Reports: Obama Pal Takes Over ‘CBS This Morning’ With Dokoupil, Mason

May 2nd, 2019 4:36 PM
According to the New York Post’s Page Six and Variety, the CBS News is about to undergo some serious personnel changes. In addition to Bianna Golodryga’s previous departure, co-hosts John Dickerson and Norah O’Donnell have been booted from CBS This Morning for correspondent Tony Dokoupil and CBS This Morning: Saturday co-host Anthony Mason to team with Obama donor and family friend Gayle King.

CBS Misleads, Claims DHS Is Not Overwhelmed at the Border

April 30th, 2019 8:41 PM
First, the liberal media refused the admit there was a crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border. Then, they said there was and it was all President Trump’s fault. Now, according to Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, they’re back to claiming the Department of Homeland Security was not overwhelmed by a massive influx of illegal immigrants.

Nets Cheer on Biden Calling Trump a ‘Threat to This Nation’

April 25th, 2019 9:42 PM
With a video trying to tie President Trump to white supremacists, former Vice President Joe Biden threw his hat into the 2020 ring Thursday. That video won him the praise of the liberal media as both CBS and NBC kicked off their evening news broadcasts with his announcement. Each of the Big Three networks boasted about the video while downplaying his inappropriate touching scandals.

CBS Fears ‘Conservative Justices’ Allowing Citizenship Census Question

April 24th, 2019 10:50 PM
For hundreds of years, some form of question about citizenship has been included in the United States census form. But now that Donald Trump was president it’s suddenly a problem of epic proportions, that’s according to the liberal media. During Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor stoked fear of the question and the “conservative justices” on the Supreme Court that would allow it to be…

CBS Hails Hillary Weighing in on Mueller Report, Encouraging Dems

April 24th, 2019 8:53 PM
In an op-ed published by The Washington Post on Wednesday, two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came out of hiding to spout off about the Special Counsel report and to encourage Democrats to continue going after President Trump with endless investigations. In a report about Trump’s “battle with oversight”, CBS Evening News promoted Clinton’s words while painting Trump as in the…

ABC, CBS Excited By Biden Finally Announcing His 2020 Campaign

April 23rd, 2019 9:22 PM
Thursday is reportedly when we should expect former Vice President Joe Biden to formally announce his 2020 campaign for president. After fawning for Biden’s many hints for over a month, ABC and CBS were excited during their Tuesday evening broadcasts. Not so much for NBC, who brought up some of Biden’s lowest moments for liberals.

For a Week, ABC, NBC Ignore Yuma’s Migration-Caused State of Emergency

April 22nd, 2019 9:04 PM
Last Tuesday, April 16, the mayor of Yuma, Arizona declared a state of emergency as a result of the massive increase in illegal immigrants straining their resources. In the week since the declaration, Monday’s (April, 22) CBS Evening News was the only morning or evening broadcast network news program to mention it at all.

CBS Disapproves of ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy for Asylum Seekers

April 3rd, 2019 9:18 PM

Despite their own reporting from earlier in the week explaining how Border Patrol was swamped and at a breaking point that they had to detain dozens of illegal immigrants in an area under an overpass, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News decried the administration’s “remain in Mexico” program for those seeking asylum.

CBS News Reports Favorable Results of Its Own Poll, Ignores the Rest

April 1st, 2019 10:45 PM
Financing your own poll apparently means never having to say you’re sorry for the results -- especially when that TV channel’s news division simply chooses to ignore whatever findings go against the network’s bias. That was apparently the case late last week, when anchors for CBS News focused on the result that 77 percent of those polled think the entire Mueller report should be released to the…

CBS Touts Joe Biden's Apology to Anita Hill Ahead of Expected 2020 Run

March 28th, 2019 12:33 AM
Former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to announce a run for president some time in April and has been testing the waters and smoothing over rough spots in his past. As part of that effort Tuesday night, he made yet another public apology to Anita Hill, the law clerk who falsely accused Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. The apology drew the attention of the CBS Evening News, who…

CBS Buries Pelosi Against Impeachment, NBC Frets Divided Dems

March 11th, 2019 9:02 PM
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) made headlines Monday afternoon when she told The Washington Post that she was against impeaching President Trump unless it was absolutely necessary. For the evening broadcasts of ABC News and NBC News, it was the second topic they covered after yet another deadly crash of a Boeing 737 MAX 8. But CBS News buried it deep in the last few minutes of the…

ABC Ignores House Passing ‘Anti-Hate Resolution’, NBC Calls Out Dems

March 7th, 2019 8:58 PM
Precipitated by the recent vile comments from anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the House passed a resolution to condemn hate and bigotry in all its forms Thursday. Despite the overwhelming and bipartisan support that the resolution received, ABC’s World News Tonight chose to pretend as though it never happened. They instead chose to sensationally share the disturbing and twisted…

War ‘Minus the Fog’: CBS Celebrates Their Coverage of the Vietnam War

February 26th, 2019 11:00 PM
With the U.S./North Korea summit being conducted in Vietnam this week, CBS ended Tuesday’s edition of Evening News with a celebration of their efforts to help America lose the Vietnam War. Or as anchor Jeff Glor put it: it was “the realities of war, minus the fog.”

Will CBS Dump Broadcast TV's Least Anti-Trump Anchor?

February 25th, 2019 9:15 AM
According to published reports, new CBS News President Susan Zirinsky is considering a shake up at the CBS Evening News barely 15 months after the network installed Jeff Glor as anchor. If true, it would mark the departure of the least anti-Trump of the Big Three anchormen, just as the 2020 campaign is heating up. Compared to his predecessor Scott Pelley’s belligerent Trump bashing, Glor has…