Janet Shamlian
MSNBC Finds Sexism Angle in... NFL's New Stadium Bag Ban
August 20th, 2013 5:16 PM
Leave it to the Lean Forward network to weave a war-on-women theme into just about anything. Today the network's Tamron Hall and Janet Shamlian hinted sexism was in play with a new NFL ban on large bans in stadiums. The move, they complained, disproportionately affected female football fans who might set out for the big game with a large bag or purse.
Here's how NewsNation host Tamron Hall…

Networks Still Boosting Wendy Davis' 'Epic' Pro-Abortion Filibuster Al
July 1st, 2013 5:40 PM
The Big Three networks still can't get enough of Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, nearly a week after her extended filibuster against pro-life legislation on June 25, 2013. All three brought on Davis during their Sunday morning talk programs, and continued hyping the supportive response on social media that Davis received in response to her "epic eleven-hour filibuster", as NBC' s Janet…

Video: NBC Thinks Real-Life Noah's Ark Could Be Needed in Global Warmi
June 22nd, 2011 1:25 PM
During a fluffy human interest story on Wednesday's NBC Today about a man in Holland who built a full-size replica of the biblical Noah's Ark, correspondent Janet Shamlian turned serious for a moment, wondering: "But how realistic is this Dutchman's dream of doom? Because of global warming, the concept of a flood happening here is not unheard of." [Audio available here]
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NBC Sees ‘Conservative’ Toomey, But No Label for Sestak; Gearing U
October 31st, 2010 11:50 PM
On Sunday’s NBC Nightly News, during a roundup of several reporters covering a number of high-profile Senate races, correspondent Ron Allen was upfront in labeling Pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee Pat Toomey as a "conservative," but an ideological label for liberal Democratic nominee Joe Sestak was absent: "Conservative Pat Toomey, a former Congressman and businessman, has been…
Palin Stalker Compares Her to Nazis on Today Show
June 1st, 2010 10:48 AM
NBC's Matt Lauer invited on author and new Sarah Palin stalker/neighbor Joe McGinniss to defend his moving in next to the Palin residence in Wasilla, Alaska, on Tuesday's Today show, and the author had the audacity to play the victim as he compared the former Alaskan governor's actions to that of a Nazi. After Lauer noted the author was receiving "death threats" McGinniss screeched "It's a lesson…
Media: Tiller a Martyr, Abortion Not Killing and Pro-Lifers are Crazy
June 2nd, 2009 9:55 AM
George Tiller, the Kansas doctor notorious for his commitment to performing late-term abortions, was killed May 31 while attending a Sunday morning church service. By his count, Tiller performed 60,000 abortions. His clinic, Women's Health Care Services in Wichita, was one of only three clinics in the United States that offered abortions after the 21st week of pregnancy. Loss of human…
NBC Suggests Bill O'Reilly Fueled Murder of Dr. George Tiller
June 1st, 2009 8:43 PM
NBC, frequently the object of Bill O'Reilly's scorn for its biased presentation of the news from the left, provided him with fresh evidence Monday evening as the NBC Nightly News, unlike the ABC and CBS newscasts, found it newsworthy in a story on the murder of Kansas doctor George Tiller, who performed abortions of viable fetuses, to highlight “on the Internet, questions from critics of…
'Today' Spends 4 Hours Ignoring the 'D' Next to Spitzer's Name
March 11th, 2008 4:51 PM
With four hours of air time to fill NBC's "Today" show devoted a whopping 11 segments to the Eliot Spitzer scandal but not once did any of the show's anchors, reporters, guests, talking heads or even on-screen graphics mention the fact that Spitzer was a Democrat. "Today" co-anchor Meredith Vieira set the tone when she ignored Spitzer's party affiliation as she opened the March 11, "Today" show…