After the State of the Union Address, ABC Lauds Obama as a 'Go-It-Alon

January 30th, 2014 5:30 PM
  The journalists at ABC News have refrained from questioning Barack Obama's unilateral tone at the State of the Union address. Reporter Jim Avila on Tuesday's Nightline went so far as to compare the President to an iconic movie character. Regarding Obama's threats to use executive actions to accomplish his goals, Avila enthused, "This was President Obama, the go-it-alone Terminator, mindful…

Gloating Networks Hype Chris Christie’s Inauguration 'Crisis': Not E

January 21st, 2014 9:48 AM
All three networks on Tuesday morning continued to pile on Chris Christie, offering gloating coverage about how his “glory days” have gone terribly wrong.  After recounting everything that has gone awry for the Republican, Good Morning America's Jim Avila imagined, “You can almost see at the inauguration today, Governor Christie raising his right hand and shaking his head at the same time. “ […

It's the End of the World as ABC Knows It, Spinning Another Story as

January 15th, 2014 4:33 PM
 Spinning liberal-friendly stories as the end of the world is a popular thing at ABC. Good Morning America's Jim Avila on Wednesday hyped the scandal involving Chris Christie as "traffic armageddon," a hyperbolic term the network loves. On Saturday, Avila mentioned the "four-day traffic armageddon." [See video of both below. MP3 audio here.] As the sequester set in on April 22, 2013, co-…

Networks Torch Christie for Lane Closures, But Ignored Obama Admin's C

January 9th, 2014 3:01 PM
The same network evening news shows that ignored vindictiveness by the Obama administration during October's government shutdown were up in arms Wednesday over New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's "Bridgegate" and the possible tarring it could give his image. NewsBusters already counted 17 times more network coverage of Christie's controversy than of Obama's IRS scandal in the past six months…

Year-End Awards: Journalists Acting as Orderlies for ObamaCare

December 28th, 2013 9:03 AM
Today’s installment of the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” as selected by our 42 expert judges, the “Obama's Orderlies Award,” for championing ObamaCare. Back in 2010, this award was “won” by then-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann, who on January 5 of that year lambasted conservatives for daring to oppose Obama's big government solution: “What would you do, sir, if…

ABC Wants Dismissal of $1.2 Billion 'Pink Slime' Suit

December 19th, 2013 6:03 PM
A South Dakota circuit court judge heard arguments on Dec. 17 from both sides in the lawsuit by Beef Products Inc. (BPI) against ABC News over its coverage of lean finely textured beef in 2012. Reuters reported that ABC’s lawyers asked for the $1.2 billion defamation suit to be dismissed “as the news outlet stood by its reports and cited free speech protections.” BPI, a South Dakota-based…

Beyond Spin? Networks Unload on ObamaCare: An 'Embarrassing,' 'Botched

November 14th, 2013 12:11 PM
 At least for Thursday, the network morning shows admitted that ObamaCare is an "embarrassing," "botched" failure that has landed with a "resounding thud." ABC, NBC and CBS offered blunt, stark descriptions of the health care law's low enrollment rates and the disastrous implementation. Good Morning America reporter Jim Avila explained, "The President's signature achievement, health care for…

ABC and NBC Sympathize With Sebelius For 'Falling on Her Sword' Agains

October 31st, 2013 12:00 PM
  ABC and NBC journalists on Wednesday and Thursday hailed Kathleen Sebelius as "falling on her sword" and "taking responsibility" for the ObamaCare website debacle. On World News, reporter Jim Avila complained about the Sebelius grilling as a "rude grandstand" and a "three hour circus of a congressional hearing." He dismissed it as "official finger pointing day on Capitol Hill." Yet, on…

ABC Wakes Up to ObamaCare 'Lie,' But Knocks Americans' 'Cheap, Underpe

October 30th, 2013 12:32 PM
 The journalists at Good Morning America on Wednesday conceded that Barack Obama may have "misled the public" on the health care law, that "some call it a lie." But at the same time, reporter Jim Avila helpfully told viewers that Americans would be only be losing "cheap, underperforming insurance." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Anchor George Stephanopoulos introduced the story on Kathleen…

ABC Excuses Obama’s False Promise: Canceled ‘Cheap’ Policies Are

October 30th, 2013 10:04 AM
Jumping in to excuse President Obama for making the false promise (“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”), ABC News on Tuesday night rationalized how ObamaCare is simply saving people in the individual market from being victims of awful policies forced upon them by insurance companies.  On World News, Jim Avila cited the case of Julie Prince, who has been notified her policy will…

Fusion Network Debuts With Softball Obama Interview: Can You Do More f

October 29th, 2013 12:28 PM
 The new Fusion Network debuted on Monday with an exclusive Barack Obama interview. Journalist Jim Avila offered mostly softball questions and avoided any mention of disastrous launch of the ObamaCare website. Avila pushed the President from the left on immigration, wondering, "...Why if you have been able to by presidential fiat say that dreamers will not be deported, why not their parents?…

Name That Party: ABC Skips Dem ID of Gubernatorial Candidate at Undera

October 25th, 2013 11:56 AM
 All three networks on Thursday night and Friday morning highlighted the photographs of a gubernatorial candidate from Maryland at a teen party that featured underage teens and drinking. Yet, ABC failed to mention that Doug Gansler, the top tier candidate, is a Democrat. ABC featured the most aggressive coverage. Reporter Jim Avila confronted the "would-be governor." While showing a photo…

After Highlighting Outrage Over Military Death Benefits, ABC Barely No

October 10th, 2013 11:41 AM
  ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday rightly highlighted the "outrage" over the delay of death benefits to the families of fallen U.S. soldiers. A day later, the program's hosts barely had time for the story, allowing a mere 28 seconds (within a larger report). Reporter Jon Karl briefly referred to the "disaster on military benefits," but he didn't explain that a private charity had stepped…

CBS Notices Harry Reid's Kids' Cancer Research Gaffe; ABC, NBC Out to

October 3rd, 2013 4:04 PM
Nancy Cordes stood out on Wednesday's CBS Evening News for pointing out Senator Harry Reid's eyebrow-raising "why would I want to do that" answer to a question about approving funding for cancer research for children. Meanwhile, on NBC Nightly News, John Yang hyped how "200 patients a week...including about 30 children" had been turned away from "last-resort medical treatment" due to the…