special Forces during his service from mid-1970s to 1980.
McDonald retracted what he had told a homeless veteran in Los Angeles by saying, in…

CBS Cheers Gov. Jerry Brown’s Liberal Record As California Governor
January 12th, 2015 11:32 AM
On Sunday, CBS News Sunday Morning reporter John Blackstone sat down with Governor Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) for an exclusive interview aimed at promoting the long-time liberal’s political career. The nearly 9 minute interview featured Blackstone heaping praise on the California Democrat while offering no critique of his liberal record in office. Instead, the CBS reporter spun Brown’s tenure as “…
CBS Guest: Tearing Down NFL Stadium Is Racist
January 8th, 2015 10:12 AM
The NFL’s San Francisco 49ers moved out of famed Candlestick Park in 2014 after more than 40 years, leaving the stadium with no permanent tenant. As a result, the city of San Francisco announced that the stadium will be demolished but not without criticism from many in the community regarding the environmental impact of destroying a structure built with asbestos and lead paint. On Thursday, CBS…

CBS Defends Ben Affleck Following Battle With Bill Maher
October 6th, 2014 10:03 AM
On Friday night, Ben Affleck appeared on Real Time w/ Bill Maher and participated in a heated debate with fellow liberal Bill Maher over radical Islam’s influence on the Muslim world. Following the highly contentious fight, Monday’s CBS This Morning did its best to defend Affleck, portraying him as a well-respected liberal who “is known not only as an actor and Oscar-winning producer but also as …
CBS Hosts Hail California's Ban On Plastic Bags As 'Great Idea'
October 1st, 2014 12:53 PM
In a report for Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent John Blackstone touted California passing a law to ban plastic bags from grocery stores as "a victory for those who've declared the single-use plastic bag an environmental enemy." Leading off a similar segment on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, he declared: "You see them everywhere, plastic bags by the road, by the water, in landfills. But…
Matthews on Arizona Gun Range Tragedy: ‘This Is Where You Get When Y
August 28th, 2014 1:02 AM
Chris Matthews devoted a segment during his MSNBC show Hardball on Wednesday evening to the tragic shooting death of a firearms instructor at a Arizona gun range after a nine-year-old girl accidently shot him with an Uzi submachine gun. Instead of discussing how tragic this incident was or possible safety measures to take in the future, Matthews and his guests chose to rail against the National…

CBS Hypes Lefty San Francisco Tax on Buses as a 'Symbol of Income Ineq
January 22nd, 2014 3:41 PM
CBS This Morning journalists on Wednesday pushed a new San Francisco tax on buses as a symbol of "income inequality" and failed to identify a liberal organization supporting the move. The progressive city approved a $1 per stop tax on tech company buses that transport employees to the Silicon Valley. CBS journalist John Blackstone lectured, "The private buses have become symbols of income…