Jenna Lee

CBS Issues Hollow Denial on Failure to Ask Kerry About Hillary Emails
October 9th, 2016 2:56 PM
As Mike Ciandella at NewsBusters noted Thursday morning, newly obtained documents indicate that the White House and Secretary of State John Kerry's underlings worked aggressively to "crush" any chance that he might be questioned about Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account for public business or her stationing of a private server registered under a pseudonym at her Chappaqua, New York…
Conan Jokes About Fake Book on FNC Hosts; 'Anchor or Porn Star?'
September 15th, 2015 6:34 PM
Late night comedian Conan O’Brien cracked a crude joke on Monday night at the expense of female Fox News anchors and specifically Jenna Lee and Sandra Smith as he displayed a fake book entitled Fox News Anchor or Porn Star. As part of a larger piece on (fake) books that failed to sell a significant number of copies, Conan quipped: “Here's a book – a coffee table book that just didn't sell. It's…

Rand Paul on Sequester Fearmongering: 'Balderdash' - 'President Is Mak
February 22nd, 2013 6:55 PM
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) had some harsh words Friday for all the fearmongering going on around the country concerning the looming sequester next week.
Appearing on Fox News's Happening Now, Paul said, "Balderdash. It’s untrue, unfair, dishonest, disingenuous. The president is making stuff up" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
More People Watched Fox News Monday Than Obama Town Hall
September 22nd, 2010 10:13 AM
The ratings are in for Barack Obama's televised town hall meeting on CNBC Monday, and they're pretty dismal.In fact, far more people watched the Fox News Channel's "Happening Now" with Jon Scott and Jenna Lee airing at the same time than tuned in to see what the President had to say. Potentially even more embarrassing, when you add in those that watched Obama in MSNBC's replay of the event later…
GMAC Continues Sponsorship of Bowl Game Despite $5 Billion Taxpayer Ba
January 2nd, 2009 5:39 PM
GMAC may be in financial trouble, but that isn't stopping the auto lender-turned-bank holding company from maintaining its corporate sponsorships. The question is - will anyone notice? In October, GMAC (NYSE:GKM) changed its legal status so that it would be eligible for TARP funds passed by Congress. Late last month, GMAC was approved to receive a $5 billion lifeline from the U.S. government.…