
Matthews Harps On 'How Bad It Was' in Catholic Church's Recent Past

September 26th, 2015 11:00 AM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews revealed his loathing for a part of his Catholic upbringing on Wednesday's Hardball, and ended up mangling the theology behind a beautiful and ancient Church ritual for new mothers. Matthews turned to Catholic dissident Sister Simone Campbell for her take on Pope Francis's visit. Sister Campbell touted her liberal "Nuns on the Bus" campaign as a supposed way to "take the…

Matthews: Women Could Be Priests If Rome Allowed Married Clergy First

September 23rd, 2015 8:52 PM
Cradle Catholic Chris Matthews spent the first segment of his September 23 Hardball program effusively praising Pope Francis, particularly for raising immigration and climate change in his brief remarks at a welcome ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House. But in a later segment, Matthews and guests Joan Walsh and Sister Simone Campbell lamented how even the liberal-leaning Francis is…

Walsh: Fiorina Lied or Was 'Delusional' About Planned Parenthood Video

September 17th, 2015 8:33 PM
Carly Fiorina is "either a liar, or she's delusional" regarding the Planned Parenthood sting videos, Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh snarled on tonight's edition of Hardball.

Joan Walsh: I Don't Know Any Liberals Outraged by Illegal Immigration

August 30th, 2015 9:34 AM
Looks like Up With Steve Kornacki is becoming the go-to place for liberals to let their radical cats out of the bag . . . Yesterday, as we reported here, Josh Barro of the New York Times said that the only way to impact violent crime is to undertake a "massive" gun grab. Today, it was the turn of Salon's Joan Walsh to admit that she doesn't know "any liberals upset--outraged" by illegal…

Michael Steele Rebukes Condescending Joan Walsh Re: Trump Fans

July 30th, 2015 9:30 PM
Chastised by former GOP chairman Michael Steele for her haughty, condescending attitude towards"low[est] common denominator middle-class Republican voters who are at the very least giving Donald Trump a fair hearing, Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh shot back, "I'm much more one of them than he is," adding, "I wasn't born to wealth, for God's sake, Michael Steele!"

Joan Walsh: On Race and Poverty, GOP Favors ‘Zombie Reaganism’

May 6th, 2015 11:25 AM
Some pundits have speculated that the Baltimore riots may benefit Republicans in next year’s elections. On the other hand, Walsh, of Salon and MSNBC, thinks that the unrest has yielded an opportunity for liberalism. In a two-part series, Walsh argued that one lesson of Baltimore is that Democrats' Bill Clintonesque center-left “approach to race, crime and inequality” has proved inadequate, and…

Leftist Journos: Praising 'Baltimore Mom' Is Racist

April 30th, 2015 10:16 PM
By now, most of us have seen "Baltimore Mom" Toya Graham take matters into her own hands when she saw her son participating in Monday’s rioting in Baltimore.  The video of Graham going after her 16-year-old son went viral, making her somewhat of a celebrity, others would say hero.  Many have applauded Graham and her actions, while some in the media – particularly in liberal outlets like…

Shorter Joan Walsh: Don't Worry About Iran's New Russian Missiles

April 21st, 2015 9:18 PM
Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh is not worried in the least about Iran's arming/equipping of anti-Israel, anti-American Houthi rebels in Yemen, nor in the Islamic Republic obtaining Russian-made surface-to-air missiles which could take down American or Israeli jets seeking to bomb nuclear facilities. "This is a nuclear deal, it's not an everything deal," Walsh huffed in reaction to mild…

Editor: 'Nothing Says Let's Go Kill Some Muslims Like Country Music'

March 26th, 2015 1:23 PM
Yet again, MSNBC had to issue an on-air apology, after one of its left-wing guests on Wednesday made an outrageous statement. On Now With Alex Wagner,'s senior editor Jamilah Lemieux responded to Senator Ted Cruz's statement about listening to country music after 9/11 by snarking, "Nothing says, let's go kill some Muslims like country music....I mean, really? That's absurd."

Joan Walsh Offended RNC Moved to Block Chris Matthews From Debates

February 25th, 2015 4:59 PM
He's compared Newt Gingrich to Satan, spewed that Dick Cheney "created ISIS," and railed that socially conservative devout Catholic Rick Santorum wants to set up a theocracy in America. Yet for some strange reason, Salon's Joan Walsh just doesn't get why conservatives and Republicans think it would be patently absurd for them to let MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews to ask questions at a GOP…

Salon: ‘Parents Owning Children is Staple of Right-Wing Rhetoric'

February 3rd, 2015 2:08 PM
After a nationwide outbreak of measles and other formerly-eradicated diseases have made a comeback, largely due to internet-driven fear mongering about a disproved link between autism and vaccines, a national discussion on whether vaccinations should be mandated by government or parents should have the right to opt-out has ensued.  Some politicians on the right like Gov. Chris Christie and Sen.…

Chris Matthews Suggests Dick Cheney Takes Sadistic Pleasure in Torture

December 9th, 2014 8:35 PM
On the December 9 edition of his Hardball program, host Chris Matthews suggested that former Vice President Dick Cheney is a masochist who should not be trusted with the call about when to deploy potentially torturous enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorist detainees.

Salon's Walsh: It's 'No Accident' Ebola Victim Died in 'Perry's Texas'

October 9th, 2014 7:48 PM
While liberals always hate to “let a good tragedy go to waste,” Joan Walsh – editor at large of Salon magazine – might have set a new record for implementing that strategy just hours after Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan died on Thursday. “It’s probably no accident,” she declared, that the Liberian's passing “happened in [governor] Rick Perry’s Texas. More than 1.5 million Texans, with a…

Chris Matthews Attacks Resilient GOP 'Bad Boys,' No Mention of Rangel

September 16th, 2014 9:04 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews turned a September 16 Politico story about three ne'er-do-well Republican congressmen who are likely to get reelected into an excuse for a Hardball segment to hand-wring about why voters this November are likely to return them handily to Congress. Nowhere in the story, however, did any perpetually ethically-challenged Democratic incumbent get held up as a counterpoint.