
CNN Slams Conway 'Lie,' Fails to Retract Muslim Ban Death Hoax

February 5th, 2017 10:18 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, on her final day doing the show, host Costello charged that Kellyanne Conway was telling a "lie" when the Donald Trump advisor initially mis-stated on the day before that a terrorist attack had occurred in Bowling Green, Kentucky, several years ago. But Costello's CNN show has so far not corrected CNN political commentator Errol Louis's debunked…

D.C. Press Upset Skype Seats at WH Briefings Took Away Their Time

February 1st, 2017 8:04 PM
On Wednesday, the White House took the historic step to involve four journalists from outside Washington D.C. in the Daily Press Briefing, but it didn’t sit well with many establishment media types inside the Beltway and New York City who complained they were too soft for their liking.

CNN Anchors Deride Pruitt as 'Climate Change Denier'

December 12th, 2016 5:44 PM
Long-term followers of American politics will recall that about a decade ago, the left began pushing the phrases "global warming denier" and "climate change denier" into the public conversation as a way of discrediting those who are skeptical of the preferred liberal take on global warming theory. The expression was reminiscent of the term "Holocaust denier" and was meant to suggest that those…

CNN Defends Misquoting Trump on Profiling Comments

September 20th, 2016 11:55 AM
At least eight times Monday on CNN, various anchors and correspondents made the claim that Donald Trump called for racial profiling. The problem is, he didn’t. Starting at the 4:00 hour all the way through early Tuesday morning, CNN journalists added the term “racial” to Trump’s comments on profiling to combat terrorism, even devoting entire segments to discussing his statement he never actually…

CNN, MSNBC Sprinted to Spin Hillary’s 9/11 Episode as Conspiracies

September 12th, 2016 2:15 PM
For weeks, the liberal media have been dismissing in all mediums nearly any questions being raised about Hillary Clinton’s health as conspiracy theories. Even after she admitted to not remembering a whole host of important details in her July 2 FBI interview about her e-mail scandal, the media stayed on message in denouncing concerns as illegitimate.

'New Day' Buries Terrorist Father at Clinton Rally Until Foley w/Trump

August 12th, 2016 5:40 PM
After initially burying the embarrassing campaign faux pas of the Orlando night club terrorist's father, Mir Seddique Mateen, standing behind Hillary Clinton at one of her rallies, CNN New Day finally gave more attention to the story after former Republican Representative Mark Foley managed to snag a similar spot at a rally behind Donald Trump.

CNN: 'More Conservative' Kaine 'More Moderate' Than 'Liberal Strain'

July 23rd, 2016 1:11 AM
CNN didn't disappoint on Friday's AC360 when it broke the news about Hillary Clinton choosing Senator Tim Kaine to be her running mate. Jeff Zeleny stuck to liberal media's talking points about the vice presidential pick, labeling Kaine "more moderate than the liberal strain driving today's Democratic Party." He added that the Virginia Democrat's "views on abortion are far more conservative than…

CNN's Zeleny: House Dem Sit-In Supported by 'Vast Majority of Country'

June 26th, 2016 3:02 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Inside Politics, CNN's Jeff Zeleny asserted that, although the House Democratic sit-in to protest in favor of more gun control was a "stunt," that it was a "stunt that the vast majority of the country supports." The CNN correspondent was presumably reacting to a flawed CNN poll which host John King had just cited claiming that 90 percent of respondents…

CNN Depicts 'History-Making' Hillary Clinton As Glowing 'Golden God'

June 8th, 2016 12:08 PM
CNN used some very noticeable video editing to transfigure Hillary Clinton on Wednesday's New Day. Correspondent Jeff Zeleny ran footage from the Democratic presidential candidate's victory speech on Tuesday night that transformed Mrs. Clinton into a glowing figure. He hyped how Mrs. Clinton was "savoring a triumph in her long Democratic primary fight — exactly eight years after extinguishing her…

CNN's Blitzer: 'Very, Very Embarrassing' Dems Couldn't Staff Caucuses

February 2nd, 2016 12:10 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer shamed Democratic Party leaders early on Tuesday morning, after correspondent Jeff Zeleny reported that "the Iowa Democratic Party...failed to adequately staff 90 precincts across the state." Blitzer first replied, "That's pretty shocking," and wondered if there was "higher turnout than they anticipated." The anchor later labeled the situation "pretty embarrassing." He…

CNN's Zeleny Fawns over Hillary while FNC's Henry Rules Bernie Won

January 18th, 2016 12:54 AM
Batting lead-off on the post-Democratic debate coverage of their respective networks late Sunday, CNN’s Jeff Zeleny and FNC’s Ed Henry couldn’t have offered a larger contrast as Zeleny gushed that Hillary Clinton “pretty much dominated” Bernie Sanders on “the issues” while FNC’s Ed Henry observed that it was Sanders who “dominat[ed] the agenda” with “his best performance so far.”

CNN Marvels at Hillary Aide Huma Abedin Checking Out the Stage

October 13th, 2015 6:22 PM
Just hours ahead of Tuesday’s 2016 Democratic presidential debate on CNN, the network was already in spin mode for Hillary Clinton down to the most minute detail as senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny marveled during The Situation Room at the sight of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin surveying the stage for Clinton to gather “a sense of what this evening is going to be.”

Blitzer: Obama ‘Was Embarrassed' of the U.S. after Oregon Shooting

October 1st, 2015 10:49 PM
As part of CNN’s live coverage Thursday night of the deadly community college shooting in Oregon, fill-in AC360 host Wolf Blitzer declared that President Barack Obama “was embarrassed of the United States in front of the world” when he commented on the tragedy and urged Americans to “politicize” mass shootings. Prior to Blitzer’s observation, Zeleny fretted the presidential campaigns like that of…

Zeleny: 'Joe Six-Pack' Biden Is a ‘Generally Excellent’ Campaigner

August 14th, 2015 11:22 AM
CNN senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny had some fawning words during Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360 for Vice President Joe Biden as he continues to mull a 2016 presidential campaign, referring to him as a “generally excellent” campaigner with an “authenticity that is really being craved in this election cycle.” As part of a segment on the possible run by Biden, host Anderson Cooper asked…