In the piece from reporter Janet Shamlian, viewers then heard from O'Reilly in a Web video clip from an un-dated episode of O'Reilly's FNC show: “In the state of Kansas there is a doctor, George Tiller, who will execute babies for $5,000.”
MSNBC shows earlier in the day, as well as Countdown later where Olbermann went on a full rant, played the same O'Reilly clip pushed by far-left Web and blog sites.
From the story on the Monday, June 1 NBC Nightly News:
JANET SHAMLIAN: ...The anti-abortion group Operation Rescue denounced the killing, but today its founder, Randall Terry, fueled the fire.
RANDALL TERRY: He was a mass murderer. He sowed death. And then he reaped death in a horrifying way.
SHAMLIAN: On the Internet, questions from critics of commentator Bill O'Reilly about his blunt remarks regarding abortion and Dr. Tiller.
BILL O'REILLY, IN UNDATED WEB VIDEO OF HIS FNC SHOW: In the state of Kansas there is a doctor, George Tiller, who will execute babies for $5,000.
SHAMLIAN: Now mainstream anti-abortion leaders worry the name calling and rhetoric could damage their place in the debate....