Joe Johns

FLASHBACK: Media (Wrongly!) Claimed GA Law Would ‘Restrict’ Voting
Three years ago, the liberal media trumpeted how a new Georgia law would “make it harder to vote,” “restrict voting rights” or amounted to “voter suppression.” This week’s record turnout showed those claims were utterly wrong.

FLASHBACK: When CNN Censored Obama’s 2008 Memorial Day Idiocy
How far would a liberal network go to protect their favorite candidate? Sixteen years ago, CNN deliberately censored a blunder by likely Democratic nominee Barack Obama, when in a Memorial Day speech before veterans, he stupidly said of America’s “fallen heroes” that “I see many of them in the audience here today.”

CNN Fears March for Life: Abortion 'Is More In Peril Than Ever Before'
Unlike most in the media, CNN's Kate Bolduan actually acknowledged the existence of the annual March for Life on Friday's installment of At This Hour, but instead of highlighting the pro-life movement or even having a debate on the issue, Bolduan used the occasion to warn that that the "right" to an abortion has never been in greater jeopardy.

WORST OF 2021: The GOP Wants to Bring Back Jim Crow Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2021: The GOP Wants to Bring Back Jim Crow Award.

Nutty CNN Report: ‘New Jim Crow’ in GA Will Keep Blacks From Voting
CNN Tonight tried to scare viewers that new GOP election laws like the one in Georgia were the same as “Jim Crow” racial segregation rules of the South from over half a century ago.

FLASHBACK: When the Media Championed Election Objectors
Democrats in Congress have protested every Republican presidential election for the past 20 years, without the media accusing them of attacking democracy itself. Yet in 2004, when California Senator Barbara Boxer joined with Ohio Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones to object to the certification of Ohio’s electors — as some Republicans pledge to do on Wednesday — the media treated the…

CNN, MSNBC Go GAGA Over Kamala Harris Receiving COVID Vaccine
On Tuesday, both networks demonstrated their role as sycophants for the Biden-Harris administration by gushing over Kamala Harris receiving her COVID vaccine, the nurse who was selected to administer it, and where Harris went to get it while downplaying her anti-vaccine position during the campaign (simply because of who's occupied the White House).

CNN Rips Trump When He's Out Rallying, Now Rips Trump for 'Hiding'
On CNN's New Day this morning, co-host John Berman trolled President Trump over the low profile he's maintained since the election. His voice dripping with sarcasm and disdain, Berman repeatedly suggested that the president is "hiding" [see also chyron] out of "embarrassment," or a lack of "conviction" or "energy." He surmised that the president doesn't want to answer questions "about losing…

CNN Anchor: Don't Show Trump Unmasking! That's Going to KILL People!'
On CNN's New Day, co-host John Berman frantically orders the producer not to roll the clip of President Trump removing his mask on a White House balcony, saying "that's going to kill people!"

VIDEO: Media Have Spent Decades Covering For Biden's Gaffes
When Republicans make a mistake, they get pilloried by the national press. But when Democrats blunder and fumble, they can usually count on a friendly news media to help them clean up the mess. Which is good news for Joe Biden.

Stooges at CNN Wounded That Trump Is Undoing THIS Obama Power Grab
On Thursday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota brought on senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns to race bait over President Trump’s decision to rescind Barack Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) policy. Johns unabashedly lied by claiming that Trump rescinded the policy to appeal to “white suburban voters” and to inflame “racial divisions and the racial culture…

Deranged: CNN Makes John Lewis’s D.C. Memorial All About Hating Trump
Like we saw with the 2018 passings of John McCain and former President George H.W. Bush, CNN’s poisonous operation refused to simply honor the late Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and his legacy. Instead, CNN personalities fixated Monday on Lewis through the lens of bashing President Trump. Even though he would have been attacked if he had done so, they also harped on the President declining to…

CNN Misleadingly Claims Trump 'Misleading' on Police Violence
Even though CNN has spent years misleading its viewers about the racial breakdown of suspects who are killed by police officers, CNN's New Day show on Wednesday complained that President Donald Trump was being "misleading" by pointing out that more whites than blacks are killed.