ABC Spins Obama's 'Grand Bargin': Why Would GOP 'Reject a Tax Cut for

July 31st, 2013 12:50 PM
  Although most of the evening newscasts on Tuesday and morning shows on Wednesday ignored Barack Obama's plan for a "grand bargain," ABC's Good Morning America covered the latest budget move and wondered why Republicans would "reject a tax cut for corporations." Reporter Jim Avila offered an incomplete description of the President's latest plan, citing personal animus on the part of the…

ABC Pushes 'Historic' Immigration Bill, Laments Fate in 'Inhospitable

June 28th, 2013 12:20 PM
The journalists at Good Morning America on Friday worried that "inhospitable" Republicans in the House would leave the Senate immigration bill as "half-made history." Reporters Dan Harris and Jim Avila offered little in the way of explanation as to why a GOP Congress member might possibly oppose such a bill. Avila lectured, "...History has been half-made. Now, the big question, will the…

ABC’s Jim Avila Hectors Sen. Sessions for Opposing Immigration Plan

May 24th, 2013 4:23 PM
Liberal media members love to demonize any politician who stands in the way of their notion of progress, and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) has planted himself squarely in the path of the current immigration reform train. It was no surprise, then, that ABC News opted to berate him in an interview posted online to the network’s Power Players blog. [Read the post and watch the video here.] Even…

ABC Hypes 'Startling Secret Tape' of Mitch McConnell and Aides 'Schemi

April 10th, 2013 6:54 PM
On Tuesday's World News and Wednesday's Good Morning Ameica, ABC's George Stephanopoulos and Jim Avila ballyhooed far-left magazine Mother Jones's secretly-recorded audio recording of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's strategy meeting with political advisers about potential opponent Ashley Judd. Stephanopoulos touted the "startling secret tape revealing how the Senate's top Republican…

Higher Gas Prices the ‘Price of Cleaner Air

April 3rd, 2013 4:28 PM
New EPA regulations could increase the price of gas by nine cents or more when they take effect in the next four years, American Petroleum Institute (API) scientists say. However, ABC, CBS and NBC  news programs gave little credence to those concerns, and hyped EPA’s claims of “significant health benefits” instead. ABC was the worst of the three. Diane Sawyer and Jim Avila on the March 29 “…

Pity the Fool: Celebrate April 1st with 8 Anti-Capitalist Journalists

April 1st, 2013 10:14 AM
Sometimes liberal bias goes so far it actually becomes absurd, like Roseanne Barr saying that she would bring back the guillotine in order to behead any rich people who wanted to keep more than $100 million of their own money. She set the bar (or the guillotine) higher than her $80 million net worth. But it wasn’t just extreme left-wing celebs like Roseanne and Michael Moore, news anchors and…

ABC Touts Bloomberg's 'Personal Fortune' Funding Gun Control Ads, But

March 25th, 2013 12:36 PM
Good Morning America on Monday hyped Michael Bloomberg using his "personal fortune" to promote gun control with new ads. Reporter Jim Avila used three clips of either Bloomberg or the commercials he's now running in 13 states. Just one pro-Second Amendment voice was featured in the segment. In contrast, when the Koch brothers supported the Tea Party with commercials, GMA's journalists warned of…

Five Reasons The Networks Have No Business Covering Business (Or the E

December 19th, 2012 2:22 PM
For many Americans, ABC, NBC and CBS are the major source of news on business and the economy. Unfortunately, this is like depending on the middle school student newspaper for information about important local school board deliberations. Network reporters are either ill-prepared to discuss complex issues of economics, finance and business or choose to be advocates for viewpoints rather than…

ABC’s Jim Avila: More Activism Than Journalism

September 19th, 2012 11:47 AM
Jim Avila may not be a household name, but he has become one of the most prominent news correspondents on television – averaging 130 reports a year since 1997. But he’s done much more than just report the news, Avila has become an activist. He made that name for himself and sullied the term “lean beef” early in 2012 with a series of stories repeatedly calling the beef “pink slime.” On…

Famous Journalist Brill’s Beef with ABC

September 18th, 2012 4:58 PM
Well-know journalist Steven Brill, who founded Brill’s Content, recently turned his critical eye to Beef Products Inc. (BPI) and its lawsuit against ABC. Brill, also a legal writer and entrepreneur who also started American Lawyer magazine, said of BPI’s suit: “as an aficionado of these cases, I can report that this is the most detailed, persuasive complaint of its kind that I have ever read…

More Media War On Food: Papa John’s CEO Roasted for Obamacare Commen

August 10th, 2012 1:51 PM
The media doesn’t like food much these days. Papa John’s Pizza founder John Schnatter is the latest individual in the food industry to draw fire from the left; in his case the he made the mistake of discussing the economic effects of Obamacare on his company. Outlets from the Colbert Report to the Boston Globe savaged Schnatter for having the effrontery of publicly explaining basic economics…